ant-thomas / zsgx1hacks

Hacks for ZS-GX1 IP Camera and various Goke GK7102 based IP Cameras
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Anyone has got this device working? #104

Open tonbor opened 5 years ago

tonbor commented 5 years ago

I bought Thinking it was onvif, it is not, so try to access it this way.

I got the OR sd loaded. Can telnet, can read it, scan ports, but no Access to onvif, rtps stream. Website see only ptz no video.... -sh: /bin/hostname: not found

ls /tmp | grep -F 3 SDK10823

any hints?

gd-99 commented 5 years ago

@tonbor you are lucky, I have just got this same banggood camera working thanks to ant-thomas' zsgx1hacks working. To be honest it worked fine using the bundled cloud service, but I am not very comfortable allowing a hosted service access to my private life. Using zsgxhacks, uncouples my camera from the cloud - thanks ant-thomas!

The magic info I think you need for this device is the rtps port number: 8001!

Note: I have only got this working using a wired connection or with the camera in AP mode. I have not yet found how to connect the camera to my router. So...

Follow the instructions for the read only Newer firmware ( which from reading your post I think you have successfully done. Instructions suggest an Android app, but I used IP Cam Viewer Lite Open the app; then under Manage Camera add (+) a Generic URL camera. Change the Name and Make to suit. As a first try for the Model, select Generic RTSP over TCP. URL: rtsp://:8001 User: admin *Paswd:

Press the Test button should display the image from your camera. Press Save to save the set-up. Use the Android back (<) button to get back to the camera feed screen.

** When in AP mode the camera IP address is In wired mode it is whatever your DHCP (router) supplies.

I have not yet - working on it - got the PTZ controls to work with the app. I need to use an Internet browser to position the camera.

On the PC I have also been able to view the camera image using VLC. Select the streaming option then enter the "rtsp" string as above. I have successfully incorporated this camera into the Windows only iSpy application. Here I have also managed to get PTZ working.

Hope this helps.

tonbor commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I thought I was stuck because the onvif device manager could not find the camera, not at port 8080 neither at 8001. The ip Address is in the range of my network and more or less static because of binding the mac tot an Address in my router. I will have a try with the tools you mentioned. If I succeed in getting a wifi connection I let you know.

tonbor commented 5 years ago

Vlc with rtsp is working YES YES, strange that onvif is not recognized…….. and I see this hack has no onvif, the maker is working on it he said in december last year, any progress?

gd-99 commented 5 years ago

UPDATE: managed to get ptz working and integrated with the android app - IP Cam Viewer Lite.

By modifying the webui ptz control app, it is possible to emulate the eneo - PXD-2018PTZ1080 camera ptz commands. This will display the rtsp stream overlayed with the ptz controls. The app allows swiping to move the camera, or by pressing arrow keys.

The process I followed:

  1. on the SD card under hack/www/cgi-bin create a folder called com The path should now look like /hack/www/cgi-bin/com
  2. in /hack/www/cgi-bin/com create a file called ptz.cgi This is my version - remove the .txt from the file name :) ptz.cgi.txt
  3. replace the SD card in the camera and reboot it.

The camera's ptz can still be controlled from a browser page. Moving on to the app.

In the IP Cam Viewer Lite app:

  1. go to manage a camera and add a new camera using the Generic URL option
  2. Name: call it whatever you want.
  3. Make: tap the find button (right hand side of the input field) and enter eneo, then tap the find button.
  4. select the eneo PXD-2018PTZ1080 camera /model
  5. Host IP: enter the camera's IP address
  6. Http(s) Port: 8080
  7. Port Overides: RTSP 8001
  8. User: admin (password empty) Tap the Test button to see that the settings can retrieve the camera image. Tap Save to save the camera setting. Get back to the camera view. Selecting the new "eneo" camera should display the cameras image. If not displayed tap the screen to bring up the camera controls. Tap on the PTZ /Preset to overlay the PTZ arrows to control pan and tilt. Or, simply swipe left /right /up /down to pan left /right /up /down.

