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New servicenow issue: attach-problem (Sandbox id: 8yadntpwmy6b) #570

Open taruch opened 3 months ago

taruch commented 3 months ago

There should now also be a problem referenced on the incident page.

There doesn't appear to be a problem referenced on the incident page, or an incident referenced on the problem page.

taruch commented 3 months ago

The playbooks run fine, but on problem page and incident pages (respectfully) in the records section at the bottom of the page it just says "No records to display".

cloin commented 3 months ago

The problem attach playbook was using problem.record.number instead of the correct problem.record.sys_id. This fixes being able to see the related incidents from the problem page but it seems the related records on the incident form is looking for problems where the incident is the parent which this problem is not a child of the incident. Must be a ServiceNow side configuration thing that I'll have to look at.