Open Light-yq opened 4 months ago
我在requestErrorConfig.ts中使用const intl = useIntl(); 编辑器提示我React Hook "useIntl" cannot be called at the top level. React Hooks must be called in a React function component or a custom React Hook function.
import type { RequestOptions } from '@@/plugin-request/request'; import type { RequestConfig } from '@umijs/max'; import { history, useIntl } from '@umijs/max'; import { message } from 'antd'; import { stringify } from 'querystring'; // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks // 错误处理方案: 错误类型 enum ErrorShowType { SILENT = 0, WARN_MESSAGE = 1, ERROR_MESSAGE = 2, NOTIFICATION = 3, REDIRECT = 9, } // 与后端约定的响应数据格式 interface ResponseStructure { success: boolean; data: any; errorCode?: number; errorMessage?: string; showType?: ErrorShowType; } // 清除缓存 回到登录页 const clearStorgeGoLogin = () => { localStorage.removeItem('currentUser'); const { search, pathname } = window.location; const urlParams = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams; /** 此方法会跳转到 redirect 参数所在的位置 */ const redirect = urlParams.get('redirect'); // Note: There may be security issues, please note if (window.location.pathname !== '/user/login' && !redirect) { history.replace({ pathname: '/user/login', search: stringify({ redirect: pathname + search, }), }); } }; const intl = useIntl(); /** * @name 错误处理 * pro 自带的错误处理, 可以在这里做自己的改动 * @doc配置 */ export const errorConfig: RequestConfig = { // 错误处理: umi@3 的错误处理方案。 errorConfig: { // 错误抛出 // errorThrower: (res) => { // console.log(res, 333); // const { success, data, errorCode, errorMessage, showType } = // res as unknown as ResponseStructure; // if (!success) { // const error: any = new Error(errorMessage); // = 'BizError'; // = { errorCode, errorMessage, showType, data }; // throw error; // 抛出自制的错误 // } // }, // 错误接收及处理 errorHandler: (error: any, opts: any) => { console.log(error); if (opts?.skipErrorHandler) throw error; if (error.message.indexOf('timeout') !== -1) { message.error(intl.formatMessage({ id: 'request.timeout', defaultMessage: '请求超时' })); } // 我们的 errorThrower 抛出的错误。 message.error(; }, }, // 请求拦截器 requestInterceptors: [ (config: RequestOptions) => { console.log(config); if (config.token !== false) { if (localStorage.getItem('currentUser')) { const token = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('currentUser')!)?.token; config.headers!.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`; } else { clearStorgeGoLogin(); } } // 拦截请求配置,进行个性化处理。 return { ...config }; }, ], // 响应拦截器 responseInterceptors: [ (response) => { // console.log(response); // 拦截响应数据,进行个性化处理 const { data } = response as unknown as ResponseStructure; if (data?.code === 101) { message.error(`${data?.message}`); clearStorgeGoLogin(); return Promise.reject(response); } else if (data?.code !== 200) { return Promise.reject(response); } return response; }, ], };
我在requestErrorConfig.ts中使用const intl = useIntl(); 编辑器提示我React Hook "useIntl" cannot be called at the top level. React Hooks must be called in a React function component or a custom React Hook function.