ansys / pymapdl

Pythonic interface to MAPDL
MIT License
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MAPDL server connection terminated when using parameters #2989

Open Clauperezma opened 6 months ago

Clauperezma commented 6 months ago

🤓 Before submitting the issue

🔍 Description of the bug

I have encountered this error frequently and have seen other posts about it, but none of them come up with a specific solution. Currently I can't roll my code, sometimes it breaks after a few iterations and some others after #40. I am attaching a part of the code to be rolled. The code is longer and in general the vector x is updated for each iteration. In this case I left it fixed just to see how it behaved and the error always occurs with the use of mapdl.parameters just like in my original code. I wanted to know if there is already a solution for this problem and if it may be related to memory usage. Thanks a lot.

🕵️ Steps To Reproduce

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl
from ansys.mapdl.core import LOG

mapdl =launch_mapdl(port=50053,additional_switches='-smp',mode="grpc",loglevel="DEBUG")

def F_hom(nel_mi,inci_mi,coord_mi,nnods_mi,D):
 import numpy as np
 for i in range(0,nel_mi-1): # Read the element and its incidence
  nel_i = inci_mi[i, :]-1

    # Determine the x and y positions of the element nodes
  posxy = coord_mi[nel_i[0:], 0:3]

    # Gauss points
  ng = 2
  pxi = [-1/np.sqrt(3), 1/np.sqrt(3)]
  peta = [-1/np.sqrt(3), 1/np.sqrt(3)]

  wi = 1
  wj = 1

  Nfun = len(nel_i)  # Number of nodes in the element
  Fg = np.zeros((2*nnods_mi,3))
  kel = np.zeros((2 * Nfun, 2 * Nfun))  # Initialize the element matrix
  fel = np.zeros((2 * Nfun, 3))  # Initialize the element matrix
  Bs = np.zeros((3, 2 * Nfun))  # Initialize the strain matrix
  DH=np.zeros((3, 3))
  DH1=np.zeros((3, 3))
  De = np.zeros((3, 3))
  De1 = np.zeros((3, 3))

  for j in range(ng):
   xi = pxi[j]
   for k in range(ng):
    eta = peta[k]
    N = np.array([1/4 * (1 - xi) * (1 - eta), 1/4 * (1 + xi) * (1 - eta), 1/4 * (1 + xi) * (1 + eta), 1/4 * (1 - xi) * (1 + eta)])
    dNxi = np.array([eta/4 - 1/4, 1/4 - eta/4, eta/4 + 1/4, -eta/4 - 1/4])
    dNeta = np.array([xi/4 - 1/4, -xi/4 - 1/4, xi/4 + 1/4, 1/4 - xi/4])

            # Jacobian
    J =[dNxi, dNeta]), posxy)
    iJ = np.linalg.inv(J)

            # Strain matrix Bs - solid
    p = np.arange(0, 8, 2)
    Bs[0, p] = (iJ[0, 0] * dNxi) + (iJ[0, 1] * dNeta)
    Bs[1, p+1] = iJ[1, 0] * dNxi + iJ[1, 1] * dNeta
    Bs[2, p] = Bs[1, p+1]
    Bs[2, p+1] = Bs[0, p], D), np.linalg.det(J)) * wi * wj
 return fel 

def solveU_homg(mapdl, nnods_mi,Fg,case_xy):

  if case_xy==True:
    # Apply nodal forces and solve the system
  with mapdl.non_interactive:'*get,num_nodes,node,0,count,max')'*do,i,1,num_nodes,1')  
        #for i in range(1, nnods_mi + 1):  
            #mapdl.f(i, "FX", Fg[2 * i - 2])  
            #mapdl.f(i, "FY", Fg[2 * i - 1])  
    # Retrieve nodal displacements for X and Y directions
  mapdl.dim('U_nodal','ARRAY', 'num_nodes',2)
  mapdl.starvget('U_nodal(1,1)', "NODE", 1, 'U', 'X')
  mapdl.starvget('U_nodal(1,2)', "NODE", 1, 'U', 'Y')

  U1 = mapdl.parameters['U_nodal']

    # Combine X and Y displacements into a single vector
  U_carga = np.zeros(2 * nnods_mi)
  U_carga[::2] = U1[:, 0]  # Assign X displacements to even indices
  U_carga[1::2] = U1[:, 1]  # Assign Y displacements to odd indices
  return U_carga

mi_nelx =100;           # Número de Elementos em x da célula de base
mi_nely =100;           # Número de Elementos em y da célula de base
mi_Lx = 1;             # Comprimento no eixo x da célula de base
mi_Ly = 1;             # Comprimento no eixo y da célula de base
mi_t  = 1;             # Espessura da célula de base
mi_elist = list(range(1,nel_mi + 1))
# Def41inir propiedades del material

