ansible / awx

AWX provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. It is one of the upstream projects for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.
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Stop pre-caching every resource in the system upon import #15128

Closed jbradberry closed 3 weeks ago

jbradberry commented 3 weeks ago

The awx import command can take a long time before importing any objects, if the user has a lot of objects already in the database. This PR changes the import command to stop pre-loading objects, and instead do a targeted search when the cache fails to have a matching object.

jbradberry commented 3 weeks ago

In order to test, I created 10000 dummy users (this may have been overkill), then imported 71 existing users using both versions:

In [1]: for x in range(10000):
   ...:     User.objects.create_user(f"bob{x:04d}", f"bob{x:04d}", '
   ...: lkjasd;flkja;lsdkjflksj')


$ git checkout devel
$ time awx import -vv 2> jenkins-job-import8.txt < old-engineering-users.json

real    37m27.151s
user    35m42.804s
sys 0m14.702s

This didn't even succeed; it crashed after it dropped the connection and attempted to reset:

DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Resetting dropped connection: localhost
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:https://localhost:8043 "OPTIONS /api/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1" 401 107
DEBUG:awxkit.api.client:"OPTIONS https://localhost:8043/api/v2/users/" elapsed: 0:00:00.017821 endpoint raised an error: /api/v2/users/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jrb/ansible/awx/awxkit/awxkit/cli/", line 25, in run
  File "/home/jrb/ansible/awx/awxkit/awxkit/cli/", line 152, in parse_resource
    self.resource = parse_resource(self, skip_deprecated=skip_deprecated)
  File "/home/jrb/ansible/awx/awxkit/awxkit/cli/", line 222, in parse_resource
    response = command.handle(client, parser)
  File "/home/jrb/ansible/awx/awxkit/awxkit/cli/", line 145, in handle
  File "/home/jrb/ansible/awx/awxkit/awxkit/api/pages/", line 425, in import_assets
    imported = self._import_list(endpoint, data.get(resource) or [])
  File "/home/jrb/ansible/awx/awxkit/awxkit/api/pages/", line 277, in _import_list
    if field not in post_fields:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable


$ git checkout cli-import-no-precache
$ time awx import -vv 2> jenkins-job-import9.txt < old-engineering-users.json

real    0m21.283s
user    0m1.794s
sys 0m0.084s

This one appears to have succeeded.