anteo / redmine_custom_workflows

Allows to create custom workflows for Redmine
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Change status based on custom field && current status #303

Open Salam5071 opened 1 year ago

Salam5071 commented 1 year ago

Hi all master!! I'm not a developer or programmer but this task assigned for me. I need your good help on his.

Attached is the flowchart for this project. GREEN colored words is can be manually assigned the status. BLUE colored words is to be automatically assigned the status when got decision selection.

Below is my code.

Check if "Further clarification needed?" AND issue status = Technical Spec Understanding

self.status_id = 37 if (custom_field_value(28) == 'Yes') && @issue.status_id==36

If Yes, issue status will be set into = Technical Spec Clarification

self.status_id = 38 if (custom_field_value(28) == 'No') && @issue.status_id==36

If No, issue status will be set into = Pending Development

Check if "Revise Technical Specification" AND issue status = Technical Spec Clarification

self.status_id = 39 if (custom_field_value(29) == 'Yes') && @issue.status_id==37

If Yes, issue status will be set into = Technical Specification Revise

self.status_id = 38 if (custom_field_value(29) == 'No') && @issue.status_id==37

If No, issue status will be set into = Pending Development

Check if "Resubmission Technical Specification" AND issue status = Technical Specification Revise

self.status_id = 36 if (custom_field_value(24) == 'Yes') && @issue.status_id==39

If Yes, issue status will be set into = Technical Spec Understanding

Check if "Approval 1st Level Code Review" AND issue status = Developer Code Review

self.status_id = 44 if (custom_field_value(30) == 'Yes') && @issue.status_id==42

If Yes, issue status will be set into = Project Team Lead Code Review

self.status_id = 43 if (custom_field_value(30) == 'No') && @issue.status_id==42

If No, issue status will be set into = Developer Revise Code Review

Check if ""Approval 2nd Level Code Review" AND issue status = Project Team Lead Code Review

self.status_id = 45 if (custom_field_value(31) == 'Yes') && @issue.status_id==44

If Yes, issue status will be set into = Check in to SVN

self.status_id = 46 if (custom_field_value(31) == 'No') && @issue.status_id==44

If No, issue status will be set into = Developer Revise Code Review

My Question:

  1. How to make the custom field value become blank again after the process is back to the previous status so that we can make the decision selection again?


dmakurin commented 1 year ago

I am not sure if understand your problem correctly but ActiveModel provides _was methods to access previous value of a filed. In your case self.status_id_was will be pointing to the previous status.

Wrap it into an if statement:

# Issue status was changed from 45 => 44
if self.status_id_changed? && self.status_id_was == 45 && self.status_id == 44
# do smth
Salam5071 commented 1 year ago
if self.status_id_changed? && self.status_id_was == 45 && self.status_id == 44
# do smth

Hi Dmakurin,

I've tested your advise, but still the same..

For simplify, I want to set the status automatically when user do the decision "Technical Specification Revise" = Yes or = No. As you can the flowchart below, there are looping. So when the status changed to Technical Spefication Review for 2nd time, the issue will automatically set the status into Technical Specification Revise again as the selection remain "Yes".

Example code.

set the status into "Technical Specification Revise" if field "Revise Technical Specification = Yes" && current status "Technical Spec Review"

self.status_id = 39 if (custom_field_value(29) == 'Yes') && @issue.status_id==31

set the status into "Technical Spec Assign" if field "Revise Technical Specification = No" && current status "Technical Spec Review"

self.status_id = 32 if (custom_field_value(29) == 'No') && @issue.status_id==31


qawsed55 commented 1 year ago

may be it will be useful as idea: add some version, that will up each round. If version become too high - make custom_field blank.