Open chouseknecht opened 7 years ago
From @smapjb on February 15, 2017 18:15
To get this working I had to
[root@galaxy galaxy]# docker exec -u 0 -i -t ansible_django_1 /bin/bash
[root@90b06225a736 galaxy]# /venv/bin/activate
[root@90b06225a736 galaxy]# /venv/bin/python /galaxy/ install
And because the ansible_gulp_1 container had failed I also had to
docker commit ansible_gulp_1 temp_image
docker run -v ${pwd}:/galaxy:z --entrypoint=bash -it temp_image
And then from inside the container
npm install
So clearly those tasks are failing in the ansible-container build
From @MarcusTomlinson on April 17, 2017 19:16
So the issue with gulp was that the package.json file from galaxy/ was not being copied over to the container for the "Install node packages" task to do anything useful. Unfortunately you get a 0 return from "npm install" even when a package.json file is not present, so all looks to have executed correctly during the build, when it really didn’t.
The issue with the django container was that by installing galaxy in editable mode (“ develop”) the egg-info dir was being dropped into the container’s /galaxy directory. Upon restarting the container, that galaxy folder (and consequently the egg-info dir) is overwritten with a mount of your local galaxy directory. By calling “ develop” from outside of the mount location and setting PYTHONPATH to the source directory, you can have the egg-info persist over restarts.
I’ve pull requested a branch for these fixes here:
From @smapjb on February 15, 2017 10:28
I have managed to get this up and running behind the firewall following the CONTRIBUTOR instructions.
I noticed the following fly by the logs on 'make run'
I similarly get the same when I 'make createsuperuser'
I have tried putting / /galaxy and even /galaxy/galaxy on the python path from 'make shell' but I can't get the galaxy-manage command work.
Too many new concepts in my brain at once, could use a pointer?
My setup is
Copied from original issue: ansible/galaxy-issues#234