E = 1 # Young's modulus in N/m
v = 0.3  # Poisson's ratio
xmin = 1E-3

steel_mat = 1"EX", steel_mat, E)"PRXY", steel_mat,v) 
void_mat = 2"EX", void_mat, E*(xmin**p))"PRXY", void_mat,v),"PLANE42",kop2=1)
mapdl.lsel("S", "LOC", "X",-mi_Lx/2) 
mapdl.lsel("A", "LOC", "X",mi_Lx/2)  
mapdl.lsel("S", "LOC", "Y",-mi_Ly/2) 
mapdl.lsel("A", "LOC", "Y",mi_Ly/2) 

  #Condiciones de frontera

coord_mi = np.copy(mapdl.mesh.nodes[:, [0, 1]])  # coordinates matrix
elem_prop_mi = np.array(mapdl.mesh.elem)
inci_mi= np.copy(elem_prop_mi[:, -4::])  

 # Calculo sensibilidade"/POST1 ")  # Post-processor module


 #Calculate x

V= np.zeros(nel_mi) 
C = []
x = np.ones(nel_mi,dtype=bool) 


factor = E / (1 - v**2)
D = factor * np.array([[1, v, 0],
                        [v, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, (1 - v) / 2]])
vol_frac = []
 #vol_frac.append(sum(x)/nel_mi) # topology vector

 #Condiciones de contorno U
  #Select side 0 and Ly

for ite in range(200):

    # Update material properties based on changes in x
 index_x = np.argwhere(x != x_anterior)
 for i in index_x.flat:
        mat_id = 1 if x[i] else 2
        mapdl.emodif(int(i + 1), "MAT", mat_id)

    # Initialize arrays
 Fg = np.zeros((2 * nnods_mi, 3))

    # Loop over material indices
 for elem_idx in np.flatnonzero(x == 1):
        nodes = inci_mi[elem_idx]
        ind = np.ravel([[2 * node - 2, 2 * node - 1] for node in nodes])
        Fg[ind, :] += fel

 mat_indices = np.argwhere(x ==1)    
    # Solve the system for every load"/SOLU")       
 Ux=solveU_homg(mapdl,nnods_mi,Fg[:, 0],False)
 Uy=solveU_homg(mapdl,nnods_mi,Fg[:, 1],False)

💻 Which Operating System are you using?


🐍 Which Python version are you using?


💾 Which MAPDL version are you using?


📝 PyMAPDL Report

Show the Report! ```text PyMAPDL Software and Environment Report Packages Requirements ********************* Core packages ------------- ansys.mapdl.core : 0.68.1 numpy : 1.26.4 platformdirs : 4.2.0 scipy : 1.13.0 grpc : Package not found ansys.api.mapdl.v0 : Package not found ansys.mapdl.reader : 0.53.0 google.protobuf : Package not found Optional packages ----------------- matplotlib : 3.8.4 pyvista : 0.43.5 pyiges : 0.3.1 tqdm : 4.66.2 Ansys Installation ****************** Version Location ------------------ 222 C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v222 Ansys Environment Variables *************************** ANSYS222_DIR C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v222\ANSYS ANSYSLIC_DIR C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing ANSYS_SYSDIR winx64 ANSYS_SYSDIR32 win32 AWP_ROOT222 C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v222 CADOE_LIBDIR222 C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v222\CommonFiles\Language\en-us ```

