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extra-vars cli option similar to ansible-playbook #69

Open chouseknecht opened 6 years ago

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago

From @cwarner-mdsol on March 27, 2017 20:21

We need to access a role via a private github repo using a personal token. Using ansible tower this means we configure requirements.yml as required but there is no way to pass this token via ansible-galaxy without adding it to requirements.yml bare.

I'd like to propose we introduce --extra-vars to ansible-galaxy. The syntax should be readily familiar so something like ansible-galaxy --extra-vars 'token=whatever' and/or maybe we polymorph --github-token but I don't have a good story for that.

The only work around that i'm aware of is to install the role before you use it, or setup a task to do so outside the workflow of a standard Tower run... this is painful. Which leads me to believe that many people are just stashing the token in their code; at least those people using Tower.

I'm not against doing this work but the main issue is that I need it now and don't plan on maintaining a copy of ansible-galaxy just for this. Anyone see any problems with this?

Copied from original issue: ansible/galaxy-issues#244

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago

From @DanyC97 on September 15, 2017 11:43

another use case is where you have a role with some tasks and you want based on passing in a variable value and jinja condition to generate you the role using ansible-galaxy init

chouseknecht commented 6 years ago

From @cwarner-mdsol on October 10, 2017 20:46

I can probably do some initial work here but it won't be for a little bit, so basically we'll run with the above.