I am making some progress at getting the camera to connect to my router (wifi client mode), but can only do this if I boot the camera with an Ethernet cable connected. Once connected to the router I can remove the eth0 cable and the camera keeps the wifi connection. However a re-boot will drop the wifi connection and go back into AP mode.

techspy2000 commented 5 years ago

Awesome, thanks!

BTW, has anyone managed to get audio working with this method? I get "Listen Failed" when clicking on the speaker and the mic is grayed out.

gd-99 commented 5 years ago

@techspy2000 following the information in update 13, using VLC I get audio and video. the URL you need is: rtsp://<cam_ip_address>:8001/0/av0 I can get the "/0/av0 into the android app, but when I tap the speaker icon on the right hand side of the app viewing screen, the app tells me to upgrade to the pro version :(

Android VLC app also works with the suffix /0/av0, but without the PTZ - bit clunky but guess you can always use the browser to PTZ, then go back to VLC to monitor.

Still working at it :)

techspy2000 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the info. I am using the pro version of IPCam Viewer so I will give it a try and let you know.

Edit: Yep, sound works with a standard RTSP cam setup in the android app. But it looses pan/tilt of course. Well, still not bad. I can switch to whichever I want, pan/tilt or sound.

paus56 commented 5 years ago

Для полноценной работы ONVIF в камере на GK7102 в файле hwcfg.ini должна быть обязательно строка: support_onvif = 1 если её нет, то добавьте в файл.

Если после перезагрузки камера входит в режим AP, в файле hwcfg.ini найдите и удалите строку: support_ap_mode = 1 (или 2)

много полезного по этим камерам там->

Google translate: A string must be present in the hwcfg.ini file on the GK7102 for ONVIF to work properly in the camera: support_onvif = 1 if it's not there, add it to the file.

If the camera enters AP mode after rebooting, the file hwcfg.ini find and delete the line: support_ap_mode = 1 (or 2)

a lot of good stuff on those cameras there-->

gd-99 commented 5 years ago

@pause56 great find, thanks for sharing. I amended my hwcfg.ini file, and happy to report my camera is now auto detected as an onvif device - so much easier to set-up. Tested with tinycam I have the full PTZ control. I haven't yet tested out what happens when I remove the ap_mode line.

I am now all over like a child in a sweet shop. Only wish I understood Russian - Google translate is my friend?

gd-99 commented 5 years ago

Following up and reading through (all 18 pages) of the discussion pointed to by pause56 I have tested out some of the extra functionality for this camera.

With support_onvif = 1 in /homehwcfg.ini, adding: passwd = passw0rd - adds the password "passw0rd" to the rtsp stream. When tested both tinycam and vlc needed the password to display the stream. show_osd_time = 1 - adds an on screen date and time to the rtsp stream.

Using the osd option, for the camera to get the correct date off the Internet, I had to first modify the, found in the root directory of the sdcard, ntpd entry. I copied the line out of the file found in DBaluxa's fork.. Change: (sleep 20 && /home/busybox/ntpd -q -p ) & To: (while true; do sleep 20 && /home/busybox/ntpd -q -p; done ) &

Then to get the correct time zone - I am in the UK - go to /home and edit Find and change: echo "CST-8" > /etc/TZ To: echo "GMT-0" > /etc/TZ

Once the camera has rebooted, after a short delay typing date at the command prompt should correct to the current date and time. *** Caution when editing the An error here and it may be possible to stop the camera starting up correctly. I recommend making a copy of this file before editing.

From the discussion page; I came across a way to get a JPEG 320x176 pixel snapshot image of what the camera has in frame through a web browser - worked for me: http://<camera_IP>:554/snapshot

I suspect results will depend on the camera's firmware level. My camera reports it is: Model - CHW-PTZ Firmware - SDK - 10823

Finally someone in the forum provided a list of all the options for hwcfg.ini. I don't think all options will work for all camera's but have included it here as a txt file for reference. hwcfg.txt

gd-99 commented 5 years ago

Finally got wifi to connect to a hidden SSID without going through the bundled app /cloud service.

Following paus56 pointer I removed support_ap_mode = 1 from the hwcfg.ini file, but I then had to set-up several other files.

