If I create the config as below
private LineConfig countingChartConfig = new LineConfig
XField = "Date",
YField = "Value",
SeriesField = "Name",
and my data object is:
public string Date;
public string Value;
public string Name;
When the program runs, it only draws a X axis
It works well when lowercase the first letter of filed names.
Follows samples in https://antblazor.com/en-US/charts/line#components-line-demo-multiple-line
If I create the config as below private LineConfig countingChartConfig = new LineConfig { .................... XField = "Date", YField = "Value", SeriesField = "Name", ........................................... }; and my data object is: { public string Date; public string Value; public string Name; } When the program runs, it only draws a X axis
It works well when lowercase the first letter of filed names.