ant-design / ant-design-pro

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Document Translation #120

Closed nikogu closed 6 years ago

nikogu commented 6 years ago

We just finished most of translate jobs and published at, welcome to visit it and review the translation. Give us PR if you find any typos. 🎅

Volunteer Wanted

Hey, guys! We are going to provide English documentation.

But we are short of staff :-( So, we want some volunteers to help us to translate antd's documentation into English. Every translation task needs a translator and a reviewer. Both of them are expected that they had used the component(AvatarLsit PageHeader etc...) in real world.


A translator should be familiar with both Chinese and English.

If you want to be a volunteer translator, just comment this issue. For example, "I want to be the translator of button and alert ....". And then, we will update this issue(e.g. button (translator: @afc163 , reviewer: @ddcat1115 )), and ping you.



  1. Fork
  2. Create a branch starting at master and name it as translation-[xxx]
  3. npm install && npm start, see: Development
  4. Find Markdown files and the and demo/*.md use different format, see:
    • docs: under /docs
    • components: under /scaffold/src/components/xxx(xxx is the component which you need to translate)
  5. Just translate it, and you had better read our advice first.
  6. Create a pull request when your translation is done, and ping your reviewer.
    • docs: request to ant-design-pro-site:master
    • components: request to ant-design-pro:master
  7. PR will be merged, if your reviewer think it is OK.



A reviewer should be a native English speaker.

If you want to be a volunteer reviewer, just comment this issue. For example, "I want to be the reviewer of button and alert...". And then, we will update this issue(e.g. button (translator: @afc163 , reviewer: @ddcat1115 )), and ping you.

After your corresponding translator finish his/her work, you should review and provide some advice.





gardner commented 6 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to translate the documentation!

This is really great. Our UX team brought Ant Design to us and asked if we could use this on a new project. The design and engineering decisions I have learned about across all of the ant design projects are amazing and I would love to use and participate but by ability to read or write Chinese is non-existent.

afc163 commented 6 years ago

@tmattio @Kikobeats @viztor @acomito

viztor commented 6 years ago

@afc163 thanks for mentioning me I might want to take getting started.

viztor commented 6 years ago

review needed for @gardner In case you might want to lend a helping hand.

gardner commented 6 years ago

@viztor all of the language was technically correct. I don't know how to describe it other than English with Chinese characteristics. There were a few things that were understandable but sounded non-native. I took a pass at updating it and submitted a PR here:

I don't understand Chinese but as a native Californian I am happy to help with translation however I can. :)

gardner commented 6 years ago

The current way the docs are organized leaves a little to be desired. I am new to bisheng so I will read up on it and see if there is a way to modularize translations a bit better. I know some folks that may be able to help out with other languages.

sundaisun commented 6 years ago

Hi, just came across ant design pro, great work! I am a product designer on the Design System team at Eventbrite, based in San Francisco, and would like to help translating Let me know :)

viztor commented 6 years ago

@sundaisun Hi, already working on, forgot to mention it here. @nikogu also and are ready for review.

priezz commented 6 years ago

Hello! First of all, thanks for the great template!

This issue is about documentation translation, but I don't want to open the separate one for the template translation. I have written a short script to automatically translate the cloned template into English with Google. Here it is:

rg --color never "$REGEXP" -o --vimgrep src | sed -r "s|([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):(.+)|STR='\4'; sed -i \"\2s/\$STR/\$\(trans --brief zh:en \\\"\$STR\\\"\)/\" $(pwd)/\1;|g" > /tmp/;
rg --color never "$REGEXP" -o --vimgrep mock | sed -r "s|([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):(.+)|STR='\4'; sed -i \"\2s/\$STR/\$\(trans --brief zh:en \\\"\$STR\\\"\)/\" $(pwd)/\1;|g" >> /tmp/;
sh /tmp/;

Dependencies: Translate Shell, ripgrep

macOS users should update to the GNU sed firtst:

brew install --with-default-names gnu-sed

The result is rather acceptable - translation is not ideal, of course, but at lease it enables Chinese non-speaker to start with.

Hope it helps to someone :)

Edit: translate within the commands changed to the more common trans. Edit2: macOS instruction added.

davidctj commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for providing such amazing ant design pro! I'm a frontend developer who has been using ant design a lot, love it! I'd like to translate on &&

B1anker commented 6 years ago

Can CET-6 have a try?

chenshuai2144 commented 6 years ago

@B1anker Of course. you can translate and then pr

xueqingxiao commented 6 years ago

I can take,,,

bunshar commented 6 years ago

I can help in making demos in english. In ant-design the demos have data in english and I can convert that within week if it's required.

chenshuai2144 commented 6 years ago

@bunshar 当然需要了

priezz commented 6 years ago

@bunshar, my script above translates demo data. For me it seems that it could be too early for the fine tuned manual translation as the product is still in active development stage. However, I could be wrong :)

lorecrafting commented 6 years ago

Hello, I would like to help with translation. Are you folks trying to get all the documentation translation done by the time Ant Pro 1.0 is released?

Also i'm currently translating the Ant Pro component data, and also mock data so that the Dashboard can be displayed in English. Should I put the translation of mock data and ant pro sample components in a new 'english' branch? @nikogu


Edit: Oops didn't see the awesome work that @priezz did with the script. Don't want to do double duty with the demo translations since @bunshar said he could do it, so i'll wait for further coordination.

lorecrafting commented 6 years ago

I will start translating components in the ant-design-pro repo, going to start with Charts!

Edit: Just created a PR for translated Charts components. Would like a review, thanks!

