Closed bontreger closed 12 months ago
This one is the token user is created after the sync step, which failed, so you can't get a token for the user that doesn't exist. I am rethinking how the skip works, as it just runs the playbook which is tested but if galaxy breaks the hub, its game over and hard to recover from. I may just change the order of the final playbook to account for something similar.
close as now fixed as well.
Encountered this issue in the earlier exercise as well, but skipped to make sure my configs/passwords were correct.
[rhel@control lab_exercises]$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml -l control playbooks/controller_config.yml
TASK [Include teams role] ** skipping: [control]
TASK [Authenticate and get an API token from Automation Hub] *** fatal: [control]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to get token: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden", "response": "{\"errors\":[{\"status\":\"403\",\"code\":\"authentication_failed\",\"title\":\"Incorrect authentication credentials.\",\"detail\":\"Invalid username/password.\"}]}"}
PLAY RECAP ***** control : ok=7 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=3 rescued=0 ignored=0