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Organization Rename #42

Open chouseknecht opened 6 years ago

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago

From @martbhell on August 21, 2017 4:32


Seems our roles don't update because we have renamed our organization to "CSCfi" on github. How do I go about changing the pointer to CSCfi? Would anybody still using the old and long link still work after this rename?

// Johan

Copied from original issue: ansible/galaxy-issues#278

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago


It appears that right now all of your Galaxy roles work. Or, at least the one I tested works.

I can update the 'namespace' in the Galaxy database, and that should accomplish what you're looking for.

I expect that once we change the namespace to CSCfi, then users attempting to run ansible-galaxy install CSC-IT-Center-for-Science.<role_name> will be broken.

Please confirm that you want me to update the namespace to CSCfi, and I'll get it done today.


chouseknecht commented 6 years ago

From @martbhell on August 21, 2017 16:53

Hello, update away please :)

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago


I had trouble moving the following roles:


They seemed to be duplicates, so I deleted them from the old namespace. However, they're not showing up under the new namespace.

Can you try re-importing these, assuming you still want them, and let me know what happens.


chouseknecht commented 6 years ago

From @martbhell on August 22, 2017 4:38

Hm. Some of those we do want and I can't re-add them.

When I now go to I don't see the roles of my new organization's name, they old ones still have the old name and I don't see all.

How do I get them? Do I need to remove and the organization?

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago

From @martbhell on September 8, 2017 5:23

Hello @chouseknecht ?

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago


Apologies. I have some time to work on this now.

Not clear on exactly what you need me to do. I see lots of roles under the new 'CSCfi' organization. What's missing, or what needs deleting?

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago

From @martbhell on September 12, 2017 16:23

Hi, when I go to my account and import and add role I only see old organization name, not the new one. How do I get the new one there?

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago


There is a link near the top of the My Roles page that takes you into GitHub where you can grant Galaxy access to your orgs. Look for "If you don't see all of your roles, review and add your authorized organizations."

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago

From @martbhell on September 12, 2017 16:47

ansible galaxy oauth is allowed access to the organization. I don't see that text on github. I see the role I want to update in galaxy by the way, it's just pointing to the old organization name it seems - if I do a reimport it does not find the new tag. The role I'm looking at is ansible-role-cuda by the way.

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago


Curious. What if you attempt to import it via the command line? You can use the ansible-galaxy CLI to authenticate with GitHub, and then start an import. Instructions here:

Sometimes, when a user has access to lots of repos on GitHub, the Galaxy server can't process and present the entire list. It actually gets throttled by the GitHub API. Perhaps that's happening here.

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago

From @martbhell on September 12, 2017 17:33

Cool! I'll give it a shot. Next update in a day or two.

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago

From @martbhell on September 13, 2017 5:53

OK that manual import worked and updated this one role, but we have as you say many roles. Does this mean if we want to update roles on ansible-galaxy (while keeping the old organizational name/symlink working) we need to run this command manually every time there's an update?

From the output below these two work:

But this one does not.

I got the below warning when I successfully imported/updated the role:

$ ansible-galaxy import --role-name=cuda CSCfi ansible-role-cuda
WARNING: More than one Galaxy role associated with Github repo CSCfi/ansible-role-cuda.
The following Galaxy roles are being updated:


To properly namespace this role, remove each of the above and re-import CSCfi/ansible-role-cuda from scratch
martbhell commented 5 years ago

Hello! Thought I would look at ansible galaxy again because I noticed in that the version in galaxy is oold :)

But when I login to I only see the old name of the organization. I don't see a place to change this in the preferences. So I can't import any roles from CSCfi organization.

$ ansible-galaxy login martbhell --github-token TOKEN
Successfully logged into Galaxy as martbhell
$ ansible-galaxy import CSCfi ansible-role-nis
ERROR! Permission denied.
# and the old cuda role from this original ticket..
$ ansible-galaxy import --role-name cuda CSCfi ansible-role-cuda
ERROR! Permission denied.
$ ansible-galaxy import CSC-IT-Center-for-Science ansible-role-nis
# this worked however, but that's not what I wanted..

And just to be sure I revoked the galaxy Oauth App in Github and signed in again to galaxy. Still could not import the cuda or nis role

martbhell commented 4 years ago

Closing this in favor of #2110 I have managed to get ansible-role-cuda updated in galaxy by adding the webhook to .travis.yml. Ah. Guess I can't close it. Ping @chouseknecht

VilleS1 commented 3 years ago

I am in same situation. ansible-role-cuda needs to be moved to another org and Ansible galaxy seems broken, from CSCfi to fgci-org.

VilleS1 commented 3 years ago

The permissions should be correct in github and galaxy but in galaxy the list of organisations is empty.

martbhell commented 3 years ago


'CSC-IT-Center-for-Science' is an existing namespace in Ansible Galaxy where me, Ossi and Martin(mathies..) are owners and it doesn't have any repos under it. I have now disabled it, if that helps..

easybe commented 3 years ago

@VilleS1 maybe you should create a new issue clearly stating your intentions. Do you want to move ansible-role-cuda to a new Ansible Galaxy namespace or should it stay in CSCfi?

I could not find a namespace for fgci-org. Otherwise, an admin of CSCfi can maybe link the repository from the new GitHub org to the role (by removing and adding it?).

VilleS1 commented 3 years ago

Namespace requested.