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Long list optimization #3789

Closed benjycui closed 4 years ago

benjycui commented 7 years ago


yesmeck commented 7 years ago

看了下文章最后讲到 Reactabular,它实现的 virtualization 效果确实很好,不过表格我感觉暂时还不需要这个,因为现在是数据不多的时候也会有性能问题,而且数据多的时候还是建议分页吧。

yesmeck commented 7 years ago

原来 react-lazyload 给没在 viewport 的组件也渲染一个 div 是为了填充高度,让滚动条能正确显示,这个还是 Reactabular 和 react-virtualized 的实现比较高明。

Reactabular 是上下各渲染一个 tr,然后高度分别设成没显示的行高度之合。

react-virtualized 是在列表外面套一个 div,把高度撑起来,然后通过 position: absolute; top: 36700px; 来调整要显示元素的位置。

paranoidjk commented 7 years ago

react-virtualized 和 react-infinite 都需要给出每个 item 的高度,感觉这点是个限制。

在能确定每个 Item 的行高前提下,基于 react-infinite 包装的 table-view,效果还行。

benjycui commented 7 years ago


benjycui commented 7 years ago

react-virtualized 和 react-infinite 都需要给出每个 item 的高度,感觉这点是个限制。

How about minItemHeight or minRowHeight. According to me, if we know the min height of all rows, it will be enough to react-virtualized and react-infinite

paranoidjk commented 7 years ago

yep,both height and minHeight will work

wangtao0101 commented 6 years ago

被这个问题折磨了很久了,昨天终于做了下支持任意高度的scroll list方案。react-list-any-height

benjycui commented 6 years ago

@wangtao0101 文档都不写个?

wangtao0101 commented 6 years ago

@benjycui 兄弟,还没来得及写呀。

wangtao0101 commented 6 years ago

@benjycui 文档ok了

tiffon commented 6 years ago

I can't read most of this thread, so apologies if this is not relevant, but I thought I'd share the approach we took with virtualized scrolling in Jaeger UI. It's not generalized, at this point, but might still be worth a gander.

jaegertracing/jaeger-ui - src/components/TracePage/TraceTimelineViewer/ListView/index.js

The items do not need to be fixed heights (possibly similar to react-list-any-height):


Some notes from the PR:

Started with react-virtualized, but issues around flashes of un-rendered regions while scrolling and dynamically sized / periodically changing content lead to revival of old project that essentially does the same thing: src/components/TracePage/TraceTimelineViewer/ListView/*.

ListView is more optimized to our needs (and less versatile). These optimizations include:

  • Taking the approach of rendering less often and larger amounts of items per render
  • Optimizing for scrolling in both directions instead of only the current scroll direction
  • Having a concept of minimum and regular "overscan", which means if the currently rendered list of items meets a minimum buffer, don't render more, but if it doesn't, then render enough meet the minimum buffer and some extra, as well

Also, most excellent work on Ant Design! It's a joy to work with :+1:

Nokecy commented 6 years ago


SeanCraftsman commented 6 years ago

I met the same problem. Is there any progoress ?

nunohora commented 6 years ago

having the same issue.

aindong commented 6 years ago

Are there any progress on this?

tiffon commented 6 years ago

@SeanCraftsman, @nunohora, @aindong – using react-virtualized resolved the issue, for me, which is described here in the docs.

swillis12 commented 6 years ago

@tiffon this will work for a List but I cannot figure out how to do this for Table.

jorisre commented 6 years ago

Hi, what's the best way to use TreeSelect with react-virtualized ?

MatthieuCoelho commented 5 years ago

Is there any progress on this? Is it possible to combine react-virtualized with Antd table ?

JonDum commented 5 years ago

react-virtualized 和 react-infinite 都需要给出每个 item 的高度,感觉这点是个限制。 在能确定每个 Item 的行高前提下,基于 react-infinite 包装的 table-view,效果还行。

@paranoidjk @benjycui Just fyi, react-virtualized also works with rows of unknown height that size the elements on the fly:

JonDum commented 5 years ago

Also, my thoughts on this: It may not be necessary to replicate virtualization within antd. Perhaps instead exposing a render method that is in charge of providing the Menu/Table rows so that a user can implement virtualization on their own would be a good start.

tiffon commented 5 years ago

FYI, I think react-window is the next-gen react-virtualized.

On Thu, Jul 5, 2018, 4:01 AM Jonathan Dumaine wrote:

Also, my thoughts on this: It may not be necessary to replicate virtualization within antd. Perhaps instead exposing a render method that is in charge of providing the Menu/Table rows so that a user can implement virtualization on their own would be a good start.

