ant-design / ant-design-mobile-rn

Ant Design for React Native
MIT License
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Tracking ant-design-mobile-rn 5.0 #1187

Open spencer741 opened 3 years ago

spencer741 commented 3 years ago

🌄 Overview:

This issue is to track development on ant-design-mobile-rn 5.0 : the revitilization update 🏆 and has come out of a previous discussion here.

The goal of this project is to revitalize ant-design-mobile-rn with the vision of being a 1:1 component library to ant-design.

ant-design offers world class enterprise components for React.js. The react-native community needs ant-design components to bring enterprise-level components to mobile platforms, as not many libraries offer enterprise-level components for react-native.

Support and development on ant-design-mobile-rn has died out slowly since this library has been maintained by individual developers, but none-the-less we stand on the shoulders of giants and strictly follow the ant-design design language.

This project will detail all of the ant-design components and APIs that we have left to make ant-design-mobile-rn up-to-date with ant-design.

This will be a long journey, but it must be done.

🎯 Goals:

1) Update ant-design-mobile-rn to include all (or most) of the components in ant-design.

2) Add some new mobile-only components to the library -- if possible

3) Completely revamp the docs to more accurately reflect categorization and documentation of new and old components.

📑 The details:

I have performed an initial grouping, comparing the existing ant-design-mobile-rn components that match up with ant-design.

Most of the unassigned components (i.e., components that don't have a 1:1 matchup to ant-design are mobile-only, or components that only make sense on mobile devices (for example... the native pickers).

Unassigned components from ant-design-mobile-rn

Below is the main progress table.

The complete column shows if the Component or group of components is complete.

The ant-design components and ant-design-mobile-rn components (assigned) columns link to the respective components in each library.

The Issue Link column is a link to the issue that tracks on a deeper level discussion and development of the component. An issue can be created for each component or component group as we get to it.

Complete? ant-design components ant-design-mobile-rn components (assigned) Issue Link
⬜️ Button Button
⬜️ Icon Icon
⬜️ Typography
Category: Layout
⬜️ Divider
⬜️ Grid Grid
⬜️ Layout
⬜️ Space
Category: Navigation
⬜️ Affix
⬜️ Breadcrumb
⬜️ Dropdown
⬜️ Menu
⬜️ PageHeader
⬜️ Pagination Pagination
⬜️ Steps Stepper and Steps
Category: Data Entry
⬜️ AutoComplete
⬜️ Cascader
⬜️ Checkbox Checkbox
⬜️ DatePicker DatePickerView and DatePicker
⬜️ Form
⬜️ Input InputItem and TextareaItem
⬜️ InputNumber
⬜️ Mentions
⬜️ Radio Radio
⬜️ Rate
⬜️ Select
⬜️ Slider Slider
⬜️ Switch Switch
⬜️ TimePicker
⬜️ Transfer
⬜️ TreeSelect
⬜️ Upload ImagePicker
Category: Data Display
⬜️ Avatar
⬜️ Badge Badge
⬜️ Calendar
⬜️ Card Card
⬜️ Carousel Carousel
⬜️ Collapse Accordion
⬜️ Comment
⬜️ Descriptions
⬜️ Empty
⬜️ Image
⬜️ List List and ListViewExperimental
⬜️ Popover Popover
⬜️ Statistic
⬜️ Table
⬜️ Tabs Tabs and TabBar
⬜️ Tag Tag
⬜️ Timeline
⬜️ Tooltip
⬜️ Tree
Category: Feedback
⬜️ Alert
⬜️ Drawer Drawer
⬜️ Message
⬜️ Modal Modal
⬜️ Notification
⬜️ Popconfirm
⬜️ Progress Progress
⬜️ Result Result
⬜️ Skeleton
⬜️ Spin ActivityIndicator
Category: Other
⬜️ Anchor
⬜️ BackTop
⬜️ ConfigProvider Provider

I will work on a PR overhauling the docs, to properly categorize components as ant-design and coordinate with progress on the component-level to test and update component APIs in the docs.

I know @1uokun has started on component dev for the following components see here, maybe we can start with form ? Let me know.