📝 Installed packages

Show the installed packages! ```text aiobotocore @ file:///C:/b/abs_3cwz1w13nn/croot/aiobotocore_1701291550158/work aiohttp @ file:///C:/b/abs_27h_1rpxgd/croot/aiohttp_1707342354614/work aioitertools @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/aioitertools_1607109665762/work aiosignal @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/aiosignal_1637843061372/work alabaster @ file:///home/ktietz/src/ci/alabaster_1611921544520/work altair @ file:///C:/b/abs_27reu1igbg/croot/altair_1687526066495/work anaconda-anon-usage @ file:///C:/b/abs_95v3x0wy8p/croot/anaconda-anon-usage_1697038984188/work anaconda-catalogs @ file:///C:/b/abs_8btyy0o8s8/croot/anaconda-catalogs_1685727315626/work anaconda-client @ file:///C:/b/abs_34txutm0ue/croot/anaconda-client_1708640705294/work anaconda-cloud-auth @ file:///C:/b/abs_410afndtyf/croot/anaconda-cloud-auth_1697462767853/work anaconda-navigator @ file:///C:/b/abs_cfvv8k_j21/croot/anaconda-navigator_1704813334508/work anaconda-project @ file:///C:/ci_311/anaconda-project_1676458365912/work annotated-types==0.6.0 ansys-additive-core==0.17.2 ansys-api-additive==1.4.1 ansys-api-dbu==0.2.5 ansys-api-dyna==0.3.6 ansys-api-edb==1.0.1 ansys-api-fluent==0.3.22 ansys-api-geometry==0.3.8 ansys-api-mapdl==0.5.1 ansys-api-mechanical==0.1.1 ansys-api-meshing-prime==0.1.2 ansys-api-platform-instancemanagement==1.0.0 ansys-api-pyensight==0.3.7 ansys-api-sherlock==0.1.22 ansys-api-systemcoupling==0.1.0 ansys-dpf-composites==0.4.0 ansys-dpf-gate==0.4.1 ansys-dpf-gatebin==0.4.1 ansys-dpf-post==0.6.0 ansys-dyna-core==0.4.13 ansys-dynamicreporting-core==0.5.1 ansys-edb-core==0.1.3 ansys-fluent-core==0.19.2 ansys-geometry-core==0.4.11 ansys-grantami-bomanalytics==2.0.0 ansys-grantami-bomanalytics-openapi==2.0.0 ansys-grantami-recordlists==1.1.0 ansys-grantami-serverapi-openapi==2.0.0 ansys-grpc-dpf==0.8.1 ansys-hps-client==0.7.1 ansys-mapdl-core==0.68.1 ansys-mapdl-reader==0.53.0 ansys-math-core==0.1.3 ansys-mechanical-core==0.10.8 ansys-mechanical-env==0.1.4 ansys-meshing-prime==0.5.1 ansys-motorcad-core==0.4.3 ansys-openapi-common==1.5.1 ansys-optislang-core==0.6.3 ansys-platform-instancemanagement==1.1.2 ansys-pyensight-core==0.7.8 ansys-pythonnet==3.1.0rc3 ansys-rocky-core==0.1.0 ansys-seascape==0.2.0 ansys-sherlock-core==0.4.0 ansys-simai-core==0.1.4 ansys-systemcoupling-core==0.4.1 ansys-tools-path==0.5.1 ansys-turbogrid-api==0.4.0 ansys-turbogrid-core==0.4.0 anyio @ file:///C:/b/abs_847uobe7ea/croot/anyio_1706220224037/work appdirs==1.4.4 archspec @ file:///croot/archspec_1709217642129/work argon2-cffi @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/argon2-cffi_1645000214183/work argon2-cffi-bindings @ file:///C:/ci_311/argon2-cffi-bindings_1676424443321/work arrow @ file:///C:/ci_311/arrow_1678249767083/work asgiref==3.8.1 astroid @ file:///C:/ci_311/astroid_1678740610167/work astropy @ file:///C:/b/abs_2fb3x_tapx/croot/astropy_1697468987983/work asttokens @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/asttokens_1646925590279/work async-lru @ file:///C:/b/abs_e0hjkvwwb5/croot/async-lru_1699554572212/work atomicwrites==1.4.0 attrs @ file:///C:/b/abs_35n0jusce8/croot/attrs_1695717880170/work Automat @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/automat_1600298431173/work autopep8 @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/autopep8_1650463822033/work Babel @ file:///C:/ci_311/babel_1676427169844/work backoff==2.2.1 backports.functools-lru-cache @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/backports.functools_lru_cache_1618170165463/work backports.tempfile @ file:///home/linux1/recipes/ci/backports.tempfile_1610991236607/work backports.weakref==1.0.post1 bcrypt @ file:///C:/ci_311/bcrypt_1676435170049/work beartype==0.18.2 beautifulsoup4 @ file:///C:/b/abs_0agyz1wsr4/croot/beautifulsoup4-split_1681493048687/work binaryornot @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/binaryornot_1617751525010/work black @ file:///C:/b/abs_29gqa9a44y/croot/black_1701097690150/work bleach @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/bleach_1641577558959/work blinker @ file:///C:/b/abs_d9y2dm7cw2/croot/blinker_1696539752170/work bokeh @ file:///C:/b/abs_74ungdyhwc/croot/bokeh_1706912192007/work boltons @ file:///C:/ci_311/boltons_1677729932371/work botocore @ file:///C:/b/abs_5a285dtc94/croot/botocore_1701286504141/work Bottleneck @ file:///C:/b/abs_f05kqh7yvj/croot/bottleneck_1707864273291/work Brotli @ file:///C:/ci_311/brotli-split_1676435766766/work build==1.2.1 cachetools @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/cachetools_1619597386817/work certifi @ file:///C:/b/abs_35d7n66oz9/croot/certifi_1707229248467/work/certifi cffi @ file:///C:/b/abs_924gv1kxzj/croot/cffi_1700254355075/work chardet @ file:///C:/ci_311/chardet_1676436134885/work charset-normalizer==3.3.2 click @ file:///C:/b/abs_f9ihnt72pu/croot/click_1698129847492/work cloudpickle @ file:///C:/b/abs_3796yxesic/croot/cloudpickle_1683040098851/work clr-loader==0.2.6 clyent==1.2.2 colorama @ file:///C:/ci_311/colorama_1676422310965/work colorcet @ file:///C:/ci_311/colorcet_1676440389947/work comm @ file:///C:/ci_311/comm_1678376562840/work conda @ file:///C:/b/abs_1e6dlkntna/croot/conda_1710772093015/work conda-build @ file:///C:/b/abs_3ed9gavxgz/croot/conda-build_1708025907525/work conda-content-trust @ file:///C:/b/abs_e3bcpyv7sw/croot/conda-content-trust_1693490654398/work conda-libmamba-solver @ file:///croot/conda-libmamba-solver_1706733287605/work/src conda-pack @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/conda-pack_1611163042455/work conda-package-handling @ file:///C:/b/abs_b9wp3lr1gn/croot/conda-package-handling_1691008700066/work conda-repo-cli==1.0.75 conda-token @ file:///Users/paulyim/miniconda3/envs/c3i/conda-bld/conda-token_1662660369760/work conda-verify==3.4.2 conda_index @ file:///croot/conda-index_1706633791028/work conda_package_streaming @ file:///C:/b/abs_6c28n38aaj/croot/conda-package-streaming_1690988019210/work constantly @ file:///C:/b/abs_cbuavw4443/croot/constantly_1703165617403/work contourpy==1.2.1 cookiecutter @ file:///C:/b/abs_3d1730toam/croot/cookiecutter_1700677089156/work cryptography @ file:///C:/b/abs_531eqmhgsd/croot/cryptography_1707523768330/work cssselect @ file:///C:/b/abs_71gnjab7b0/croot/cssselect_1707339955530/work cycler==0.12.1 cytoolz @ file:///C:/b/abs_d43s8lnb60/croot/cytoolz_1701723636699/work dask @ file:///C:/b/abs_1899k8plyj/croot/dask-core_1701396135885/work datashader @ file:///C:/b/abs_cb5s63ty8z/croot/datashader_1699544282143/work debugpy @ file:///C:/b/abs_c0y1fjipt2/croot/debugpy_1690906864587/work decorator @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/decorator_1643638310831/work defusedxml @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/defusedxml_1615228127516/work Deprecated==1.2.14 diff-match-patch @ file:///Users/ktietz/demo/mc3/conda-bld/diff-match-patch_1630511840874/work dill @ file:///C:/b/abs_084unuus3z/croot/dill_1692271268687/work distributed @ file:///C:/b/abs_5eren88ku4/croot/distributed_1701398076011/work distro @ file:///C:/b/abs_a3uni_yez3/croot/distro_1701455052240/work Django==5.0.4 docker==7.0.0 docstring-to-markdown @ file:///C:/ci_311/docstring-to-markdown_1677742566583/work docutils @ file:///C:/ci_311/docutils_1676428078664/work ecdsa==0.18.0 elementpath==4.4.0 entrypoints @ file:///C:/ci_311/entrypoints_1676423328987/work et-xmlfile==1.1.0 executing @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/executing_1646925071911/work fabric==3.2.2 fastjsonschema @ file:///C:/ci_311/python-fastjsonschema_1679500568724/work filelock @ file:///C:/b/abs_f2gie28u58/croot/filelock_1700591233643/work flake8 @ file:///C:/ci_311/flake8_1678376624746/work Flask @ file:///C:/b/abs_efc024w7fv/croot/flask_1702980041157/work fonttools==4.51.0 fpdf2==2.7.8 frozenlist @ file:///C:/b/abs_d8e__s1ys3/croot/frozenlist_1698702612014/work fsspec @ file:///C:/b/abs_97mpfsesn0/croot/fsspec_1701286534629/work future @ file:///C:/ci_311_rebuilds/future_1678998246262/work gensim @ file:///C:/ci_311/gensim_1677743037820/work geomdl==5.3.1 gitdb @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/gitdb_1617117951232/work GitPython @ file:///C:/b/abs_e1lwow9h41/croot/gitpython_1696937027832/work gmpy2 @ file:///C:/ci_311/gmpy2_1677743390134/work google-api-core==2.18.0 google-api-python-client==2.125.0 google-auth==2.29.0 google-auth-httplib2==0.2.0 googleapis-common-protos==1.63.0 greenlet @ file:///C:/b/abs_a6c75ie0bc/croot/greenlet_1702060012174/work grpcio==1.62.1 grpcio-health-checking==1.48.2 grpcio-status==1.48.2 h5py @ file:///C:/b/abs_17fav01gwy/croot/h5py_1691589733413/work HeapDict @ file:///Users/ktietz/demo/mc3/conda-bld/heapdict_1630598515714/work holoviews @ file:///C:/b/abs_704uucojt7/croot/holoviews_1707836477070/work httplib2==0.22.0 hvplot @ file:///C:/b/abs_3627uzd5h0/croot/hvplot_1706712443782/work hyperlink @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/hyperlink_1610130746837/work idna==3.6 imagecodecs @ file:///C:/b/abs_e2g5zbs1q0/croot/imagecodecs_1695065012000/work imageio @ file:///C:/b/abs_aeqerw_nps/croot/imageio_1707247365204/work imagesize @ file:///C:/ci_311/imagesize_1676431905616/work imbalanced-learn @ file:///C:/b/abs_87es3kd5fi/croot/imbalanced-learn_1700648276799/work importlib_metadata==7.1.0 incremental @ file:///croot/incremental_1708639938299/work inflection==0.5.1 iniconfig @ file:///home/linux1/recipes/ci/iniconfig_1610983019677/work intake @ file:///C:/ci_311_rebuilds/intake_1678999914269/work intervaltree @ file:///Users/ktietz/demo/mc3/conda-bld/intervaltree_1630511889664/work invoke==2.2.0 ipykernel @ file:///C:/b/abs_c2u94kxcy6/croot/ipykernel_1705933907920/work ipython @ file:///C:/b/abs_b6pfgmrqnd/croot/ipython_1704833422163/work ipython-genutils @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/ipython_genutils_1606773439826/work ipywidgets @ file:///croot/ipywidgets_1701289330913/work isort @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/isort_1628603791788/work itemadapter @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/itemadapter_1626442940632/work itemloaders @ file:///C:/b/abs_5e3azgv25z/croot/itemloaders_1708639993442/work itsdangerous @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/itsdangerous_1621432558163/work 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📝 Logger output file

