ant-thomas / zsgx1hacks

Hacks for ZS-GX1 IP Camera and various Goke GK7102 based IP Cameras
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Works on DG-MYQ #84

Open edsub opened 5 years ago

edsub commented 5 years ago

I am in the process of verifying correct funcioning on a DG-MYQ camera. The ReadOnly works as described (although FTP connection failed) It even looks like the R/W version works as well (at least in SD card mode, FTP too!!).

All versions had issues with the sync time (ntpd -q -p a change to seems to solve, so probably not a camera issue but something on the ntp server side....

verification not finalised. I am also looking for a way

  1. to use a static IP address on the WiFi
  2. to use a snapshot in addition to onvif

To be continued

edsub commented 5 years ago

Well I managed to get a bit further:

  1. The R/W hack works although I have a fairly recent version:
  2. Using Linux scripting I am almost there to capture MOTION and SOUND events and call a (Domoticz) webservice to log the event + actual time. The action functioning of the events is a bit puzzling as the config is not very clear about what triggers what.....
  3. No real solution available for implementation on the cam to get a snapshot, so will try with ffmpeg on a RaspberryPi. This is a pity because otherwise I could have linked taking a snaphot with the event system.
  4. Network connection is setup from within the p2pcam binary. Still no luck in changing from dhcp to static ip....
  5. The issue I had with ntpd appeared to be caused by the fact that p2pcam dit not start the network when ntpd wanted to access an ntp server. Circumvented to enlarge the sleep before ntpd to 45 seconds...
  6. Corrected timezone in config
davidlb commented 5 years ago

For snapshot, you can get it from URL, there is a patch to apply: #64

edsub commented 5 years ago

Cool, will try that.

Some progress from my side: network available detection is now much more reliable (used to be just a sleep in which it work in most cases. But not all....).

Suddenly the camera does not log EVENTs anymore. (not using patched p2pcam). Probably I unintendedly changed something in a config. Anyone with some info on eg config.cfg config.xml hwcfg.ini

edsub commented 5 years ago

OK, so here is the the first release of my fork of this project: (and in ) Changes / Improvements:

  1. Startup made more robust (especialy waiting for the network to become available)
  2. Introduced native Domoticz logging based on Camera EVENTs (probably sensitivity needs tweaking)
  3. Included jpeg snapshot
  4. Improved webui page (includes snapshot and manual IRCut operation) image


NOTE: ONLY the persistent hack (ie. where you do not need the SD card for R/W capable cameras) is tested to be working.

Instructions: (note is my camera IP, adapt to your own) Shell login: root / cxlinux OnVif: rtsp:// (1280x720 resolution), username admin/no password Snapshot: http://192.168.1,117:554/snapshot (320x180 resolution) Webui:

If you do not need Domoticz logging, you have to comment out two lines in the /home/ script. These lines are marked with "#Comment out next line if NO Domoticz logging is needed"

Configure Domoticz logging: In Domoticz: Create a virtual device of type "Sensor", remember the index of that device! On your camera: Edit /home/ using vi and modify: "770" to the index of your Domotcz Alert sensor (2 locations) "" to the ip of your Domoticz (4 locations) "" to the ip of your camera (2 locations)

rzr commented 5 years ago

One of my friend asked about finding UART port on T821-B0 board, I thought that the 3 holes on right edge could be the the serial port ? maybe it's not mandatory to find that to use modded fw ...

edsub commented 5 years ago

You do not need a telnet session via the uart (which indeed is the 3 pinholes). Just use the sd to hack and start a telnet session to the ip address.

Fietspomp86 commented 5 years ago

I also have a DG-MYQ with the same firmware ( but unfortunately mine is read-only! Any workaround for this?

TungstenE2 commented 5 years ago

just got my DG-MYQ. Tried your sdcard hack. While snapshot and rtsp are working, the webui does not. Any idea why?



AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

Finally got around to play with my DG-MYQ camera I bought almost 6 months ago. I can't seem to get it to work. Neither webui or snapshot is working, and it still connects to the cloud. I have gotten access to it through telnet with user: root / pass:cxlinux. I have found these RTSP streams to work (with user:admin / pass:empty):

Without sound - Small picture


Without sound - Large picture


With Sound - Small picture


I am new to telnet, so don't really know how I should go about testing if I can do anything useful with it. I have tried ant-thomas' original zsgx1hacks hacks, both read/write and readonly, but with no luck.

My version is So it is a bit newer version then what you are using, so I guess that's why nothing is working as it should.

Don't really know what to do. I really don't want to use it with the cloud when I can't change password for neither telnet or rtsp streams. And I can't seem to find the option where I can let it on my WiFi but cut it off from the outside world, but that would be ideal, since I am goind to use RTSP.

Do you have any tips for a novice like myself?

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

You can change the rstp password, with official firmware and an INI file. Here's the link, usage instructions are in the zip file.