To keep this thread clear, only comment about updates to the master list. For discussion on development of a new component or a re-factor of an existing component, create the issue for that discussion and, comment here so I can update the master list with the link to the issue or feature.

1uokun commented 3 years ago

Data Entry / Form

first of all, complete Form before completing other fields,

Import rc-field-form, and use this to familiarize yourself with the ecology of the react-component organization

spencer741 commented 3 years ago


I claimed Form Working on a PR here:

1uokun commented 3 years ago

Data Entry / Switch

I claimed the switch branch: done✅:

1uokun commented 3 years ago

Data Entry / Checkbox & Radio

I claimed the checkbox & radio branch: done✅:

1uokun commented 3 years ago

贡献指南 🚩


分支管理# 基于我们的 发布周期,我们长期维护两个分支 master 和 feature。 如果你要修一个 bug,那么请发 pull request 到 master,我们会每周从 master 发布一个 patch 版本; 如果你要提一个增加新功能的 pull request,那么请基于 feature 分支来做,每月末我们会合并 feature 到 master,并发布一个包含新特性的 minor 版本。


  1. feature 分支地址:
  2. Ant Design通用贡献指南:
  3. ant-design-mobile-rn开发说明:

Contributing 🚩

Please read before contributing, like this⬇️

Branch Organization According to our release schedule, we maintain two branches, master and feature. If you send a bugfix pull request, please do it against the master branch, if it's a feature pull request, please do it against the feature branch.

More reading

  1. Branch feature:
  2. Ant Design general:
  3. Development Instruction:
tianlinzx commented 3 years ago

Any update on it ? When will 5.0 be released ?

codedart2018 commented 2 years ago


1uokun commented 2 years ago



SolidZORO commented 2 years ago

考虑到 antd-mobile v5 现在 beta 了,感觉再等等,让他跑一段时间再考虑移植 mobile-rn 比较适合。

我看现在 Table 里是想 rn 直接对标 antd。感觉这样不是很适合,UX 什么的应该对标 antd-mobile 才对。

GOWxx commented 2 years ago

antd-mobile5 rc 啦

1uokun commented 2 years ago

Feedback / ActionSheet

I claimed the action-sheet & support web & extends Portal in web

1uokun commented 2 years ago

Data Display / Carousel

I claimed the carousel & will support web & pref infinite

1uokun commented 2 years ago

Navigation / Tabs

I claimed the tabs & extends Carousel

1uokun commented 2 years ago

expo support🎉

Checkout the official @ant-design/react-native App on Expo which uses all of the ant-design-mobile-rn components.

BANG88 commented 2 years ago

考虑到 antd-mobile v5 现在 beta 了,感觉再等等,让他跑一段时间再考虑移植 mobile-rn 比较适合。

我看现在 Table 里是想 rn 直接对标 antd。感觉这样不是很适合,UX 什么的应该对标 antd-mobile 才对。

cc @1uokun 不会跟PC的对齐,应该跟ant-design-mobile 的所有组件以及api对齐,但是难度还是挺大的。你们有什么想法吗?

1uokun commented 2 years ago

考虑到 antd-mobile v5 现在 beta 了,感觉再等等,让他跑一段时间再考虑移植 mobile-rn 比较适合。 我看现在 Table 里是想 rn 直接对标 antd。感觉这样不是很适合,UX 什么的应该对标 antd-mobile 才对。

cc @1uokun 不会跟PC的对齐,应该跟ant-design-mobile 的所有组件以及api对齐,但是难度还是挺大的。你们有什么想法吗?


v5主要升级在对react-native-web和expo的支持,没有增加和PC相关的组件, 前期没调研好埋了很大的坑,对不起😭

BANG88 commented 2 years ago


vitalijalbu commented 1 year ago

Hi guys, any live app that uses ANTD react native? Thanks

1uokun commented 1 year ago

Hi guys, any live app that uses ANTD react native? Thanks

Expo Go

548705486 commented 8 months ago


badpinkman commented 6 months ago


同求 +1 我也想咨询同样的问题, 没有找到相关的资料