antares500 / serversidegoogleanalytics

Automatically exported from
0 stars 0 forks source link

class corrected for curl #3

Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
    class ssga {

        private $beaconURL  = ""; // Beacon
        private $defType    = "event";
        private $utmwv      = "4.3"; // Analytics version
        private  $utmn          // Random number 
                ,$utmhn     // Host name (
                ,$utmcs     // Charset
                ,$utmul     // Language
                ,$utmdt     // Page title
                ,$utmhid        // Random number (unique for all session requests)
                ,$utmp      // Pageview
                ,$utmac     // Google Analytics account
                ,$utmt      // Analytics type (event)
                ,$utmcc;        //Cookie related variables

        private $eventString;   // Internal structure of the complete event string

        public function __construct(){
            $this->utmhn = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];           // Host name (
            $this->utmcs = 'UTF-8';                         // Charset
            $this->utmul = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'];// Language 

        private function setCookieVariables(){
            $today =time();
            $this->utmcc =  '__utma=1.' .rand(10000000  ,99999999   )."00145214523" .
                            '.'         .rand(1000000000,2147483647 )               .
                            '.'         .$today.'.'.$today.'.15;+__utmz=1.'.$today.'.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none);';

        public function setEvent($category, $action, $label="", $value=""){
            $this->eventString = 
                "5(".((string) $category)."*".((string) $action).
                ($label             ? "*".((string) $label          ).")" : ")").
                ($this->eventValue  ? "(".((int)    intval($value)  ).")" : '' );

        //get data
        private function getCookieVariables(){  return $this->utmcc;                    }
        private function getEventString(    ){  return $this->eventString;              }
        private function getAnalyticsType(  ){  return $this->utmt;                     }
        private function getAccountId(      ){  return $this->utmac;                    }
        private function getPageView(       ){  return $this->utmp;                     }
        private function getVersion(        ){  return $this->utmwv;                    }
        private function getGetUniqueId(    ){  return $this->utmhid;                   }
        private function getCharset(        ){  return $this->utmcs;                    }
        private function getPageTitle(      ){  return $this->utmdt;                    }
        private function getLanguage(       ){  return $this->utmul;                    }
        private function getHostName(       ){  return $this->utmhn;                    }
        private function getRandomNumber(   ){  return mt_rand(100000000,999999999);    }

        //set data
        public  function setAccountId(      $accountId      ){  $this->utmac = $accountId;                      }
        public  function setPageView(       $pageView   ="" ){  $this->utmp  = $pageView;                       }
        public  function setCharset(            $charset    ="" ){  $this->utmcs = $charSet ?$charset :"UTF-8";     }
        public  function setLanguage(       $language   ="" ){  $this->utmul = $language?$language:"en-us";     }
        public  function setPageTitle(      $pageTitle  ="" ){  $this->utmdt = $pageTitle;                      }
        public  function setHostName(       $hostName   ="" ){  $this->utmhn = $hostName;                       }
        public  function setVersion(            $version    ="" ){  if($version) $this->utmwv = $version;           }
        private function setAnalyticsType(  $type       ="" ){  $this->utmt  = $type?$type:$this->defType;      }
        private function setUtmhid(                         ){  $this->utmhid= mt_rand(100000000,999999999);    }

        public function create(){
            if($this->getEventString()){    #Event
                $parameters = array(
                    'utmwv' => $this->getVersion(),
                    'utmn'  => $this->getRandomNumber(),
                    'utmhn' => $this->getHostName(),
                    'utmt'  => 'event',
                    'utme'  => $this->getEventString(),             
                    'utmcs' => $this->getCharset(),
                    "utmul" => $this->getLanguage(),
                #   "utmdt" => $this->getPageTitle(),
                    "utmhid"=> $this->getGetUniqueId(),
                #   "utmp"  => $this->getPageView(),
                    "utmac" => $this->getAccountId(),
                    "utmcc" => $this->getCookieVariables()
            } else {    #PageView
                $parameters = array(
                    'utmwv' => $this->getVersion(),
                    'utmn'  => $this->getRandomNumber(),
                    'utmhn' => $this->getHostName(),
                    'utmcs' => $this->getCharset(),
                    "utmul" => $this->getLanguage(),
                    "utmdt" => $this->getPageTitle(),
                    "utmhid"=> $this->getGetUniqueId(),
                    "utmp"  => $this->getPageView(),
                    "utmac" => $this->getAccountId(),
                    "utmcc" => $this->getCookieVariables()

            $c = curl_init();
            curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,      $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            if($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_REFERER,   $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
            curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
            curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL,            $this->beaconURL.'?'.http_build_query($parameters));
            #curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] );

            $o =  curl_exec($c);

            return $o;

Original issue reported on by antares500 on 21 Nov 2011 at 7:16

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
setEvent doesnt work in this revision but ius easy to fix:
($this->eventValue  ? "(".((int)    intval($value)  ).")" : '' ); 
is wrong, change to:
(intval($value) != 0    ? "(".((int)    intval($value)  ).")" : '' );

Original comment by on 23 Jan 2012 at 2:42