In /home edit the /home/wpa_supplicant.conf file with the wifi settings. A sample file would look like this: wpa_supplicant.conf

pairwise=TKIP CCMP
group=CCMP TKIP WEP104 WEP40

From this discussion, create a cls.conf file in the route directory of the sd-card. It should look like this: cls.conf

ip = 192.168.1.xx
gw =
netmask =
dns =
ssid = <your_ssid>
passwd = <your_ssid_password>

Finally for some reason¸ on my camera, although I got confirmation the wifi had connected, the camera didn't assign an IP address to wlan0 - my router showed it had associated correctly.

To correct this I edited by adding the following to the end of the file

if [ -f /media/hack/ ]; then

Then created the file in the sd-card/hack directory. The file contains:

# Set wifi IP address
# Run from /home/
/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 192.168.1.xx

This way if the set-wifi-ip file mucks up the startup, simply delete to go back to normal.

It is a real hack, as I would like to check the wifi had associated before assigning a fixed IP, but my shell scripting is not up to it. So long as the wired connection isn't present, it should work. My camera doesn't get upset if the wired connection is connected and the wifi gets the same fixed IP address - it just favours the wired route.

To quiet the camera down a bit put; voice_volume = 5 in hwcfg.ini.

EDIT: after some more experimenting I see there is no need for my hacky bit using the By removing everything from the cls.conf file except for the wifi ssid and password (and undoing any changes), when the camera reboots it will connect to the wifi (even hidden SSID) using DHCP - cls.conf will look like this: cls.conf

ssid = <your_ssid>
passwd = <your_ssid_password>
tonbor commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the great work!

tonbor commented 5 years ago

How do you edit, vi is not working the normal way.

gd-99 commented 5 years ago

Not sure I can help. For me; once I have successfully logged in via telnet, I simply use vi </path/file name> in the normal way.

EDIT: My desktop is MATE. Once the ant-thomas hack is in place you can connect using FTP and edit files using the desktop editor, in my case, using Pluma. Files opened in Pluma via the FTP "window" are automatically saved back on the camera.

tonbor commented 5 years ago

Well gd-99 you told us that you got the same IP camera from Banggood as I bought. Well it seems that my home directory is now write protected (putty telnet port 23). How did you manage to write to it? This is my firmware version: IP CAMERA login: root Password: -sh: /bin/hostname: not found

ls /tmp | grep -F 3 SDK10823

gd-99 commented 5 years ago

@tonbor if I read your post correctly:-

P CAMERA login: root Password: -sh: /bin/hostname: not found

Indicates you have successfully logged into the camera (using telnet /ssh), however by default, on my camera, this lands in root's home directory aka /root. This can be confirmed by typing pwd at the command prompt. The shell should respond with /root. On my camera this (/root) directory is read-only. The home directory refereed to in the "hack" is an actual directory in the file system tree called /home. I have to do a cd /home to get into the "home" directory. Type pwd to confirm this. This "home" directory is writeable on my camera.

Hope this helps.

By the way the error above "-sh: /bin/hostname: not found " can be corrected by editing the profile file found in the sdcard /hack directory. Find the the line (around line 31 in my editor) and: Change: export HOSTNAME=/bin/hostname To: `export HOSTNAME=`hostname ... then reboot /restart the camera.

tonbor commented 5 years ago

Well thanks I was already working in the home directory. Hellas I cannot change files, neither add a file in this directory. Saving a changed file gives a error 10L, 0C. Creating a file with VI is not possible. Perhaps I got bad luck with this camera. It cannot connect wireless, only wired. Saving the wireless when this is configured while I am with that terrible app wired connected, is not working…… Perhaps I have a Monday morning Banggood machine.

Is it possible to load another firmware without bricking the machine?



Van: gd-99 [] Verzonden: donderdag 21 maart 2019 10:52 Aan: ant-thomas/zsgx1hacks CC: tonbor; Mention Onderwerp: Re: [ant-thomas/zsgx1hacks] Anyone has got this device working? (#104)

@tonbor if I read your post correctly:-

P CAMERA login: root Password: -sh: /bin/hostname: not found Indicates you have successfully logged into the camera (using telnet /ssh), however by default, on my camera, this lands in root's home directory aka /root. This can be confirmed by typing pwd at the command prompt. The shell should respond with /root. On my camera this (/root) directory is read-only. The home directory refereed to in the "hack" is an actual directory in the file system tree called /home. I have to do a cd /home to get into the "home" directory. Type pwd to confirm this. This "home" directory is writeable on my camera.