Edit: I was also wondering, does the release of Ant Design Pro 1.0 have a hard dependency on translating docs to English? Or would it be possible that Ant Pro 1.0 gets released first, and Pull Requests for translations can come in later? Thanks!

bunshar commented 6 years ago

Nice script @priezz ! Needed some changes to get it to run in Mac so sharing that

Translate script for mac users as sed in mac is not same as sed in gnu

install with - brew install --with-default-names gnu-sed and then use that. Also the translate doesn't work but trans does

rg --color never "$REGEXP" -o --vimgrep src | gsed -r "s|([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):(.+)|STR='\4'; gsed -i \"\2s/\$STR/\$\(trans --brief zh:en \\\"\$STR\\\"\)/\" $(pwd)/\1;|g" > /tmp/;
rg --color never "$REGEXP" -o --vimgrep mock | gsed -r "s|([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):(.+)|STR='\4'; gsed -i \"\2s/\$STR/\$\(trans --brief zh:en \\\"\$STR\\\"\)/\" $(pwd)/\1;|g" >> /tmp/;
sh /tmp/;
priezz commented 6 years ago

@bunshar, thank you for your addition! You are right, unfortunately mac's sed is not gnu-compatible. However, with --with-default-names option, you have provided, brew installs sed without g in the front. So the script stays unchanged. I also update translate to trans in the initial script as it is their recommended command name.

bunshar commented 6 years ago

The issue is that this breaks my ability to keep the repo in sync as there are so many changes.

I think this is the right time to start translation. The script is a good starting point and will save quite a lot of effort.

ddcat1115 commented 6 years ago

@lorecrafting The Ant Design Pro 1.0 do not rely on the translation work, and only some of the guide docs may be changed after the 1.0 release. As for components, you can start your translation at anytime 😃

ZoeVonFeng commented 6 years ago

I can help on "" translation if it is not taken yet. And thank you for the great framework! Update: I already finished and created a pull request since it was a short page. It is open for review.

2uncle-code commented 6 years ago

@afc163 I'd Like to join the translation team!☺☺☺

Sowed commented 6 years ago

@afc163, me too! English native with some basic Chinese(lacking mandarin grammar, something I guess the reviewers can handle). Wishing to jump on the translation team.

crunchysoul commented 6 years ago

I would love to be a translator for this project, really enjoy antd and antdpro, want to contribute more.

ddcat1115 commented 6 years ago

Some docs have been updated(since v1.0) and we can restart our translation 💦

richardzyx commented 6 years ago

Can we start a Trello board to keep track of the translation effort between multiple versions and projects? Having to track down PRs and issues just to find the latest work progress is simply not efficient, and here is case study of how Trello used Trello to manage the translation process:

The issues in ant-design repo seem to reference this issue for tracking the translation of specs as well? I'm just lost in the translation works for ant-design spec, ant-design components, and ant-design pro. Having a globally accessible Trello should help a lot with this process.


NickFranceschina commented 6 years ago

I am also a big fan and and native English speaker and happy to help where I can. I should have already forked this repo before starting my latest project, but will do so now. Thank you for your great effort!

iannbing commented 6 years ago

Hi, just translated the Login component and sent PR, will pick up more later :-)

tchern commented 6 years ago

I'd love to help with both review and translation. I am a technical writer, English native and Chinese bilingual writing and reading proficiency. I can start with reviewing /docs/ and components/ I also spotted a few small grammar errors in, if you'd like me to correct that too.

我可以帮忙中英翻译和修改英文的版本。上面列了几个md是我可以先修改的。 (我英文中文双语,繁体中文和简体中文都能专业读写)

ddcat1115 commented 6 years ago

@tchern You are very welcome! But the /docs/layout and components/ is translated and reviewed already(you can check the TODOs progress in above), you can help us to translate the other parts, just mark your name after the item you have chosen. Or you can join the review work -> to be reviewed

atav32 commented 6 years ago

Sign me up. I'll help translate.

meluo commented 6 years ago

Module build failed: Error: Cannot use decorators and decorators2 plugin together

sroze commented 6 years ago

Thank you all for your translation efforts. This seems to be a very nice set of UI elements ❤️

zhuzisheng commented 6 years ago

I can help translate the login part into English.

maria-le commented 6 years ago

Google Translate does a pretty good job doesn't it? Why not just use that?

chloesun commented 5 years ago

I can help with some translation as well, feel free to reach out and let me know what pieces I can work on!

robsonsilv4 commented 4 years ago

I added README in portuguese (pt-BR), see #5438. And i will also help to translate documentation to portuguese.

BoyoJustice commented 4 years ago

I would be happy to be a reviewer of "" if still available.

cyw1361546576 commented 4 years ago

---原始邮件--- 发件人:"Garrett Beyer" 发送时间:2019年11月30日 星期六 下午8:1 收件人:"ant-design/ant-design-pro" 抄送:"cyw1361546576";"Comment" 主题:Re: [ant-design/ant-design-pro] Document Translation (#120)

I would be happy to be a reviewer of "" if still available.

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nelsonacalves commented 4 years ago

We just finished most of translate jobs and published at, welcome to visit it and review the translation. Give us PR if you find any typos. 🎅

Volunteer Wanted

Hey, guys! We are going to provide English documentation.

So, How can i help translate? what work is available?

semezzato commented 2 years ago

I'm a brazilian developer and I want to join this. I want to help translate it, but in portuguese, we have a large dev market in ascension here. By the way, it will be a nice contribution for all.

Yoann-Paquet commented 2 years ago

Hello when are you going to translate Ant Design into French?

qq6690876 commented 2 years ago

I’m a product manager and I want to help translate it. I'd like to translate on Result