ansys / pymapdl

Pythonic interface to MAPDL
MIT License
423 stars 120 forks source link

Empty element_components when cmlist is not empty #2406

Closed tletutour-an closed 10 months ago

tletutour-an commented 11 months ago

🤓 Before submitting the issue

🔍 Description of the bug

mapdl.mesh.element_components and node_components are empty dicts even though mapdl.cmlist is not empty

🕵️ Steps To Reproduce

from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl
import os
from ansys.mapdl.core import LOG

mesh_folder ="D:\\sandbox\\mesh_convergence\\"
vendor = "prime"
mesh_size = 0.5
LOG.log_to_file(os.path.join(mesh_folder, "mylog.log"))
this_mesh_file = os.path.join(mesh_folder, "{}_{}.cdb".format(mesh_size, vendor))
mapdl = launch_mapdl(nproc=4, loglevel="DEBUG")
mapdl.cdread("DB", this_mesh_file)


💻 Which Operating System are you using?


🐍 Which Python version are you using?


📝 PyMAPDL Report


PyMAPDL Software and Environment Report

Packages Requirements

Core packages
ansys.mapdl.core    : 0.67.0
numpy               : 1.24.3
platformdirs        : 3.10.0
scipy               : 1.10.1
grpc                : Package not found
ansys.api.mapdl.v0  : Package not found
ansys.mapdl.reader  : 0.52.13
google.protobuf     : Package not found

Optional packages
matplotlib          : 3.7.1
pyvista             : 0.38.6
pyiges              : 0.3.1
tqdm                : 4.65.0
ansys_corba         : 0.1.1

Ansys Installation
Version   Location
231       C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231
232       C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v232

Ansys Environment Variables
ANSYS231_DIR                   C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\ANSYS
ANSYS232_DIR                   C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v232\ANSYS
ANSYSLIC_DIR                   C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing
AWP_LOCALE231                  en-us
AWP_LOCALE232                  en-us
AWP_ROOT231                    C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231
AWP_ROOT232                    C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v232
CADOE_LIBDIR231                C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\CommonFiles\Language\en-us
CADOE_LIBDIR232                C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v232\CommonFiles\Language\en-us

📝 Installed packages


alabaster==0.7.13 ansys-api-fluent==0.3.18 ansys-api-mapdl==0.5.1 ansys-api-meshing-prime==0.1.1 ansys-api-platform-instancemanagement==1.0.0b3 ansys-corba==0.1.1 ansys-dpf-core==0.9.0 ansys-dpf-gate==0.4.1 ansys-dpf-gatebin==0.4.1 ansys-dpf-post==0.5.0 ansys-fluent-core==0.17.1 ansys-grpc-dpf==0.8.1 ansys-mapdl-core==0.67.0 ansys-mapdl-reader==0.52.13 ansys-math-core==0.1.3 ansys-meshing-prime==0.4.0 ansys-platform-instancemanagement==1.1.1 -e git+ ansys-sphinx-theme==0.4.2 ansys-tools-path==0.3.1 appdirs==1.4.4 atomicwrites==1.4.1 attrs==23.1.0 Babel==2.12.1 beautifulsoup4==4.12.2 build==0.8.0 cachetools==5.3.1 certifi==2023.5.7 chardet==5.2.0 charset-normalizer==3.1.0 click==8.1.3 colorama==0.4.6 contourpy==1.0.7 coverage==7.3.1 cycler==0.11.0 dcm2niix==1.0.20220715 distlib==0.3.7 docker==6.1.3 docutils==0.18.1 et-xmlfile==1.1.0 filelock==3.12.3 fonttools==4.39.4 fsspec==2023.9.2 geomdl==5.3.1 google-api-core==2.11.1 google-api-python-client==2.100.0 google-auth==2.23.0 google-auth-httplib2==0.1.1 googleapis-common-protos==1.59.0 grpcio==1.54.2 grpcio-health-checking==1.48.2 h5py==3.10.0 httplib2==0.22.0 idna==3.4 imageio==2.31.3 imagesize==1.4.1 importlib-metadata==4.13.0 importlib-resources==5.12.0 iniconfig==2.0.0 install==1.3.5 jaraco.classes==3.3.0 Jinja2==3.1.2 joblib==1.3.2 keyring==24.2.0 kiwisolver==1.4.4 lazy_loader==0.3 lxml==4.9.3 markdown-it-py==3.0.0 MarkupSafe==2.1.3 matplotlib==3.7.1 mdurl==0.1.2 miutil==0.12.0 more-itertools==10.1.0 mpmath==1.3.0 networkx==3.1 NEURON==8.2.2 nh3==0.2.14 nibabel==5.1.0 nilearn==0.10.1 numpy==1.24.3 numpydoc==1.4.0 openpyxl==3.1.2 packaging==23.1 pandas==2.0.3 pep517==0.13.0 Pillow==9.5.0 pkginfo==1.9.6 platformdirs==3.10.0 pluggy==1.3.0 pooch==1.7.0 protobuf==3.20.3 protoc-gen-swagger==0.1.0 psutil==5.9.5 py==1.11.0 pyansys-tools-versioning==0.3.3 pyasn1==0.5.0 pyasn1-modules==0.3.0 pydata-sphinx-theme==0.9.0 Pygments==2.16.1 pyiges==0.3.1 pyparsing==3.0.9 pyproject-api==1.6.1 pytest==7.1.2 pytest-cov==3.0.0 python-dateutil==2.8.2 pytz==2023.3.post1 pyvista==0.38.6 PyWavelets==1.4.1 pywin32==306 pywin32-ctypes==0.2.2 PyYAML==6.0.1 readme-renderer==42.0 requests==2.31.0 requests-toolbelt==1.0.0 rfc3986==2.0.0 rich==13.5.2 rsa==4.9 scikit-image==0.21.0 scikit-learn==1.3.0 scipy==1.10.1 scooby==0.7.2 SimpleITK==2.3.0 six==1.16.0 snowballstemmer==2.2.0 soupsieve==2.5 Sphinx==5.0.2 sphinx-copybutton==0.5.0 sphinxcontrib-applehelp==1.0.4 sphinxcontrib-devhelp==1.0.2 sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp==2.0.1 sphinxcontrib-jsmath==1.0.1 sphinxcontrib-qthelp==1.0.3 sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml==1.1.5 sympy==1.12 threadpoolctl==3.2.0 tifffile==2023.7.10 tomli==2.0.1 torchvision==0.16.0 tox==4.11.3 tqdm==4.65.0 twine==4.0.1 typing_extensions==4.7.1 tzdata==2023.3 uritemplate==4.1.1 urllib3==1.26.16 virtualenv==20.24.5 vtk==9.2.6 websocket-client==1.6.4 zipp==3.15.0

📝 Logger output file


=============================================================================== NEW SESSION - 10/12/2023, 10:25:15 =============================================================================== LEVEL - INSTANCE NAME - MODULE - FUNCTION - MESSAGE DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - No IP address was supplied. Using the default IP address: DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using default port 50052 DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using 'start_instance' equal to True DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using default executable. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using default run location. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Created run location at C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_qhjrajauzg DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using run location at C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_qhjrajauzg DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - check_lock_file - Checking for lock file DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using mode grpc DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using additional switches . DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using start parameters {'exec_file': 'C:\\Program Files\\ANSYS Inc\\v232\\ansys\\bin\\winx64\\ansys232.exe', 'run_location': 'C:\\Users\\tletutou\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ansys_qhjrajauzg', 'additional_switches': '', 'jobname': 'file', 'nproc': 4, 'print_com': False, 'ram': None, 'override': False, 'timeout': 45} DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Checking license server. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Starting MAPDL DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Starting 'launch_mapdl'. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - check_lock_file - Checking for lock file DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Writing temporary input file: .__tmp__.inp with 'FINISH' command. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Starting MAPDL with command: "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v232\ansys\bin\winx64\ansys232.exe" -j file -np 4 -b -i .__tmp__.inp -o .__tmp__.out -port 50052 -grpc INFO - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Running in the following command: '"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v232\ansys\bin\winx64\ansys232.exe" -j file -np 4 -b -i .__tmp__.inp -o .__tmp__.out -port 50052 -grpc' DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - MAPDL starting in background. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Generating queue object for stdout DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Checking process is alive DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Checking file error is created DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - _check_file_error_created - MAPDL session successfully started (Error file found) DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl - __init__ - Logging set to DEBUG DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - __init__ - Creating channel to DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _create_channel - Opening insecure channel at DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _multi_connect - Connection attempt 1 DEBUG - pymapdl_global - licensing - _check_license_file_iterator - Output from C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\.ansys\licdebug.AAP7yAvfo5sR80r.FEAT_ANSYS.232.out: 2023/10/12 10:25:19 INFO Starting Licensing Client Proxy server. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - licensing - _check_license_file_iterator - Output from C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\.ansys\licdebug.AAP7yAvfo5sR80r.FEAT_ANSYS.232.out: 2023/10/12 10:25:19 INFO C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v232\licensingclient\winx64\ansyscl.exe -acl 21252.4635 -nodaemon -log C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\.ansys\ansyscl.AAP7yAvfo5sR80r.21252.4635.log DEBUG - pymapdl_global - licensing - _check_license_file_iterator - Output from C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\.ansys\licdebug.AAP7yAvfo5sR80r.FEAT_ANSYS.232.out: 2023/10/12 10:25:19 INFO Started ANSYSLI server. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - licensing - _check_license_file_iterator - PyMAPDL is taking longer than expected to connect to an MAPDL session. Checking if there are any available licenses... DEBUG - pymapdl_global - licensing - _check_license_file_iterator - Output from C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\.ansys\licdebug.AAP7yAvfo5sR80r.FEAT_ANSYS.232.out: 2023/10/12 10:25:24 CLIENT_CONNECT 1/1/1/1 7396: DEBUG - pymapdl_global - licensing - _check_license_file_iterator - Output from C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\.ansys\licdebug.AAP7yAvfo5sR80r.FEAT_ANSYS.232.out: 2023/10/12 10:25:24 NEW_CONNECTION Connected to Licensing Client Proxy server: 54453@ DEBUG - pymapdl_global - licensing - _check_license_file_iterator - Output from C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\.ansys\licdebug.AAP7yAvfo5sR80r.FEAT_ANSYS.232.out: 2023/10/12 10:25:25 INFO Unable to connect to FLEXlm path; adding to "Unavailable FLEXlm Servers" cache. