ansible / vscode-ansible

vscode/vscodium extension for providing Ansible auto-completion and integrating quality assurance tools like ansible-lint, ansible syntax check, yamllint, molecule and ansible-test.
MIT License
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Playbook Generation UI editable list edge cases #1367

Closed TamiTakamiya closed 3 weeks ago

TamiTakamiya commented 3 weeks ago

When An empty playbook is given to the Playbook Generation WCA API, it generates an outline with one list item with an empty text, i.e 1.. VS Code extension UI now displays it as 1. 1., which should be 1..

The editable list code should also be able to handle empty outline inputs. Even when an empty outline is given, it should generate one list item. If no list item was generated, user cannot add a new outline item. This PR includes a fix for that issue as well.