Hope this helps.

By the way the error above "-sh: /bin/hostname: not found " can be corrected by editing the profile file found in the sdcard /hack directory. Find the the line (around line 31 in my editor) and: Change: export HOSTNAME=/bin/hostname To: export HOSTNAME=hostname ... then reboot /restart the camera.

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tonbor commented 5 years ago

Well thanks I was already working in the home directory. Hellas I cannot change files, neither add a file in this directory. Saving a changed file gives a error 10L, 0C. Creating a file with VI is not possible. Perhaps I got bad luck with this camera. It cannot connect wireless, only wired. Saving the wireless when this is configured while I am with that terrible app wired connected, is not working…… Perhaps I have a Monday morning Banggood machine.

Is it possible to load another firmware without bricking the machine?



tonbor commented 5 years ago

IP CAMERA login: pi Password: Login incorrect IP CAMERA login: root Password:

cd ..

cd home




1080_mem_cfg.bin cloud_oversea.ini image.ini HACKSD md5file PATH debugTool ptz.cfg VOICE-orig.tgz drv rsyscall.goke VOICE.tgz etc VOICEON extra sensordetect ap eye.conf sensors busybox ca-bundle-add-closeli.crt gk_fw.bin work.log hardinfo.bin wpa_supplicant.conf chmemcfg hwcfg.ini cloud.ini idx.log #

gd-99 commented 5 years ago

@tonbor the output from your ls command is similar to mine, but I have some extra files as well. I don't know if it is possible to use other firmware.

I do not know if this is the best method of understanding if a partition is writeable, however using these commands: df -h | grep home I get: /dev/mtdblock4 2.4M 2.1M 320.0K 87% /home Which is telling me my /home directory is 87% full, so some space left. This command: mount | grep home I get: /dev/mtdblock4 on /home type jffs2 (rw,relatime) My understanding of the (rw,realtime) is the home partition is rw - read writeable. But doing: mount | grep /p2pcam I get: /dev/mtdblock3 on /p2pcam type squashfs (ro,relatime) Indicates /p2pcam is read-only. The df command also reports it is 100% full.

tonbor commented 5 years ago

IP CAMERA login: root Password:


-sh: cd..: not found

cd ..

cd home

df -h | grep home

/dev/mtdblock4 2.4M 2.4M 32.0K 99% /home

mount | grep home

/dev/mtdblock4 on /home type jffs2 (rw,relatime)

mount | grep /p2pcam

/dev/mtdblock3 on /p2pcam type squashfs (ro,relatime)

Op do 21 mrt. 2019 om 13:32 schreef gd-99

@tonbor the output from your ls command is similar to mine, but I have some extra files as well. I don't know if it is possible to use other firmware.

I do not know if this is the best method of understanding if a partition is writeable, however using these commands: df -h | grep home I get: /dev/mtdblock4 2.4M 2.1M 320.0K 87% /home Which is telling me my /home directory is 87% full, so some space left. This command: mount | grep home I get: /dev/mtdblock4 on /home type jffs2 (rw,relatime) My understanding of the (rw,realtime) is the home partition is rw - read writeable. But doing: mount | grep /p2pcam I get: /dev/mtdblock3 on /p2pcam type squashfs (ro,relatime) Indicates /p2pcam is read-only. The df command also reports it is 100% full.

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paus56 commented 5 years ago

у вас файл VOICE-orig.tgz занял всю свободную память, удалите его как можно быстрее, тогда будет доступна запись в папку HOME

Google Translane: you have a VOICE-orig.tgz file that takes up all the free memory, delete it as soon as possible, then you can write to the HOME folder

tonbor commented 5 years ago

Great, that works!!!!!!!!!