Show the logger output file. The error that I get is this: ```text *** WARNING *** CP = 4.734 TIME= 12:51:49 Parameter U_NODAL already exists. It is deleted and redefined by the *DIM command. INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - SET PARAMETER DIMENSIONS ON U_NODAL TYPE=ARRA DIMENSIONS= 10201 2 1 *** WARNING *** CP = 4.734 TIME= 12:51:49 Parameter U_NODAL already exists. It is deleted and redefined by the *DIM command. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - VECTOR GET OPERATION U_nodal(1,1) VECTOR LENGTH= 10201 NAME= NODE 1 U X INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - VECTOR GET OPERATION U_nodal(1,1) VECTOR LENGTH= 10201 NAME= NODE 1 U X DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - VECTOR GET OPERATION U_nodal(1,2) VECTOR LENGTH= 10201 NAME= NODE 1 U Y INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - VECTOR GET OPERATION U_nodal(1,2) VECTOR LENGTH= 10201 NAME= NODE 1 U Y DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - ABBREVIATION STATUS- ABBREV STRING SAVE_DB SAVE RESUM_DB RESUME QUIT Fnc_/EXIT POWRGRPH Fnc_/GRAPHICS PARAMETER STATUS- ( 13 PARAMETERS DEFINED) (INCLUDING 6 INTERNAL PARAMETERS) NAME VALUE TYPE DIMENSIONS ELEM_SUM 10000.0000 SCALAR FG ARRAY 20402 1 1 I 10201.0000 SCALAR NODE_SUM 10201.0000 SCALAR NUM_NODES 10201.0000 SCALAR PORT 50053.0000 SCALAR U_NODAL ARRAY 10201 2 1 INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - ABBREVIATION STATUS- ABBREV STRING SAVE_DB SAVE RESUM_DB RESUME QUIT Fnc_/EXIT POWRGRPH Fnc_/GRAPHICS PARAMETER STATUS- ( 13 PARAMETERS DEFINED) (INCLUDING 6 INTERNAL PARAMETERS) NAME VALUE TYPE DIMENSIONS ELEM_SUM 10000.0000 SCALAR FG ARRAY 20402 1 1 I 10201.0000 SCALAR NODE_SUM 10201.0000 SCALAR NUM_NODES 10201.0000 SCALAR PORT 50053.0000 SCALAR U_NODAL ARRAY 10201 2 1 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER STATUS- _PRM ( 13 PARAMETERS DEFINED) (INCLUDING 6 INTERNAL PARAMETERS) NAME VALUE TYPE DIMENSIONS _RETURN 0.00000000 SCALAR _STATUS 0.00000000 SCALAR _UIQR 22.2000000 SCALAR INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER STATUS- _PRM ( 13 PARAMETERS DEFINED) (INCLUDING 6 INTERNAL PARAMETERS) NAME VALUE TYPE DIMENSIONS _RETURN 0.00000000 SCALAR _STATUS 0.00000000 SCALAR _UIQR 22.2000000 SCALAR DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER STATUS- PRM_ ( 13 PARAMETERS DEFINED) (INCLUDING 6 INTERNAL PARAMETERS) INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER STATUS- PRM_ ( 13 PARAMETERS DEFINED) (INCLUDING 6 INTERNAL PARAMETERS) DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - __enter__ - Entering non-interactive mode DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - __enter__ - Entering non-interactive mode DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - __exit__ - Exiting non-interactive mode DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - __exit__ - Exiting non-interactive mode DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _flush_stored - Flushing stored commands DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _flush_stored - Flushing stored commands DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _flush_stored - Writing the following commands to a temporary apdl input file: *MWRITE,U_NODAL,,,,kji,,, (1E20.12) DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _flush_stored - Writing the following commands to a temporary apdl input file: *MWRITE,U_NODAL,,,,kji,,, (1E20.12) DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - input - Using python working directory as 'dir_' value. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - input - Using python working directory as 'dir_' value. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_moamvfynca INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_moamvfynca DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _close_process - Closing processes DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _close_process - Closing processes DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_server - Killing MAPDL server DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_server - Killing MAPDL server DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _ctrl - Issuing CtrlRequest "EXIT" DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _ctrl - Issuing CtrlRequest "EXIT" DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_process - Killing process using subprocess.Popen.terminate DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_process - Killing process using subprocess.Popen.terminate DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 19560 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 19560 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 19560 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 19560 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 7908 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 7908 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 7908 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 7908 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 5564 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 5564 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 5564 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 5564 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 12920 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 12920 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 12920 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 12920 killed properly. Traceback (most recent call last): File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\ in compat_exec exec(code, globals, locals) File c:\users\user\documents\codigos casa_marzo19\pyansys_micro_verif_reduz_marzo19\ Uy=solveU_homg(mapdl,nnods_mi,Fg[:, 1],False) File c:\users\user\documents\codigos casa_marzo19\pyansys_micro_verif_reduz_marzo19\ in solveU_homg U1 = mapdl.parameters['U_nodal'] File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in __getitem__ return self._get_parameter_array(key, parm["shape"]) File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in wrapper out = func(*args, **kwargs) File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in _get_parameter_array with self._mapdl.non_interactive: File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in __exit__ self._parent()._flush_stored() File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in _flush_stored out = self.input( File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in wrapper raise MapdlExitedError( MapdlExitedError: MAPDL server connection terminated with the following error <_MultiThreadedRendezvous of RPC that terminated with: status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE details = "Connection reset" debug_error_string = "UNKNOWN:Error received from peer ipv4: {grpc_message:"Connection reset", grpc_status:14, created_time:"2024-04-10T15:51:50.2858627+00:00"}" The code also appears to fail in this line> ***** ROUTINE COMPLETED ***** CP = 109.016 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_bsacvyovid INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_bsacvyovid INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_bsacvyovid INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_bsacvyovid DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - __enter__ - Entering non-interactive mode DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - __enter__ - Entering non-interactive mode DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - __enter__ - Entering non-interactive mode DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - __enter__ - Entering non-interactive mode DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - __exit__ - Exiting non-interactive mode DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - __exit__ - Exiting non-interactive mode DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - __exit__ - Exiting non-interactive mode DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - __exit__ - Exiting non-interactive mode DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _flush_stored - Flushing stored commands DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _flush_stored - Flushing stored commands DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _flush_stored - Flushing stored commands DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _flush_stored - Flushing stored commands DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _flush_stored - Writing the following commands to a temporary apdl input file: *DIM,FG,,20402,3,1,,,, *VREAD,FG(1, 1),_tmp.dat,,,IJK,20402,3,1,,,,,,,, (1F20.12) DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _flush_stored - Writing the following commands to a temporary apdl input file: *DIM,FG,,20402,3,1,,,, *VREAD,FG(1, 1),_tmp.dat,,,IJK,20402,3,1,,,,,,,, (1F20.12) DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _flush_stored - Writing the following commands to a temporary apdl input file: *DIM,FG,,20402,3,1,,,, *VREAD,FG(1, 1),_tmp.dat,,,IJK,20402,3,1,,,,,,,, (1F20.12) DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _flush_stored - Writing the following commands to a temporary apdl input file: *DIM,FG,,20402,3,1,,,, *VREAD,FG(1, 1),_tmp.dat,,,IJK,20402,3,1,,,,,,,, (1F20.12) DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - input - Using python working directory as 'dir_' value. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - input - Using python working directory as 'dir_' value. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - input - Using python working directory as 'dir_' value. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - input - Using python working directory as 'dir_' value. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mesh_grpc - _reset_cache - Resetting cache INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_bsacvyovid INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_bsacvyovid INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_bsacvyovid INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_core - run - PARAMETER = C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_bsacvyovid ite 25 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _close_process - Closing processes DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _close_process - Closing processes DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _close_process - Closing processes DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _close_process - Closing processes DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_server - Killing MAPDL server DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_server - Killing MAPDL server DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_server - Killing MAPDL server DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_server - Killing MAPDL server DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _ctrl - Issuing CtrlRequest "EXIT" DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _ctrl - Issuing CtrlRequest "EXIT" DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _ctrl - Issuing CtrlRequest "EXIT" DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _ctrl - Issuing CtrlRequest "EXIT" DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_process - Killing process using subprocess.Popen.terminate DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_process - Killing process using subprocess.Popen.terminate DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_process - Killing process using subprocess.Popen.terminate DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_process - Killing process using subprocess.Popen.terminate DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 11180 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 11180 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 11180 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 11180 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 11180 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 11180 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 11180 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 11180 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 13932 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 13932 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 13932 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 13932 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 13932 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 13932 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 13932 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 13932 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 14608 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 14608 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 14608 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 14608 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 14608 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 14608 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 14608 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 14608 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 21008 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 21008 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 21008 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Killing MAPDL process: 21008 DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 21008 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 21008 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 21008 killed properly. DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50053 - mapdl_grpc - _kill_child_process - Process 21008 killed properly. Traceback (most recent call last): File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\ in compat_exec exec(code, globals, locals) File c:\users\user\documents\codigos casa_marzo19\pyansys_micro_verif_reduz_marzo19\ mapdl.parameters["Fg"]=Fg File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in __setitem__ self._set_parameter_array(key, value) File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in wrapper out = func(*args, **kwargs) File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in _set_parameter_array with self._mapdl.non_interactive: File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in __exit__ self._parent()._flush_stored() File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in _flush_stored out = self.input( File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in wrapper raise MapdlExitedError( MapdlExitedError: MAPDL server connection terminated with the following error <_MultiThreadedRendezvous of RPC that terminated with: status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE details = "Connection reset" debug_error_string = "UNKNOWN:Error received from peer ipv4: {created_time:"2024-04-10T16:10:50.0198034+00:00", grpc_status:14, grpc_message:"Connection reset"}" > ```
mikerife commented 6 months ago