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

Thank you, it changed the password successfully. But all the streams are in black and white now though.

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

Thank you, it changed the password successfully. But all the streams are in black and white now though.

Maybe that's the night view?

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

Might be. Thought the night vision only toggled when it was dark in the room. It is night where I am though, but it's been dark outside since I started fiddling around with it. And I haven't turned the lights out in the room.

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

I have updated it with the new password and it got rolled back to an earlier version while doing that. I thought I would try and update it through the app to see what version I would get. I now have version: Which is the same as you have gotten it to work with, but webui and snapshot still doesn't work, and it still connects to the cloud. The version I got after updating password was something like: 3.1.x something. So I might just try to update the password again to see if it will work with that version.

Something else did happen though, now port 554 is open with the RTSP stream. And port 80 is open for http traffic. When I go to IP/cgi-bin/webui it shows a login popup. But admin/ and root/cxlinux does not work.

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

I just figured out they're a more easy way to change the password. Just FTP in the device with the readonly hack and go to /home/. There you can edit the hwcfg.ini file.

But anyway, what results do you get when you extract the readonly zip from this git to a tf card and place in your camera?

EDIT: I also know why your vision is black and white. The settings in the hwcfg.ini in the file I mentioned are now correct. It says

adc_setting_max = 950
adc_setting_min = -750

But I get better results with

adc_setting_max = 800
adc_setting_min = -300
AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

I have now tried that, and it is still black and white. It is not because it is night, because I have tried to put it in a dark place, and the IR turns on and for some reason it turns back to regular color. But as soon as it is sunny or the light is turned back on, it goes back to black and white.

these links:

/cgi-bin/webui /snapshot now comes up with a popup login form, but I don't know what the credentials are. Do you know anything about that? I have tried root/cxlinux, I have tried admin/, and some other ones. I had already tried both readonly and readwrite from this repo, but nothing did the trick. However, I tried the readonly hack again today, and now it doesn't connect to the cloud and the :8080/cgi-bin/webui shows up. I can't seem to turn IR on/off manually with the buttons on the webui, and it is still black and white. But if I put my hand over it, so it thinks it is night, it will turn on IR lights and change to colored picture again. But as soon as I remove my hand, it will cut off IR and turn back to black and white.
edsub commented 4 years ago

If the camera keeps connecting to the cloud, then the hack was not applied. You can verify that by (eg. via telnet) compare files in the home folder with files you copied to the sd. I think your sd is not properly created.

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

I tried the readonly hack from this git, and that seems to have worked. It does not connect to the cloud but the RTSP streams still work. However, the picture is in black and white. Do you know why this has happened?

I have even tried to reset the device completely and connected it to the WiFi through the app. It is still in black and white. Is this just going to stay b&w forever?

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

I just tried to apply new firmware and I got the same result, like night mode is reversed. What I did now is FTP into the camera and modify hwcfg.ini. Mine looks like this now:

model = CloudCamera
sound_detect = 1
support_onvif = 1
passwd = xxxxxxx

Looks like it works again now! Apparently this is a known bug with some firmwares:

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

Yes, I have also found out it is because the night mode is reversed. I tried following another tutorial on YT that had the same problem but with the M1Q model, but that didn't do the trick.

I'm sorry to be a burden even more, but I haven't really worked with FTP before. Can you give me a quick recap of how to FTP into it and change the hwcfg.ini? And do I have to have the read/write or read-only hack on it, to FTP into it? I have both a linux and windows pc at my disposal, so whatever is easiest.

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

The m1q tutorial doesn't work, you mean flipping the lens right? This is purely a software bug. I always use FlashFXP, for FTP'ing. Just open flashfxp and enter the ip for the camera. No need for a user or password. Navigate to the /home folder. Rightclick the hwcfg.ini and select edit. It's that simple!

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

Exactly, that is the tutorial I tried, but as you say, it is a software bug. I just installed FlashFXP, and tried putting in the IP address of my camera after clicking on the connect button on the right side. But says connection failed. I tried doing an nmap scan on the camera, and it doesn't seem to have port 20 or 21 open. Should it not have those ports open for FTP to connect?

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

You should have the readonly hack installed, then it's working fine. Port 21 indeed.

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

Thank you. I have done this now. My hwcfg.ini looks the same as what you wrote. But now it doesn't go to night mode. Do you have the same issue? When I put a finger over it, it lights up all the red lights around the lens, but it doesn't make the clicking noise it does when turning to night mode, and it stays in colored picture.

My guess is, it is because we deleted the line ir_detect_type 2 option in the cfg file.

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

I have tried to play around with the settings in hwcfg.ini now. I have tried setting 'ir_detect_type' to 0, 1 and 2. On 0 and 1 nothing happens at all, it does not detect night mode, but it is at least not reversed. When I set it to 2, it detects night mode, but is reversed. So it turns on IR lights at day and off at night. I have also tried changing the sensor_position to 1, but that didn't seem to do anything neither. If just the webui worked, I would be able to turn them off/on manually, but that doesn't work neither.