Op do 21 mrt. 2019 om 14:23 schreef paus56

у вас файл VOICE-orig.tgz занял всю свободную память, удалите его как можно быстрее, тогда будет доступна запись в папку HOME

Google Translane: you have a VOICE-orig.tgz file that takes up all the free memory, delete it as soon as possible, then you can write to the HOME folder

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tonbor commented 5 years ago

Thanks paus56 and gd-99 for all the help

tonbor commented 5 years ago

Got almost everything working. RTPS is on port 554 not on 8001 (anymore), login admin password passw0rd (self input). Wifi is working, PTZ is back again, due to making space by deleting VOICE-orig.tgz. Onvif is not working with the Onvif Device manager and OSD is 01-01-1970, I followed every step gd-99 wrote down. Any suggestions?

gd-99 commented 5 years ago

@tonbor, my cam can take a couple of minutes to pick up the correct time off the Internet. Once I replaced the ntp line in with: (while true; do sleep 20 && /home/busybox/ntpd -q -p; done ) & the NTP mostly worked.

When it hasn't picked up the time, it has been down to a DNS issue. Assuming the DHCP server (router) is set up correctly, this should sort out DNS on its own. To check if DNS is your issue or not, log into the camera and do: ping This should respond with something like: PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=54 time=19.565 ms 64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=54 time=16.292 ms ... This indicates DNS is working by resolving to If you do not get any IP indication then it is probably a DNS issue.

The DNS entries can be seen with cat /etc/resolv.conf you should see something like: nameserver nameserver These are google's DNS server addresses, yours are likely to be different. The first one may well be your routers address. If resolv.conf is empty you could try adding these entries manually using nano /vi, then do the ping test. Once you can successfully get a ping test to resolve a name to an IP address ntpd should just start working. Type date on the command line will respond with the full date and time of the camera.

If resolv.conf is the issue you may be able to get it automatically populated by adding: dns = the cls.conf file. I haven't tried doing this without supplying all the other entries to cls.conf (as posted above) as my DHCP configuration just works.

tonbor commented 5 years ago

Well ping was working Alright. I read all 21 Russian pages. I believe that more people had the same problem, the date back to 1970 after a restart. I believe the solution is to copy a hacked file from the russian site. Well I cab not login there. More over copying files to the ip camera gives possible bricking problems.

Op vr 22 mrt. 2019 om 15:22 schreef gd-99

@tonbor, my cam can take a couple of minutes to pick up the correct time off the Internet. Once I replaced the ntp line in with: (while true; do sleep 20 && /home/busybox/ntpd -q -p; done ) & the NTP mostly worked.

When it hasn't picked up the time, it has been down to a DNS issue. Assuming the DHCP server (router) is set up correctly, this should sort out DNS on its own. To check if DNS is your issue or not, log into the camera and do: ping This should respond with something like: PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=54 time=19.565 ms 64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=54 time=16.292 ms ... This indicates DNS is working by resolving to If you do not get any IP indication then it is probably a DNS issue.

The DNS entries can be seen with cat /etc/resolv.conf you should see something like: nameserver nameserver These are google's DNS server addresses, yours are likely to be different. The first one may well be your routers address. If resolv.conf is empty you could try adding these entries manually using nano /vi, then do the ping test. Once you can successfully get a ping test to resolve a name to an IP address ntpd should just start working. Type date on the command line will respond with the full date and time of the camera.

If resolv.conf is the issue you may be able to get it automatically populated by adding: dns = to the cls.conf file. I haven't tried doing this without supplying all the other entries to cls.conf (as posted above) as my DHCP configuration just works.

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tonbor commented 5 years ago

To connect to Synology Surveillance station 8.2 use user defined, stream path: login:password@ipaddress:554/onvif/snapshot...... so like -> admin:passw0rd@

Op vr 22 mrt. 2019 om 21:51 schreef rob gloudi

Well ping was working Alright. I read all 21 Russian pages. I believe that more people had the same problem, the date back to 1970 after a restart. I believe the solution is to copy a hacked file from the russian site. Well I cab not login there. More over copying files to the ip camera gives possible bricking problems.

