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Antd5 not support ssr for turbo monerepo nextjs? #86

Closed Caesar-APAX closed 1 year ago

Caesar-APAX commented 1 year ago

Reproduction link

Steps to reproduce

import Document, { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document'
import { createCache, extractStyle, StyleProvider } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet'

interface HeadlessProps {
  helmet: any

class HeadlessDocument extends Document<HeadlessProps> {
  get helmetHtmlAttrComponents() {
    return this.props.helmet.htmlAttributes.toComponent()

  get helmetBodyAttrComponents() {
    return this.props.helmet.bodyAttributes.toComponent()

  get helmetHeadComponents() {
    return Object.keys(this.props.helmet)
      .filter((el) => el !== 'htmlAttributes' && el !== 'bodyAttributes')
      .map((el) => this.props.helmet[el].toComponent())

  render(): JSX.Element {
    return (
      <Html {...this.helmetHtmlAttrComponents}>
        <body {...this.helmetBodyAttrComponents}>
          <Main />
          <NextScript />

// It's compatible with static-site generation (SSG).
HeadlessDocument.getInitialProps = async (ctx) => {
  // Resolution order
  // On the server:
  // 1. app.getInitialProps
  // 2. page.getInitialProps
  // 3. document.getInitialProps
  // 4. app.render
  // 5. page.render
  // 6. document.render
  // On the server with error:
  // 1. document.getInitialProps
  // 2. app.render
  // 3. page.render
  // 4. document.render
  // On the client
  // 1. app.getInitialProps
  // 2. page.getInitialProps
  // 3. app.render
  // 4. page.render
  const cache = createCache()
  const originalRenderPage = ctx.renderPage

  ctx.renderPage = () =>
      enhanceApp: (App) => (props) =>
          <StyleProvider cache={cache}>
            <App {...props} />

  const initialProps = await Document.getInitialProps(ctx)
  // Generate the css string for the styles coming from jss
  const css = extractStyle(cache)

  return {
    styles: (
          dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: css }}
    helmet: Helmet.renderStatic()

export default HeadlessDocument
import { Button } from 'antd'   // SSR CSS Working
import { Button } from '@ecommerce/ui' // SSR CSS Not Working
zombieJ commented 1 year ago

Could you help simplify reproduce? It's too much for check.

AsuraLuo commented 1 year ago

@zombieJ 你可以直接克隆仓库,本地测试就知道问题

MadCcc commented 1 year ago

image Cannot start your project.

Caesar-APAX commented 1 year ago

@MadCcc 不好意思,我这个是turbo项目,您启动nextjs,需要使用

pnpm dev --filter=@ecommerce/storefront
AsuraLuo commented 1 year ago

image Cannot start your project.

@MadCcc ,您这边可以运行吗?

Caesar-APAX commented 1 year ago

@MadCcc Can you run dev with next repo?