Hi @Clauperezma Try turning off the logging. Then add a mapdl.wait(1) right before the mapdl.solve() command. Also add"del, U_nodal") to after the U1 = mapdl.parameters["U_NODAL"]. Lastly we really don't need to get the node count every time before the *do loop that defines the applied force. Just define it when modeling. So after the amesh and allsel command I added mapdl.parameters["num_nodes"] = len(mapdl.mesh.nnum). Ran this a few times and each time completed all 200 solves.


p.s. MAPDL can define some material properties as functions of displacement. May be easier than a manual routine.

Clauperezma commented 6 months ago

Hi @mikerife, thanks very much for your help. I made all the changes you suggested in the code, but I´m still getting the same issue. I even tried deleting the variable Fg given that this variable will be different for every iteration in the original code, but doesn´t work either. I´m including the code in case I´m forgetting something. Should I reinstall mapdl, or try to change the Ansys version? I´m also using Anaconda, could that be the issue?.

import numpy as np
from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl
#from ansys.mapdl.core import LOG

mapdl =launch_mapdl(additional_switches='-smp')

def F_hom(nel_mi,inci_mi,coord_mi,nnods_mi,D):
 import numpy as np
 for i in range(0,nel_mi-1): # Read the element and its incidence
  nel_i = inci_mi[i, :]-1

    # Determine the x and y positions of the element nodes
  posxy = coord_mi[nel_i[0:], 0:3]

    # Gauss points
  ng = 2
  pxi = [-1/np.sqrt(3), 1/np.sqrt(3)]
  peta = [-1/np.sqrt(3), 1/np.sqrt(3)]

  wi = 1
  wj = 1

  Nfun = len(nel_i)  # Number of nodes in the element
  Fg = np.zeros((2*nnods_mi,3))
  kel = np.zeros((2 * Nfun, 2 * Nfun))  # Initialize the element matrix
  fel = np.zeros((2 * Nfun, 3))  # Initialize the element matrix
  Bs = np.zeros((3, 2 * Nfun))  # Initialize the strain matrix
  DH=np.zeros((3, 3))
  DH1=np.zeros((3, 3))
  De = np.zeros((3, 3))
  De1 = np.zeros((3, 3))

  for j in range(ng):
   xi = pxi[j]
   for k in range(ng):
    eta = peta[k]
    N = np.array([1/4 * (1 - xi) * (1 - eta), 1/4 * (1 + xi) * (1 - eta), 1/4 * (1 + xi) * (1 + eta), 1/4 * (1 - xi) * (1 + eta)])
    dNxi = np.array([eta/4 - 1/4, 1/4 - eta/4, eta/4 + 1/4, -eta/4 - 1/4])
    dNeta = np.array([xi/4 - 1/4, -xi/4 - 1/4, xi/4 + 1/4, 1/4 - xi/4])

            # Jacobian
    J =[dNxi, dNeta]), posxy)
    iJ = np.linalg.inv(J)

            # Strain matrix Bs - solid
    p = np.arange(0, 8, 2)
    Bs[0, p] = (iJ[0, 0] * dNxi) + (iJ[0, 1] * dNeta)
    Bs[1, p+1] = iJ[1, 0] * dNxi + iJ[1, 1] * dNeta
    Bs[2, p] = Bs[1, p+1]
    Bs[2, p+1] = Bs[0, p], D), np.linalg.det(J)) * wi * wj
 return fel 

def solveU_homg(mapdl, nnods_mi,Fg,case_xy):

  if case_xy==True:
    # Apply nodal forces and solve the system
  with mapdl.non_interactive:'*get,num_nodes,node,0,count,max')'*do,i,1,num_nodes,1')  
        #for i in range(1, nnods_mi + 1):  
            #mapdl.f(i, "FX", Fg[2 * i - 2])  
            #mapdl.f(i, "FY", Fg[2 * i - 1]) 
    # Retrieve nodal displacements for X and Y directions
  mapdl.dim('U_nodal','ARRAY', 'num_nodes',2)
  mapdl.starvget('U_nodal(1,1)', "NODE", 1, 'U', 'X')
  mapdl.starvget('U_nodal(1,2)', "NODE", 1, 'U', 'Y')