Op vr 22 mrt. 2019 om 15:22 schreef gd-99

@tonbor, my cam can take a couple of minutes to pick up the correct time off the Internet. Once I replaced the ntp line in with: (while true; do sleep 20 && /home/busybox/ntpd -q -p; done ) & the NTP mostly worked.

When it hasn't picked up the time, it has been down to a DNS issue. Assuming the DHCP server (router) is set up correctly, this should sort out DNS on its own. To check if DNS is your issue or not, log into the camera and do: ping This should respond with something like: PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=54 time=19.565 ms 64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=54 time=16.292 ms ... This indicates DNS is working by resolving to If you do not get any IP indication then it is probably a DNS issue.

The DNS entries can be seen with cat /etc/resolv.conf you should see something like: nameserver nameserver These are google's DNS server addresses, yours are likely to be different. The first one may well be your routers address. If resolv.conf is empty you could try adding these entries manually using nano /vi, then do the ping test. Once you can successfully get a ping test to resolve a name to an IP address ntpd should just start working. Type date on the command line will respond with the full date and time of the camera.

If resolv.conf is the issue you may be able to get it automatically populated by adding: dns = to the cls.conf file. I haven't tried doing this without supplying all the other entries to cls.conf (as posted above) as my DHCP configuration just works.

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gd-99 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the share. On my camera I have found a (netstat) diagnostic stream on port 3201. So http://:3201 gives up a non ending stream of data from the camera. I have turned mine off by wrapping a file check (if -f /somefile )around the "tees" line in the file. This way I can turn the diagnostic info off and on by the presence (or not) of "somefile" on the sdcard.

Some of the info coming out on port 3201 is "event: motion" and "event: sound". Should be possible to filter the "events" to kick of some sort of action on/from the camera - send mail maybe?

tonbor commented 5 years ago

Well I managed to make a conf file for this camera for the synology surveillance version 6 too. It is working there but not yet PTZ.

tonbor commented 5 years ago

Well I got it working Tinycam with ptz, cheap common nvr HZXM_NBD7808T with ptz, 920p only, Synology version6 and 8.2, not yet PTZ

tonbor commented 5 years ago

OSD working ok now, only got UK summer time, I am 1 hour later. GMT+1 or something else like GMT+3 in does not change the OSD time

tonbor commented 5 years ago

anyone got the daylight savings time problem tackled?

gd-99 commented 5 years ago

@tonbor I haven't had time to see if there is a way to properly do auto daylight saving. As a work around I can get my camera to match UK (I am in the UK) summer time. I will probably have to change it again when I go into winter time - if we change...

What I did: edit /home/start.shand change the echo "whatever" > etc/TZ to echo "GMT-1" > /etc/TZ

GMT-1 makes my camera clock (after ntpd has run) run one hour ahead of GMT. I understand - not tested - GMT+1 will make the clock run one hour behind GMT.

EDIT: sorry forgot to mention you need to reboot the camera after making the TZ change for this change to take effect.

tonbor commented 5 years ago

Well that is not working, GMT+1 or something else like GMT+3 in does not change the OSD time. See same problem like here

BenDavidson90 commented 5 years ago

Hello, thank you for the hack and thank you @paus56 for the ONVIF activation setting. My camera is now visible and controllable on ONVIF Device Manager (Windows) and ONVIFER (Andoid), however I can't add it to my Synology Surveillance Station... It detects the ONVIF camera well and connects to it but cannot retrieve the image. However, if I use the RTSP stream it works but in this case no PTZ control...

Someone have a solution ?

evolucja commented 5 years ago

Any way to get it working on Synology? On Android managed to have PTZ but not on Synology..

Jamyz commented 5 years ago

It's possible yo use this with synology and PTZ ?

tonbor commented 5 years ago

Well I got it working Tinycam with ptz, cheap common nvr HZXM_NBD7808T with ptz, 920p only, Synology version6 and 8.2, not yet PTZ for Synology

Op di 11 jun. 2019 20:46 schreef Jamyz

It's possible yo use this with synology and PTZ ?

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aHVzY2g commented 5 years ago

Well I managed to make a conf file for this camera for the synology surveillance version 6 too. It is working there but not yet PTZ.

could you share your config file and give me a hint there I should copy it to? Thx