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chenxiaochun commented 5 years ago


damiangreen commented 5 years ago

It's also really slow with the Transfer component

tunaung22 commented 5 years ago

what is the current workaround to use antd table with react-virtualized ? I've got no idea on rendering antd table with react-virtualized table while react-virtualized list can be used with antd's list using rowRenderer props. or Just use react-virtualized table with custom styles without using antd table ?

kino90 commented 5 years ago

Any update on this?

Naiqin commented 5 years ago


damiangreen commented 5 years ago

I would be interested in creating a PR that solves this, using React Window. What are the mantainers thoughts on introducing this depedency?

swillis12 commented 5 years ago

I would be interested in creating a PR that solves this, using React Window. What are the mantainers thoughts on introducing this depedency?

I've needed this badly for a while now. I may be forced to implement my table outside of AntD using react-window for now. Until this is supported, the performance is unacceptable for long lists and I need a usable table with many rows (needs virtualization).

kino90 commented 5 years ago

@swillis12 in my team we are using react-tabular with great performances, if that could be of any help :)

I'd still want to see this issue marked as resolved.. Long lists are unusable at the moment..

zoxiyo commented 5 years ago


afc163 commented 5 years ago

Maybe we should make this built-in.

Nokecy commented 5 years ago


kino90 commented 5 years ago

Better late than never! 😉

zenoven commented 5 years ago

so, any progress ?

genui-eeshan commented 5 years ago

Hey! We'd love this! How's it coming?

WangJM001 commented 5 years ago

项目要用到treetable且可能存在大量节点,所以我基于antd的table修改了代码增加了虚拟加载,demo每个节点下1999个子节点,可能还有bug存在没有详细测试 treetable 参考react-window项目,感谢下前几楼提供的细路,因为刚接触前端,代码改的有点乱,有时间我重新整理下贴出来,有需要的可以参考下

52flutter commented 5 years ago


flyingcrp commented 5 years ago

还有一个奇怪的问题.当 FormTable 在作为兄弟组件存在时,Form上的输入会非常卡.尤其是当Table存在fixed 的时候,整个页面基本处于不可用操作的状态.Table 数据后台分页了的,每页30行.稍后我会补一个demo .通过 react tool 发现,当有键盘事件触发时都会导致整个组件从新渲染.现在暂时解决办法是把所有同级的Form拆出去.但是列表页面的任何操作依然会导致页面卡爆.


flyingcrp commented 5 years ago


"antd": "^3.12.3",
 "react": "^16.3.2",


fgiarritiello commented 5 years ago

Can anyone please give us an update if this is going to be implemented? If so, can we please know when it will be available. This is becoming a blocker in our application and will need to consider to drop Antd in order to move on, which is sad because I really like the this framework.

fgiarritiello commented 5 years ago

I would be interested in creating a PR that solves this, using React Window. What are the mantainers thoughts on introducing this depedency?

I've needed this badly for a while now. I may be forced to implement my table outside of AntD using react-window for now. Until this is supported, the performance is unacceptable for long lists and I need a usable table with many rows (needs virtualization).

@swillis12 Hi, how did you end up dealing with the table performance issue?

dingchaoyan1983 commented 5 years ago

如果列特别多的情况下,我们的一个需求是列有 70 多列,需要都展示出来,即使做了分页也还是会非常卡顿

tiffon commented 5 years ago

I believe the docs have examples with react- virtualized, which should do the trick.

On Thu, Mar 28, 2019, 4:48 AM Dane wrote:

如果列特别多的情况下,我们的一个需求是列有 70 多列,需要都展示出来,即使做了分页也还是会非常卡顿

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buhichan commented 5 years ago

同关注这个issue一年多了... 还没解决... 然后react-virtualized和react-window太复杂特性太多 不需要那些特性 文档懒得看的我 自己造了个小巧的轮子 特点是除react没有其他依赖, 然后每行高度可以是动态的, 不需要提前给出

Nokecy commented 5 years ago look at this

A react table component to display large datasets with high performance and flexibility - Autodesk/react-base-table
woohs commented 5 years ago


yujiaze commented 5 years ago

Maybe we should make this built-in.

any further progress ?

douglasjunior commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to create a TimePicker with a Input and Dropdown, so I need to render 1440 items (24 hours * 60 minutes) in the Dropdown overlay with Menu, because Dropdown dont works whit others components.

But the dropdown performance with this amount of data is terrible.

So, my question is: What can I do to use the react-window as dropdown overlay?

yoonwaiyan commented 5 years ago

Would like to spread out my concern here too. We've been trying to render a select dropdown for a list with the full list of Google Product Taxonomy but it's very slow with few seconds of lagging before I could see the dropdown. What's the progress so far?