ansible / awx

AWX provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. It is one of the upstream projects for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.
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Playbooks are not discovered in subdirectories within git project #15187

Closed YaronL16 closed 2 weeks ago

YaronL16 commented 2 weeks ago

Please confirm the following

Bug Summary

Suppose I have this repo:

+ Git Repository
    + ansible_directory
        + playbooks_directory

When creating a template, only playbook 1 and 2 will be available to choose. files more than one directories deep within the repo are not discovered, which is a shame for those using large repos.

AWX version


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No response

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Steps to reproduce

normal install using operator add a git based project with playbooks inside subdirectories

Expected results

I'd expect too be able to choose all playbooks in the repo

Actual results

I can only choose playbooks which are 0 or 1 subdirectories deep

Additional information

No response

kurokobo commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, is your playbook3.yml valid playbook? AWX does not list all existing YAML files but list YAML files that can be determined as playbooks. Also there is no limitation about the depth of the sub directories.

TheRealHaoLiu commented 2 weeks ago this is how we determine if a yaml file "could be a playbook"

TheRealHaoLiu commented 2 weeks ago

and here's the regex used to to scan the lines to determine if it "could be a playbook"

YaronL16 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, is your playbook3.yml valid playbook? AWX does not list all existing YAML files but list YAML files that can be determined as playbooks. Also there is no limitation about the depth of the sub directories.

@kurokobo all 3 playbooks are exactly the same. It couldn't be a problem with the file itself

YaronL16 commented 2 weeks ago

and here's the regex used to to scan the lines to determine if it "could be a playbook"

That shouldn't make much difference because the playbooks are identical yet only the first two are detected

kurokobo commented 2 weeks ago

Hmm okay, so please check:

YaronL16 commented 2 weeks ago

Okay after diving into the code I realize my problem

Apparently the project function skips any directory named roles which is exactly where my playbooks were placed, and ignores any files under it

Thats why my playbooks did not show up, after renaming roles to playbooks it works perfectly