ansys / pyaedt

AEDT Python Client Package
MIT License
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Failed to execute gRPC AEDT command: CreatePolyline #4994

Closed pasc1377 closed 1 month ago

pasc1377 commented 1 month ago

Before submitting the issue

Description of the bug

I would like to use the oEditor in the conventional way and create a geometry. I have created a minimal example for this. Unfortunately, it does not work because there is an error when executing the command. Do you have any idea why this might be?

Steps To Reproduce

Here the Minimal:

` import sys from pyaedt import Maxwell2d

sys.path.append(r"C:\Program Files\AnsysEM\v241\Win64\PythonFiles\DesktopPlugin") import ScriptEnv

aedt_version = "2024.1"

with Maxwell2d(project="Test", non_graphical=False, version=aedt_version, new_desktop=True, close_on_exit=True) as m2d:

ScriptEnv.Initialize("", False, "", 59522) # Port?

oEditor = m2d.oeditor
        "IsPolylineCovered:=", True,
        "IsPolylineClosed:=", False,
                "X:="   , "0mm",
                "Y:="           , "0mm",
                "Z:="           , "0mm"
                "X:="           , "1.3mm",
                "Y:="           , "1.1mm",
                "Z:="           , "0mm"
                "SegmentType:="     , "Line",
                "StartIndex:="      , 0,
                "NoOfPoints:="      , 2
            "XSectionType:" , "None",
            "XSectionOrient:"   , "Auto",
            "XSectionWidth:"    , "0mm",
            "XSectionTopWidth:" , "0mm",
            "XSectionHeight:"   , "0mm",
            "XSectionNumSegments:"  , "0",
            "XSectionBendType:" , "Corner"
        "Name:="        , "Polyline1",
        "Flags:="       , "",
        "Color:="       , "(143 175 143)",
        "Transparency:" , 0,
        "PartCoordinateSystem:=", "Global",
        "UDMId:="       , "",
        "MaterialValue:"    , "\"vacuum\"",
        "SurfaceMaterialValue:=", "\"\"",
        "SolveInside:="     , True,
        "ShellElement:" , False,
        "ShellElementThickness:=", "0mm",
        "ReferenceTemperature:=", "20cel",
        "IsMaterialEditable:"   , True,
        "UseMaterialAppearance:=", False,
        "IsLightweight:"    , False



Edit: Unfortunately, the code formatting does not work.

Which Operating System are you using?


Which Python version are you using?


Installed packages

annotated-types==0.7.0 ansys-pythonnet==3.1.0rc3 attrs==23.2.0 certifi==2024.7.4 cffi==1.16.0 charset-normalizer==3.3.2 clr-loader==0.2.6 contourpy==1.2.1 cycler==0.12.1 defusedxml==0.7.1 fonttools==4.53.1 fpdf2==2.7.9 idna==3.7 jsonschema==4.23.0 jsonschema-specifications==2023.12.1 kiwisolver==1.4.5 matplotlib==3.9.1 numpy==1.26.4 packaging==24.1 pandas==2.2.2 pillow==10.4.0 platformdirs==4.2.2 plumbum==1.8.3 pooch==1.8.2 psutil==6.0.0 pyaedt==0.9.10 pycparser==2.22 pydantic==2.8.2 pydantic_core==2.20.1 pyedb==0.23.0 pyparsing==3.1.2 python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0 pytomlpp==1.0.13 pytz==2024.1 pyvista==0.44.1 pywin32==306 referencing==0.35.1 requests==2.32.3 rpds-py==0.19.1 rpyc==6.0.0 Rtree==1.3.0 scikit-rf==1.2.0 scipy==1.14.0 scooby==0.10.0 six==1.16.0 toml==0.10.2 typing_extensions==4.12.2 tzdata==2024.1 urllib3==2.2.2 vtk==9.3.1

Samuelopez-ansys commented 1 month ago

Hi @pasc1377 ,

First, why are you using the AEDT API instead of PyAEDT? It is much easier.

line = m2d.modeler.create_polyline(points=....)

About your code, I think the polyline is not correct, I am trying to create it using the IronPython console, but the point definition is wrong, please record the script again, and try to re run the code to verify the polyline can be created.

pasc1377 commented 1 month ago


There are two reasons for this: 1) I have a lot of parameterised geometries in the "old design" and want to convert them to pyAEDT piece by piece. 2) The much more important point: I have done a few tests. Building the model with pyAEDT (2D electromagnetic) took about 1.5 times as long as with the previous version. For this reason, I thought that there could be time advantages if I did not use pyAEDT commands, especially for geometry creation. Have you observed anything similar?

When I insert a Maxwell2D design and click on "Tools-->Run Script...", the creation works. Here is the recorded script:

