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Block bug: Cannot get "My Content" same with #2238 #2686

Open zosmf-Mira opened 3 years ago

zosmf-Mira commented 3 years ago

Bug Report


I log in with my gitHub user name,mirayuan, and go to the page,, to do some trying because I want to import my collection ibm.ibm_zos_zosmf which always show url mirayuan/ibm_zos_zosmf. When I do this attempt, I deleted my collection user "mirayuan" and add another user ,ibmchas(not mine, just random searched to do my test), and saved it. Then I cannot get it back any more.

  1. login with gitHub user.
  2. go to the panel, "My Content".
  3. delete my username,mirayuan, from collection user.
  4. add another user in collection user.
  5. click save button.

Then, the panel "My Content" and “Import” are blanked and I cannot recover it.

  1. I can get "My Content" again.
  2. I can import ibm.ibm_zos_zosmf collection successfully.
  3. I can deprecate 4 roles of ibm_zos_zosmf, zmf_workflow_complete, zmf_cpm_manage_software_instance, zmf_cpm_provision_software_service, zmf_cpm_remove_software_instance. And if possible, I can deprecate 1 module, zmf_workflow.

    The panel "My Content" and “Import” are blanked and I cannot recover it.

    <img width="1107" alt="error collection user" src="">
zosmf-Mira commented 3 years ago

![Uploading error collection user.png…]()

zosmf-Mira commented 3 years ago

I renamed my name from mirayuan to zosmf-Mira, Space Content get backed and I'm waiting my name being added to ibm namespace by #2687. Now I want to know whether I could deprecate role or module of a collection or not? eg, for ibm_zos_zosmf collection, I want to deprecate 4 roles, zmf_workflow_complete, zmf_cpm_manage_software_instance, zmf_cpm_provision_software_service, zmf_cpm_remove_software_instance. And 1 module, zmf_workflow.

If yes, how? Per Ansible Galaxy Deprecating Content, role and collection could be deprecated. However, it seems only collection could be listed but role and module cannot in our view.