ant-tar / MODX-mChimpX

A FormIt hook to subscribe you to your Mailchimp mailinglist
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Opt-in/Opt-out as a custom form field #9

Closed EdwardIII closed 3 years ago

EdwardIII commented 12 years ago

Sorry if I'm just being a chimp, but I couldn't figure out a way of reading a opt-in/opt-out checkbox and feeding it through to mChimpX?

If this isn't possible I think it would be a really useful feature - very handy for contact forms with 'sign up for our newsletter' checkboxes!

bertoost commented 12 years ago

Currently this isn't supported yet by mChimpX. It's a basic hook for FormIt to subscribe. You can handle this all trough Mailchimp itself at the moment. Unfortunately not enough time to implement this at the moment, thanks anyway!

crimsonpixel commented 11 years ago

It would be great to have a check box option to either run the mChimpX if checked or simply ignore if unchecked. The extra looks good as is and will be implementing it on a current project.

valdelama commented 11 years ago

Unfortunately this is unusable for me until there is opt in/opt out support, but maybe you could expand on "You can handle this all trough Mailchimp itself at the moment" ?

hephaestoskin commented 9 years ago

bertoost, would you be willing to add that bit in? I have a client who would really want that.

mtalvenheimo commented 9 years ago

I have quickfix for this. Not very sophisticated since i'm not coder, but seems to be working.

Add checkbox to form
<input name="mcsubscribe" id="mcsubscribe" value="1" type="checkbox" [[!+fi.mcsubscribe:FormItIsChecked=`1`]] >
Create customized snippet based on mChimpX. Named it mChimpXSubscribeOptIn
 * mChimpX
 * Copyright 2011-2012 by Bert Oost at <>
 * mChimpX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
 * later version.
 * mChimpX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * mChimpX; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
 * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
 * @package mchimpx
 * mChimpXSubscribe - Subscribe users to the Mailchimp mailing list
 * @package mchimpx
 * @author Bert Oost at <>
$optInField = $modx->getOption('mcOptInField', $scriptProperties, 'mcsubscribe');

$optIn = $hook->getValue($optInField);

if ($optIn == 1) {

    $apikey = $modx->getOption('mcApiKey', $scriptProperties, false);
    $listid = $modx->getOption('mcListId', $scriptProperties, false);
    $emailField = $modx->getOption('mcEmailField', $scriptProperties, 'email');
    $mergeTags = $modx->getOption('mcMergeTags', $scriptProperties, 'FNAME:firstname,LNAME:lastname,FULLNAME:firstname:lastname');

    // subscribe options
    $emailType = $modx->getOption('mcEmailType', $scriptProperties, 'html');
    $doubleOptin = (boolean) $modx->getOption('mcDoubleOptin', $scriptProperties, 1);
    $updateExisting = (boolean) $modx->getOption('mcUpdateExisting', $scriptProperties, 0);
    $replaceInterests = (boolean) $modx->getOption('mcReplaceInterests', $scriptProperties, 1);
    $sendWelcome = (boolean) $modx->getOption('mcSendWelcome', $scriptProperties, 1);

    // error reporting options
    $debug = (boolean) $modx->getOption('mcDebug', $scriptProperties, 0);
    $errorApiKey = (boolean) $modx->getOption('mcFailOnApiKey', $scriptProperties, 0);
    $errorListNotExists = (boolean) $modx->getOption('mcFailOnListNotExists', $scriptProperties, 0);
    $errorAlreadySubscribed = (boolean) $modx->getOption('mcFailOnAlreadySubscribed', $scriptProperties, 0);
    $errorNotSubscribed = (boolean) $modx->getOption('mcFailOnNotSubscribed', $scriptProperties, 0);
    $errorMissingReq = (boolean) $modx->getOption('mcFailOnMissingRequired', $scriptProperties, 0);

    // get form values
    $values = $hook->getValues();

    // load lexicons

    if(empty($apikey)) {
      $hook->addError('', $modx->lexicon('mchimpx.error.noapi'));
      return false;
    if(empty($listid)) {
      $hook->addError('', $modx->lexicon('mchimpx.error.nolistid'));
      return false;
    if(empty($emailField) || !isset($values[$emailField]) || empty($values[$emailField])) {
      $hook->addError('', $modx->lexicon('mchimpx.error.noemail'));
      return false;
    if(empty($mergeTags) || !stripos($mergeTags, ':')) {
      $hook->addError('', $modx->lexicon('mchimpx.error.nomergefields'));
      return false;

    // Secure page?
    $secure = false;
    if(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
      $secure = true;

    // load Mailchimp API
    try {
      $modx->loadClass('MCAPI', $modx->getOption('mchimpx.core_path',null,$modx->getOption('core_path').'components/mchimpx/').'model/', true, true);
      $mc = new MCAPI($apikey, $secure);

      // find out the merge values
      $mergeValues = array();
      $parsefields = explode(',', trim($mergeTags));
      foreach($parsefields as $field) {
        $fields = explode(':', $field);
        $keyField = array_shift($fields);
        $mergeValues[$keyField] = '';
        foreach($fields as $index => $submitfield) {
          if(isset($values[$submitfield])) {
        $mergeValues[$keyField] .= (($index > 0) ? ' ' : '').$values[$submitfield];

      // subscribe
      $success = $mc->listSubscribe($listid, $values[$emailField], $mergeValues, $emailType, $doubleOptin, $updateExisting, $replaceInterests, $sendWelcome);
      if(!$success) {

        switch($mc->errorCode) {
          case '104': // Invalid_ApiKey
            if($errorApiKey) { $hook->addError('', $modx->lexicon('mchimpx.error.invalidapikey')); }
          case '200': // List_DoesNotExist
            if($errorListNotExists) { $hook->addError('', $modx->lexicon('mchimpx.error.listnotexists')); }
          case '214': // List_AlreadySubscribed
          case '230': // Email_AlreadySubscribed
            if($errorAlreadySubscribed) { $hook->addError('', $modx->lexicon('mchimpx.error.alreadysubscribed')); }
          case '215': // List_NotSubscribed
          case '233': // Email_NotSubscribed
            if($errorNotSubscribed) { $hook->addError('', $modx->lexicon('mchimpx.error.notsubscribed')); }
          case '250': // List_MergeFieldRequired
            if($errorMissingReq) { $hook->addError('', $modx->lexicon('mchimpx.error.missingrequired')); }

        if($debug) {
          $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[mChimpX] ERROR: '.$mc->errorMessage);

        return false;

      return true;
    catch(Exception $e) {

      if($debug) {
        $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[mChimpX] ERROR: '.$e->getMessage());

      $hook->addError('', $modx->lexicon('mchimpx.error.unknown'));
      return false;
return true;
Add it to &hooks
Add new parameter to formit call to define opt-in checkbox. (Default mcsubscribe)