I, [2023-02-27T23:10:06.446639 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] = Running before_save custom workflows for Issue (#12008) "(207-1)ashraf"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:06.448139 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] == Running before_save custom workflow "ا"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:06.535963 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] == Running before_save custom workflow "2"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:06.536195 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] == Running before_save custom workflow "3"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:06.536316 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] == Running before_save custom workflow "4"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:06.536368 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] == Running before_save custom workflow "5"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:06.536904 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] == Running before_save custom workflow "tag"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:06.537683 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] == Running before_save custom workflow "555555555"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:10.404682 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] == Running before_save custom workflow "9999999"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:14.192162 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] = Finished running before_save custom workflows for Issue (#12008) "(207-1)ashraf"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:14.199228 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] = Running after_save custom workflows for Issue (#12008) "(207-1)ashraf"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:14.199837 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] == