ansys / pymapdl

Pythonic interface to MAPDL
MIT License
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Error While Launching launch_mapdl() function #3221

Open B-Naveen-Kumar opened 5 days ago

B-Naveen-Kumar commented 5 days ago

🤓 Before submitting the issue

🔍 Description of the bug

Is anyone else having this problem?

image image

🕵️ Steps To Reproduce

The log will automatically be formatted as Python code! No need to type backticks.

💻 Which Operating System are you using?


🐍 Which Python version are you using?


💾 Which MAPDL version are you using?


📝 PyMAPDL Report


``` PyMAPDL Software and Environment Report Packages Requirements ********************* Core packages ------------- ansys.mapdl.core : 0.68.3 numpy : 1.26.4 platformdirs : 4.2.2 scipy : 1.14.0 grpc : Package not found ansys.api.mapdl.v0 : Package not found ansys.mapdl.reader : 0.53.0 google.protobuf : Package not found Optional packages ----------------- matplotlib : 3.9.0 pyvista : 0.43.10 pyiges : 0.3.1 tqdm : 4.66.4 Ansys Installation ****************** Version Location ------------------ 232 C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v232 241 C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241 Ansys Environment Variables *************************** ANSYS232_DIR C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v232\ANSYS ANSYS241_DIR C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\ANSYS ANSYSLIC_DIR C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE 1055@ ANSYS_DPF_ACCEPT_LA Y AWP_LOCALE231 en-us AWP_LOCALE232 en-us AWP_LOCALE241 en-us AWP_ROOT232 C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v232 AWP_ROOT241 C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241 CADOE_LIBDIR232 C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v232\CommonFiles\Language\en-us CADOE_LIBDIR241 C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\CommonFiles\Language\en-us ```

📝 Installed packages


``` aiohttp==3.9.5 aiosignal==1.3.1 ansys-api-mapdl==0.5.1 ansys-api-platform-instancemanagement==1.1.0 ansys-mapdl-core==0.68.3 ansys-mapdl-reader==0.53.0 ansys-math-core==0.1.5 ansys-platform-instancemanagement==1.1.2 ansys-tools-path==0.6.0 anyio==4.4.0 appdirs==1.4.4 argon2-cffi==23.1.0 argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0 arrow==1.3.0 asttokens==2.4.1 attrs==23.2.0 beautifulsoup4==4.12.3 bleach==6.1.0 certifi==2024.6.2 cffi==1.16.0 charset-normalizer==3.3.2 click==8.1.7 cmocean==4.0.3 colorama==0.4.6 colorcet==3.1.0 comm==0.2.2 contourpy==1.2.1 cycler==0.12.1 decorator==5.1.1 defusedxml==0.7.1 executing==2.0.1 fastjsonschema==2.20.0 fonttools==4.53.0 fqdn==1.5.1 frozenlist==1.4.1 geomdl==5.3.1 grpcio==1.64.1 idna==3.7 imageio==2.34.2 importlib_metadata==8.0.0 ipython==8.25.0 ipywidgets==8.1.3 isoduration==20.11.0 jedi==0.19.1 Jinja2==3.1.4 joblib==1.4.2 jsonpointer==3.0.0 jsonschema==4.22.0 jsonschema-specifications==2023.12.1 jupyter-events==0.10.0 jupyter_client==8.6.2 jupyter_core==5.7.2 jupyter_server==2.14.1 jupyter_server_proxy==4.2.0 jupyter_server_terminals==0.5.3 jupyterlab_pygments==0.3.0 jupyterlab_widgets==3.0.11 kiwisolver==1.4.5 markdown-it-py==3.0.0 MarkupSafe==2.1.5 matplotlib==3.9.0 matplotlib-inline==0.1.7 mdurl==0.1.2 meshio==5.3.5 mistune==3.0.2 more-itertools==10.3.0 msgpack==1.0.8 multidict==6.0.5 nbclient==0.10.0 nbconvert==7.16.4 nbformat==5.10.4 nest-asyncio==1.6.0 numpy==1.26.4 overrides==7.7.0 packaging==24.1 pandas==2.2.2 pandocfilters==1.5.1 parso==0.8.4 pillow==10.3.0 platformdirs==4.2.2 pooch==1.8.2 prometheus_client==0.20.0 prompt_toolkit==3.0.47 protobuf==3.20.3 psutil==6.0.0 pure-eval==0.2.2 pyansys-tools-versioning==0.5.0 pycparser==2.22 Pygments==2.18.0 pyiges==0.3.1 pyparsing==3.1.2 python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0 python-json-logger==2.0.7 pytz==2024.1 pyvista==0.43.10 pywin32==306 pywinpty==2.0.13 PyYAML==6.0.1 pyzmq==26.0.3 referencing==0.35.1 requests==2.32.3 rfc3339-validator==0.1.4 rfc3986-validator==0.1.1 rich==13.7.1 rpds-py==0.18.1 scikit-learn==1.5.0 scipy==1.14.0 scooby==0.10.0 Send2Trash==1.8.3 simpervisor==1.0.0 six==1.16.0 sniffio==1.3.1 soupsieve==2.5 stack-data==0.6.3 tabulate==0.9.0 terminado==0.18.1 threadpoolctl==3.5.0 tinycss2==1.3.0 tornado==6.4.1 tqdm==4.66.4 traitlets==5.14.3 trame==3.6.3 trame-client==3.2.0 trame-server==3.0.2 trame-vtk==2.8.9 trame-vuetify==2.6.0 types-python-dateutil== typing_extensions==4.12.2 tzdata==2024.1 uri-template==1.3.0 urllib3==2.2.2 vtk==9.3.0 wcwidth==0.2.13 webcolors==24.6.0 webencodings==0.5.1 websocket-client==1.8.0 widgetsnbextension==4.0.11 wslink==2.1.1 yarl==1.9.4 zipp==3.19.2 ```

📝 Logger output file


``` =============================================================================== NEW SESSION - 07/01/2024, 18:19:21 =============================================================================== LEVEL - INSTANCE NAME - MODULE - FUNCTION - MESSAGE DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - No IP address was supplied. Using the default IP address: DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using default port 50052 DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using 'start_instance' equal to True DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using default executable. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using default run location. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Created run location at C:\Users\Naveen\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_jsakjjhpdu DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using run location at C:\Users\Naveen\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_jsakjjhpdu DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - check_lock_file - Checking for lock file DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using mode grpc DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using additional switches . DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Using start parameters {'exec_file': 'C:\\Program Files\\ANSYS Inc\\v241\\ansys\\bin\\winx64\\ansys241.exe', 'run_location': 'C:\\Users\\Naveen\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ansys_jsakjjhpdu', 'additional_switches': '', 'jobname': 'file', 'nproc': 2, 'print_com': False, 'ram': None, 'override': False, 'timeout': 45} DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Checking license server. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Starting MAPDL DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Starting 'launch_mapdl'. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - check_lock_file - Checking for lock file DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Writing temporary input file: .__tmp__.inp with 'FINISH' command. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Starting MAPDL with command: "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\ansys\bin\winx64\ansys241.exe" -j file -np 2 -b -i .__tmp__.inp -o .__tmp__.out -port 50052 -grpc INFO - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Running in the following command: '"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\ansys\bin\winx64\ansys241.exe" -j file -np 2 -b -i .__tmp__.inp -o .__tmp__.out -port 50052 -grpc' DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - MAPDL starting in background. DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Generating queue object for stdout DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Checking process is alive DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_grpc - Checking file error is created DEBUG - pymapdl_global - launcher - launch_mapdl - Checking license server. ```

germa89 commented 5 days ago

Hi @B-Naveen-Kumar

Thank you for opening this issue.

It seems to me you are having problems checking the license server. Please try:

mapdl = launch_mapdl(license_server_check=False)

Let us know if that fix it.

mikerife commented 5 days ago

Hi @B-Naveen-Kumar @germa89 The environment variables for 2023R1 are missing. You could add them manually as system variables, if you have admin rights, then again. Missing env vars makes me really want to double check that the installation is complete. Mike

mikerife commented 5 days ago

@B-Naveen-Kumar @germa89 Forgot to add that you could try pointing to one of the other versions instead. Maybe use:

exec_loc = r"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\ansys\bin\winx64\ANSYS241.exe"
mapdl = launch_mapdl(exec_file=exec_loc)


germa89 commented 5 days ago

Interestingly OP's PyMAPDL is using v231 version, but there is no signs of v231 in the environment variables as @mikerife noted. But he hasn't specified any MAPDL version.

I think OP might had installed Ansys 2023R1, use it with PyMAPDL and uninstall it. Is that right @B-Naveen-Kumar ?

mikerife commented 4 days ago

@B-Naveen-Kumar Based on the latest Dev Forum post of yours; let's do a sanity check. Can you lauch MAPDL aaS manually? Open a dos command window. Change to a folder that you have permission to read/write. Then issue the command:

"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\ansys\bin\winx64\ANSYS241.EXE" -p ansys -smp -np 2 -grpc

This should pop open what looks like the mapdl interactive output window and show if MAPDL aaS started up. Send a screen shot if not. mike

B-Naveen-Kumar commented 1 day ago

Hi @B-Naveen-Kumar

Thank you for opening this issue.

It seems to me you are having problems checking the license server. Please try:

mapdl = launch_mapdl(license_server_check=False)

Let us know if that fix it.

Hi @germa89 , I am grateful for your help

This was the response image

B-Naveen-Kumar commented 1 day ago

Hi @B-Naveen-Kumar @germa89 The environment variables for 2023R1 are missing. You could add them manually as system variables, if you have admin rights, then again. Missing env vars makes me really want to double check that the installation is complete. Mike

Sure @mikerife

B-Naveen-Kumar commented 1 day ago

Interestingly OP's PyMAPDL is using v231 version, but there is no signs of v231 in the environment variables as @mikerife noted. But he hasn't specified any MAPDL version.

I think OP might had installed Ansys 2023R1, use it with PyMAPDL and uninstall it. Is that right @B-Naveen-Kumar ?

Yes @germa89 , I do it

germa89 commented 1 day ago

@B-Naveen-Kumar if you had Ansys 2023R1 installed, you used it with PyMAPDL and then remove it, then the configuration file should be updated.

Can you follow to update the MAPDL installation path?

Troubleshooting PyMAPDL — PyMAPDL
B-Naveen-Kumar commented 1 day ago

@B-Naveen-Kumar Based on the latest Dev Forum post of yours; let's do a sanity check. Can you lauch MAPDL aaS manually? Open a dos command window. Change to a folder that you have permission to read/write. Then issue the command:

"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\ansys\bin\winx64\ANSYS241.EXE" -p ansys -smp -np 2 -grpc

This should pop open what looks like the mapdl interactive output window and show if MAPDL aaS started up. Send a screen shot if not. mike

@mikerife Unable to launch it manually

Here are the screenshots image After clicking Ok> image

germa89 commented 1 day ago

Yep, the installation seems uncomplete. Please reinstall Ansys 2024R1.

B-Naveen-Kumar commented 1 day ago

@germa89 Logger output file: image This is what its showing now. its running with 24R1

B-Naveen-Kumar commented 1 day ago

Yep, the installation seems uncomplete. Please reinstall Ansys 2024R1.

@germa89 Successfully reinstalled Ansys 2024R1. Still there was an issue in launching it.

B-Naveen-Kumar commented 1 day ago

image @germa89 How do I retrive licdebug file here.?

germa89 commented 17 hours ago

It seems you might have license problems. Can you turn off the license check?

launch_mapdl( license_server_check=True)

Also, can you check if you can launch MAPDL processes after the reinstallation?

Please follow:

Effectively, I want you to repeat these steps:

Let us know if you can, and if you cannot, copy/paste here the output of the terminal.

Troubleshooting PyMAPDL — PyMAPDL