`# ----------------------------------------------

Script Recorded by Ansys Electronics Desktop Version 2024.1.0

18:03:40 Aug 01, 2024


import ScriptEnv ScriptEnv.Initialize("Ansoft.ElectronicsDesktop") oDesktop.RestoreWindow() oProject = oDesktop.SetActiveProject("Project2") oDesign = oProject.SetActiveDesign("Maxwell2DDesign1") oEditor = oDesign.SetActiveEditor("3D Modeler") oEditor.CreatePolyline( [ "NAME:PolylineParameters", "IsPolylineCovered:=" , True, "IsPolylineClosed:=" , False, [ "NAME:PolylinePoints", [ "NAME:PLPoint", "X:=" , "0mm", "Y:=" , "0mm", "Z:=" , "0mm" ], [ "NAME:PLPoint", "X:=" , "1.3mm", "Y:=" , "1.1mm", "Z:=" , "0mm" ] ], [ "NAME:PolylineSegments", [ "NAME:PLSegment", "SegmentType:=" , "Line", "StartIndex:=" , 0, "NoOfPoints:=" , 2 ] ], [ "NAME:PolylineXSection", "XSectionType:=" , "None", "XSectionOrient:=" , "Auto", "XSectionWidth:=" , "0mm", "XSectionTopWidth:=" , "0mm", "XSectionHeight:=" , "0mm", "XSectionNumSegments:=" , "0", "XSectionBendType:=" , "Corner" ] ], [ "NAME:Attributes", "Name:=" , "Polyline1", "Flags:=" , "", "Color:=" , "(143 175 143)", "Transparency:=" , 0, "PartCoordinateSystem:=", "Global", "UDMId:=" , "", "MaterialValue:=" , "\"vacuum\"", "SurfaceMaterialValue:=", "\"\"", "SolveInside:=" , True, "ShellElement:=" , False, "ShellElementThickness:=", "0mm", "ReferenceTemperature:=", "20cel", "IsMaterialEditable:=" , True, "UseMaterialAppearance:=", False, "IsLightweight:=" , False ]) `

Samuelopez-ansys commented 1 month ago

Hi @pasc1377 ,

This code works for me:

import pyaedt

app = pyaedt.Maxwell2d(version="2024.1")

oEditor = app.oeditor oEditor.CreatePolyline( [ "NAME:PolylineParameters", "IsPolylineCovered:=", True, "IsPolylineClosed:=", False, [ "NAME:PolylinePoints", [ "NAME:PLPoint", "X:=", "0mm", "Y:=", "0mm", "Z:=", "0mm" ], [ "NAME:PLPoint", "X:=", "1.3mm", "Y:=", "1.1mm", "Z:=", "0mm" ] ], [ "NAME:PolylineSegments", [ "NAME:PLSegment", "SegmentType:=", "Line", "StartIndex:=", 0, "NoOfPoints:=", 2 ] ], [ "NAME:PolylineXSection", "XSectionType:=", "None", "XSectionOrient:=", "Auto", "XSectionWidth:=", "0mm", "XSectionTopWidth:=", "0mm", "XSectionHeight:=", "0mm", "XSectionNumSegments:=", "0", "XSectionBendType:=", "Corner" ] ], [ "NAME:Attributes", "Name:=", "Polyline1", "Flags:=", "", "Color:=", "(143 175 143)", "Transparency:=", 0, "PartCoordinateSystem:=", "Global", "UDMId:=", "", "MaterialValue:=", "\"vacuum\"", "SurfaceMaterialValue:=", "\"\"", "SolveInside:=", True, "ShellElement:=", False, "ShellElementThickness:=", "0mm", "ReferenceTemperature:=", "20cel", "IsMaterialEditable:=", True, "UseMaterialAppearance:=", False, "IsLightweight:=", False ])

Regarding time, I did not notice it. But PyAEDT creates a python object for each line, which gives you full control of each component, but AEDT API, does not give it you this python object:

line = app.modeler.create_polyline(points=[["0mm", "0mm", "0mm"], ["1.3mm", "1.1mm", "0mm"]])

For that reason, it could take more time sometimes. I did a test creating 200 lines using both approaches, and this is the difference:


This is the code I used:

import pyaedt

app = pyaedt.Maxwell2d(version="2024.1")

for cont in range(1, 200):
    line = app.modeler.create_polyline(points=[["0mm", "0mm", "0mm"], ["1.3mm", "1.1mm", "0mm"]])
app.logger.info_timer("Line created with PyAEDT")

oEditor = app.oeditor
for cont in range(1, 200):
            "IsPolylineCovered:=", True,
            "IsPolylineClosed:=", False,
                    "X:=", "0mm",
                    "Y:=", "0mm",
                    "Z:=", "0mm"
                    "X:=", "1.3mm",
                    "Y:=", "1.1mm",
                    "Z:=", "0mm"
                    "SegmentType:=", "Line",
                    "StartIndex:=", 0,
                    "NoOfPoints:=", 2
                "XSectionType:=", "None",
                "XSectionOrient:=", "Auto",
                "XSectionWidth:=", "0mm",
                "XSectionTopWidth:=", "0mm",
                "XSectionHeight:=", "0mm",
                "XSectionNumSegments:=", "0",
                "XSectionBendType:=", "Corner"
            "Name:=", "Polyline1",
            "Flags:=", "",
            "Color:=", "(143 175 143)",
            "Transparency:=", 0,
            "PartCoordinateSystem:=", "Global",
            "UDMId:=", "",
            "MaterialValue:=", "\"vacuum\"",
            "SurfaceMaterialValue:=", "\"\"",
            "SolveInside:=", True,
            "ShellElement:=", False,
            "ShellElementThickness:=", "0mm",
            "ReferenceTemperature:=", "20cel",
            "IsMaterialEditable:=", True,
            "UseMaterialAppearance:=", False,
            "IsLightweight:=", False
app.logger.info_timer("Line created with AEDT API")
pasc1377 commented 1 month ago

Hi @Samuelopez-ansys,

Thank you! Now I can see what the problem was. And thanks also for explaining the reason for the time differences. If it were only a matter of readability and ease of programming, pyAEDT is unbeatable. It does make a difference in terms of time. A model setup currently takes about 1 minute and 10 seconds. With pyAEDT perhaps around 2 minutes.