  U1 = mapdl.parameters['U_nodal']"*del, U_nodal")"*del, Fg")
    # Combine X and Y displacements into a single vector
  U_carga = np.zeros(2 * nnods_mi)
  U_carga[::2] = U1[:, 0]  # Assign X displacements to even indices
  U_carga[1::2] = U1[:, 1]  # Assign Y displacements to odd indices
  return U_carga

mi_nelx =100;           # Número de Elementos em x da célula de base
mi_nely =100;           # Número de Elementos em y da célula de base
mi_Lx = 1;             # Comprimento no eixo x da célula de base
mi_Ly = 1;             # Comprimento no eixo y da célula de base
mi_t  = 1;             # Espessura da célula de base
mi_elist = list(range(1,nel_mi + 1))
# Def41inir propiedades del material

E = 1 # Young's modulus in N/m
v = 0.3  # Poisson's ratio
xmin = 1E-3

steel_mat = 1"EX", steel_mat, E)"PRXY", steel_mat,v) 
void_mat = 2"EX", void_mat, E*(xmin**p))"PRXY", void_mat,v),"PLANE42",kop2=1)
mapdl.lsel("S", "LOC", "X",-mi_Lx/2) 
mapdl.lsel("A", "LOC", "X",mi_Lx/2)  
mapdl.lsel("S", "LOC", "Y",-mi_Ly/2) 
mapdl.lsel("A", "LOC", "Y",mi_Ly/2) 

mapdl.parameters["num_nodes"] = len(mapdl.mesh.nnum)  
  #Condiciones de frontera

coord_mi = np.copy(mapdl.mesh.nodes[:, [0, 1]])  # coordinates matrix
elem_prop_mi = np.array(mapdl.mesh.elem)
inci_mi= np.copy(elem_prop_mi[:, -4::])  

 # Calculo sensibilidade"/POST1 ")  # Post-processor module


 #Calculate x

V= np.zeros(nel_mi) 
C = []
x = np.ones(nel_mi,dtype=bool) 


factor = E / (1 - v**2)
D = factor * np.array([[1, v, 0],
                        [v, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, (1 - v) / 2]])
vol_frac = []
 #vol_frac.append(sum(x)/nel_mi) # topology vector

 #Condiciones de contorno U
  #Select side 0 and Ly

for ite in range(200):

    # Update material properties based on changes in x
 index_x = np.argwhere(x != x_anterior)
 for i in index_x.flat:
        mat_id = 1 if x[i] else 2
        mapdl.emodif(int(i + 1), "MAT", mat_id)

    # Initialize arrays
 Fg = np.zeros((2 * nnods_mi, 3))

    # Loop over material indices
 for elem_idx in np.flatnonzero(x == 1):
        nodes = inci_mi[elem_idx]
        ind = np.ravel([[2 * node - 2, 2 * node - 1] for node in nodes])
        Fg[ind, :] += fel

 mat_indices = np.argwhere(x ==1)    
    # Solve the system for every load"/SOLU")       
 Ux=solveU_homg(mapdl,nnods_mi,Fg[:, 0],False)
 Uy=solveU_homg(mapdl,nnods_mi,Fg[:, 1],False)

And this is the error: Traceback (most recent call last):

File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\ in compat_exec exec(code, globals, locals)

File c:\users\user\documents\codigos casa_marzo19\pyansys_micro_verif_reduz_marzo19\ mapdl.parameters["Fg"]=Fg

File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in setitem self._set_parameter_array(key, value)

File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in wrapper out = func(*args, **kwargs)

File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in _set_parameter_array with self._mapdl.non_interactive:

File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in exit self._parent()._flush_stored()

File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in _flush_stored out = self.input(

File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ansys\mapdl\core\ in wrapper raise MapdlExitedError(

MapdlExitedError: MAPDL server connection terminated with the following error <_MultiThreadedRendezvous of RPC that terminated with: status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE details = "Connection reset" debug_error_string = "UNKNOWN:Error received from peer {created_time:"2024-04-11T14:14:01.5404325+00:00", grpc_status:14, grpc_message:"Connection reset"}"

mikerife commented 6 months ago

@Clauperezma there are very few issues where reinstalling MAPDL is a solution. And I don't think this issue is one of them. Can you take Anaconda out of the equation and test?

Clauperezma commented 6 months ago

Hi @mikerife, you were right. I reinstalled python and pymadl without Anaconda, but I keep getting the same error. Any other ideas I can try? Thanks again for all the help!

mikerife commented 6 months ago

@Clauperezma try a system power reboot then run the PyMAPDL script again. What happens?

Clauperezma commented 6 months ago

@mikerife I rebooted my computer but the problem persists. It did run once for 200 iterations, but then the next crashed after 40 iterations. I did the same modifications and ran it on my laptop but I keep getting the same error. Sometimes it will run successfully but then will crash, sometimes after a few iterations, and others when the count is very advanced. Thanks again for all the help.

I'm editing the comment, and add that I did this a couple of times and It does seem to improve once the PC is rebooted... The second time it ran 2 times for 200 iterations and crashed on the third try. The third time I reboot it and run for 3 times without crashing. On my laptop, however, I haven't had the same results.