anteo / redmine_custom_workflows

Allows to create custom workflows for Redmine
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Adding a Note from time entry comment works on Edit Issue, not on Time Log #301

Open msm4311 opened 1 year ago

msm4311 commented 1 year ago

I need to save as issue note the Log Time comments field so I've created a Time Entry custom workflow on before saving:

if comments.present? issue.notes = comments end

This works if I enter time from edit link of an issue but it does nothing from Log Time link on same issue.

How can I make it work on both links?


picman commented 1 year ago

I think that you must use the journal:

issue.init_journal(User.current, 'Your notes')
msm4311 commented 1 year ago

I put on before saving observable object

if comments.present? issue.init_journal(User.current, comments) end

But I'm afraid it does nothing, neither on edit link nor Log Time link.

Any idea?

This is my environment:

Environment: Redmine version 4.2.4.stable Ruby version 2.6.9-p207 (2021-11-24) [x86_64-linux] Rails version Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 Database timezone CEST ActiveRecord timezone local App timezone UTC Mailer queue ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter Mailer delivery smtp SCM: Subversion 1.14.1 Git 2.35.1 Filesystem
Redmine plugins: custom_field_sql 2.5 custom_tables 1.0.6 periodictask 4.1.0 redhopper 2.0.0 redmine_activity_report 1.2.10 redmine_banner 0.3.4 redmine_closed_date 0.1.1 redmine_custom_workflows 2.0.3 redmine_dashboard 2.12.1 redmine_datetime_custom_field 1.0.4 redmine_issue_sla 2.0.0 redmine_more_filters 1.4.4 redmine_pivot_table 0.0.7 redmine_status_history 1.0.1 redmine_xlsx_format_issue_exporter 0.1.7

msm4311 commented 1 year ago

I tried also to put only your sugestion: issue.init_journal(User.current, 'Your notes') But when I try to save custom workflow I get this error: Workflow script executable before saving observable object contains error: undefined method `init_journal' for nil:NilClass

picman commented 1 year ago

From where do you take the object issue? Post your complete code.

msm4311 commented 1 year ago

Im sorry I don't know ruby, I define the before "saving observable object" on a custom workflow image

picman commented 1 year ago

Then it should be:

self.issue.init_journal(User.current, 'Your notes')
msm4311 commented 1 year ago

Thanks Picman but I've tried

if comments.present?
   self.issue.init_journal(User.current, comments)

and it saves workflow without errors but it does nothing on time from edit link of an issue nor from Log Time link.

picman commented 1 year ago
if comments.present?
   self.issue.init_journal(User.current, comments)!

works for me.

msm4311 commented 1 year ago

Your code:

if comments.present?
   self.issue.init_journal(User.current, comments)!

works on Log Time Link but not on Edit link on an issue.

My first code:

if comments.present?
   issue.notes = comments

is the opposite, works on Edit Link but not on Log Time Link on an issue.

Any idea? If not, is there any way of know in which of the links is executing the workflow to put both code?

lucascarvlima commented 3 months ago

I'm having the same problem... any idea?

I am using this code on an time_entry before saving script:

nota = ''
if new_record?
  nota = + ' - Tempo lançado: ' + hours.to_s + 'h no dia ' + spent_on.to_s + '.'
  if hours_was != hours
    nota = + ' - Tempo do dia ' + spent_on.to_s + ' editado: de ' + hours_was.to_s + 'h para ' + hours.to_s + 'h.'
    nota = ''

if !spent_on.blank? and nota != ''
   i = self.issue
   i.init_journal(User.find_by_id(1), nota)!

The idea is to save a journal when a time is logged/edited. It works perfectly when the time_entries page is used...

The problem is when the user wants to log a time_entry using the edit issue screen... when that happens, no journal is added, even tho the the time_entry is.

I tried this exception to check if the before_save script is being called when the user does that...

if !spent_on.blank? and nota != ''
   i = self.issue
   i.init_journal(User.find_by_id(1), nota)!
   raise RedmineCustomWorkflows::Errors::WorkflowError, nota

And the error shows that the variable nota has the correct value... the journal is just not added.

Is there a way to fix this? I tried to make a second script for the before_save of the issue, but I just can't figure out how to get the hours out of the form.