ansible / awx

AWX provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. It is one of the upstream projects for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.
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Issue with AWX Callback and Host Matching Error #15166

Open analissec opened 2 weeks ago

analissec commented 2 weeks ago

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Bug Summary

I'm encountering a problem with the AWX callback command and host matching. When I run the Ansible callback command: /usr/bin/curl -k --data "host_config_key=test-ansible-host" https://[AWX_SERVER]/api/v2/job_templates/1527/callback/

I receive the following response: {"msg":"No matching host could be found!"}

Here's some additional context:

Any insights or assistance on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated!

AWX version


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Ansible version

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Steps to reproduce

Expected results

Upon running the Ansible callback command, the system should successfully identify and match the host in the AWX dynamic inventory. The command should then trigger the specified job template on the identified host without encountering any errors. Additionally, the callback should execute any associated tasks or actions as intended.

Actual results

Upon running the Ansible callback command, the system fails to identify and match the host specified in the AWX dynamic inventory. Instead, it returns an error message stating "No matching host could be found!" despite the host being present in the inventory.

Additional information

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