ansible / awx

AWX provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. It is one of the upstream projects for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.
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RFE: Implement Maximum Execution Limit for Scheduled Jobs #15124

Closed demystifyingk8s closed 3 weeks ago

demystifyingk8s commented 3 weeks ago

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New Feature

Feature Summary

Context: The current version of AWX allows users to schedule job executions, but it does not offer a way to automatically disable these schedules after a certain number of successful executions. This enhancement proposes adding a feature to limit the maximum number of executions for a schedule. For example, a user could set a schedule to run a job three times every day, but after a total of nine successful executions, the schedule should automatically disable itself. This feature would be particularly useful in managing resources and ensuring that tasks do not run indefinitely.

Consider a scenario where schedules are dynamically generated to perform specific checks a few times a day over several days. After the desired number of checks, it would be beneficial for the schedule to deactivate automatically.

Schedules in AWX function similarly to a distributed cron job. By implementing this feature, it would be akin to having a distributed version of the "at" command, enhancing the flexibility and control over task executions in AWX.

Use Case: This feature would be beneficial in scenarios where a task is required to run only a limited number of times, such as:


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