ansibleguy76 / ansibleforms

A webapplication to create pretty advanced forms to run ansible playbooks or awx templates.
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Missing AWX workflow jobid information #170

Closed ronrem closed 4 months ago

ronrem commented 4 months ago


When initiating an AWX Job Template or AWX Workflow Job Template, ansibleforms displays: Launched template My first Workflow with jobid 54784 2024-04-26 12:59:42

Upon completion of the job, ansibleforms displays: ful 2024-04-26 13:03:05 Successfully completed template My first Workflow 2024-04-26 13:03:05

It seems that the 'jobid' information is not retained. Even in the job-log, no details about the job are available. However, upon querying the database, the following information is found: { "output": "ful", "result_after": "ful" }, { "output": "Successfully completed template My first Workflow", "result_after": "workflow" }

The job log resembles this Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 15 11 39

I require the Jobid for an AWX artifact lookup.

Thank you for your assistance. Regards Ronald

ronrem commented 4 months ago

Just to be complete: I need to fetch AWX JobID number: 54784

mysql> select * from job_output WHERE job_id = 70;
| id   | output                                                                               | timestamp           | output_type | job_id | order |
| 1727 | ful                                                                                  | 2024-04-26 13:03:05 | stdout      |     70 |   344 |
| 1728 | Successfully completed template Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS - Swiss Armyknife workflow | 2024-04-26 13:03:05 | stdout      |     70 |   345 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
ansibleguy76 commented 4 months ago

the database is incremental about the output. so i can make timestamps. use rest ap to the output. you can add a flag to get text with colourcodes.

ronrem commented 4 months ago

The API endpoint "/api/v1/job/70" doesn't have this full job output/jobid. It was available before, lost track of the working version. Link

ansibleguy76 commented 4 months ago

This output is from the API /api/v1/job/100 in my case.

  "status": "success",
  "message": "job ran successfully",
  "data": {
    "id": 100,
    "form": "test",
    "target": "test",
    "status": "success",
    "start": "2024-04-25T15:20:33.000Z",
    "end": "2024-04-25T15:20:43.000Z",
    "user": "admin",
    "user_type": "local",
    "job_type": "awx",
    "extravars": "{\"name\":\"vm1\",\"datacenter\":\"dc1\",\"cluster\":\"cluster1\",\"ansibleforms_user\":{\"username\":\"admin\",\"id\":1,\"type\":\"local\",\"groups\":[\"local/admins\"],\"roles\":[\"public\",\"admin\"]},\"__template__\":\"HelloWorld\",\"__credentials__\":{}}",
    "credentials": "{}",
    "notifications": "{}",
    "approval": null,
    "step": null,
    "parent_id": null,
    "subjobs": null,
    "no_of_records": 72,
    "counter": 20,
    "output": "Launched template HelloWorld with jobid 3601\r\n[DEPRECATION WARNING]: Ansible will require Python 3.8 or newer on the \r\ncontroller starting with Ansible 2.12. Current version: 3.6.8 (default, Sep 10 \r\n2021, 09:13:53) [GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-3)]. This feature will be\r\nremoved from ansible-core in version 2.12. Deprecation warnings can be disabled\r\n by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.\r\n[WARNING]: Found variable using reserved name: name\r\n\r\nPLAY [Hello World!] ************************************************************\r\n\r\nTASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************\r\nok: [localhost]\r\n\r\nTASK [Hello World!] ************************************************************\r\nchanged: [localhost]\r\nPLAY RECAP *********************************************************************\r\nlocalhost                  : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0\r\nSuccessfully completed template HelloWorld"
ansibleguy76 commented 4 months ago

I could extend the database with the awx job id, if that helps ? if so, please create a feature request so i can follow up.

ronrem commented 4 months ago

This is my full API endpoint "/api/v1/job/70" output, looks like the first AnsibleForms message does not get properly saved in the DB:

    "status": "success",
    "message": "job ran successfully",
    "data": {
        "id": 70,
        "form": "My first form",
        "target": "My first form",
        "status": "success",
        "start": "2024-04-26T12:59:40.000Z",
        "end": "2024-04-26T13:03:05.000Z",
        "user": "admin",
        "user_type": "local",
        "job_type": "awx",
        "extravars": "{ [truncated] }",
        "credentials": "{}",
        "notifications": "{}",
        "approval": null,
        "step": null,
        "parent_id": null,
        "subjobs": null,
        "no_of_records": 22,
        "counter": 346,
        "output": "<span class=''>ful</span> <span class='tag is-info is-light'>2024-04-26 13:03:05</span>\r\n<span class=''>Successfully completed template My first Workflow</span> <span class='tag is-info is-light'>2024-04-26 13:03:05</span>"

I was expecting the same output as you provided.

ansibleguy76 commented 4 months ago

AWX is not providing incremental output. That means I need to remove the overlap between 2 output, I do this to provide timestamps and visualize the progress. With native ansible, I get actual incremental output, so that's easy, there is no overlap. Sometimes AWX changes the output slightly and I miss the overlap, and that sometimes results in double output, I try to be smart and fix potential issues when that occurs. but you issue is having less output, I haven't seen that one before. Very strange indeed. if I store the AWX jobid, at least you could extract it from there then.

ronrem commented 4 months ago

Get your point, it would be very helpful if you store the AWX jobid in a unique key/value combination!

ronrem commented 4 months ago

What is the current status? Are you waiting for me, or am I waiting for you?

ansibleguy76 commented 4 months ago

I know enough... You can expect a new version soon

ansibleguy76 commented 4 months ago

will be available in 5.0.2... beta coming

ansibleguy76 commented 4 months ago

new beta is now being pushed. use image ":beta" instead of ":latest". And use ctrl-F5 to clear the browser cache. let me know the outcome (awx_id is available in both database and api call)

ansibleguy76 commented 4 months ago

I will close this... ping me if you think it should not be closed