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - licensing - _check_license_file_iterator - Output from C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\.ansys\licdebug.AAP7yAvfo5sR80r.FEAT_ANSYS.232.out: 2023/10/12 10:25:25 CHECKOUT ansys 23.2 (2023.0505) 1/1/1/10 1/1/1/1 7396: DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _multi_connect - Connection attempt 2 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _connect - Established connection to MAPDL gRPC DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _multi_connect - Connected DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - __init__ - Connection established DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - __init__ - Attached MAPDL object to MapdlMesh. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl - __enter__ - Caching routine Begin level DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl - __exit__ - Restoring routine Begin level DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl - run - /SHOW SWITCH PLOTS TO PNG - RASTER MODE. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_qhjrajauzg DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_qhjrajauzg DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_qhjrajauzg DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Stopping license server check. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - licensing - is_connected - PyMAPDL has connected to a MAPDL session. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - input - Using python working directory as 'dir_' value. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_qhjrajauzg DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl - run - LIST ALL SELECTED COMPONENTS *** MAPDL - ENGINEERING ANALYSIS SYSTEM RELEASE 2023 R2 23.2 *** Ansys Mechanical Enterprise 00000000 VERSION=WINDOWS x64 10:25:54 OCT 12, 2023 CP= 31.062 NAME TYPE SUBCOMPONENTS CONTACT_0_NS ELEM CONTACT_1_NS ELEM CONTACT_2_NS ELEM CONTACT_3_NS ELEM CONTACT_4_NS ELEM CONTACT_5_NS ELEM CONTACT_6_NS ELEM CONTACT_7_NS ELEM CSF_NS ELEM DORSAL_WM_NS ELEM DURA_NS ELEM EDS_NS ELEM GM_NS ELEM INTER_0_NS ELEM INTER_1_NS ELEM INTER_2_NS ELEM INTER_3_NS ELEM INTER_4_NS ELEM INTER_5_NS ELEM INTER_6_NS ELEM INTER_7_NS ELEM THORAX_NS ELEM VERT_0_1_NS ELEM VERT_0_2_NS ELEM VERT_0_3_NS ELEM VERT_0_4_NS ELEM VERT_0_5_NS ELEM WM_NS ELEM DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_qhjrajauzg DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - get_start_instance - PYMAPDL_START_INSTANCE is unset, using default value True DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - exit - Exiting MAPDL DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_qhjrajauzg DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\tletutou\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_qhjrajauzg DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_server - Killing MAPDL server DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _ctrl - Issuing CtrlRequest "EXIT" DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_server - Killing MAPDL server DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _ctrl - Issuing CtrlRequest "EXIT" DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_process - Killing process using subprocess.Popen.terminate DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 21252 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 21252 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 23804 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 23804 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 24028 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 24028 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 3536 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 3536 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _remove_lock_file - Removing lock file after exit. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_server - Killing MAPDL server DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _ctrl - Issuing CtrlRequest "EXIT" DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50052 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_process - Killing process using subprocess.Popen.terminate

mikerife commented 11 months ago

Hi @tletutour-an & @germa89 & @clatapie This behavior has already been reported as an Issue:


germa89 commented 11 months ago

You are right.

Now #2041 is working ok, I think it should not be very difficult to fix this.