I have looked into why the webui manual IR on/off doesn't work. I can see when I telnet into the camera and run 'gio', it comes up with: gio -di 49 / gio -do 49 1 / gio -s 49 0 /gio -g 49 I tried running the command from the webui, with these numbers instead, but nothing seems to turn on the IR lights.

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

You know the webui is at port 8080 right? Because with the same camera and same hack it works fine here.

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

Yes I know. The webui also shows up. But I can't turn on/off the IR with the buttons on the webui.

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

Ok good. Try to use the webui file from edsub

Just copy the file webui to your sdcard and overwrite, then you get more buttons and these should work. File webui is located in folder hack/www-cgi

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

I thought about that. But I compared the two files. They are almost identical. What shows up when you telnet into it and type gio? Just to know if it is normal that it only responds with gio 49, because the webui turns on/off gio 46.

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, this is my output of gio

gio -di 49
gio -do 49 1
gio -s 49 0
gio -g 49

I flashed an older version of p2pcam btw, and night/day works fine for me. I use this one: (check version with "ls /tmp | grep -F 3.") And hwconf is like this:

model = CloudCamera
main_bps = 768
sensor_position = 0
sound_detect = 1
ir_detect_type = 2
adc_setting_max = 700
adc_setting_min = -300
support_onvif = 1
passwd = xxxxxx
AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

I will check the version when I get home. Where did you find the older version? And did you flash it by just putting it on a sdcard like the hack and changing password?

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

It was this one:

Just flash it indeed

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

Thank you. I will try it out later tonight and post the version after. Hopefully it fixes the reversed night mode.

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

After I used that firmware, something has gone wrong. I took out the sdcard after it said successful, put in my pc again, and it contained a text file with the name ERROR. In this text file it says "Copy hwcfg.ini failed.", it connects to my wifi, and I can use rtsp, but with no password. I have used telnet to look if it indeed did fail the copy, and it did. There are no hwcfg.ini in the /home directory. I can then put the readonly hack on the sd card, and I can conncet over ftp. But when I try to tansfer the hwcfg.ini to the /home folder, it says "1 file failed". Is there a way I can recreate the file directly on the camera over ftp or telnet or something?

I have tried both the MYQ password changing firmware and the GUUDGO firmware you just send, multiple times. Every time I get the error text file returned in the sd card. I have tried resetting the camera, that did not help. So now I am really screwed.

It is now version

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

Very strange, in my case it worked just fine! But did you change the filename from that ruishi-xiaoxueren-hwcfg.ini? I did not. Anyway, if you still have acces you can also use vi to make a new hwcfg.ini. Or put it on a server somewhere and use wget in the home folder. Or use the other firmware again to see what happens. The version is now good by the way, with that one the B/W issue is gone. I'm only trying to find a solution to fix snapshot issue.

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

Yes I still have access. The telnet works fine, and if I put the Readonly Hack on, it also starts the ftp server.

Did not know wget and vi was accessible through telnet. Will give that a go.

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

Yes, I was just experimenting and you can also just update the p2pcam by going to the home folder, delete old p2pcam.tar.gz and wget another one from a server you've uploaded it to. Works great and this also changed firmware version. Right now I'm using the one from edsub (git above) and seems that day and night works as well as snapshot, version is now

Good luck!

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

I think I bricked it. I tried to make the hwcfg.ini with vi, but that said no more room on device when I tried to save it. I then tried wget, but that said the same thing. I then tried updating it through the app, to see if I could get it back to normal to start over, but it never stopped updating and now it doesn't connect to wifi, and if I hold the reset button it doesn't do anything neither... I tried putting the firmware on the sd card and boot it with that in it, but nothing happens.

So I think this is a lost cause by now. :(

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

Use a serial connection and then you can revive it for sure. I guess you didn't backup your firmware?

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

No I didn't back it up. I don't know where the rx, tx and gnd pins are. I was going to try and flash the .bin file from the changing password folder. But can't find the pins.

Fietspomp86 commented 4 years ago

Here is the serial connection setup, 3 pins on the side

AnthonMS commented 4 years ago

My MYQ doesn't have those. It has some smaller ones that look like it, but not exactly where those are located. I found someone saying the three pins next to the sdcard is rx/gnd/tx, but just tried with the ftdi adapter, and it couldn't flash it.

Not an expert with flashing through ftdi adapter, but do I not need the 3v pin as well? Or can i just connect gnd->gnd / rx->tx / tx->rx and flash it that way?

TimelessNL commented 4 years ago

The MYQ indeed has the serial port located next to the SD-Card slot (see: link) 3.3v is not needed and may even damage the camera if connected.

GilDev commented 4 years ago

@AnthonMS Have you tried to make it work again and got any success?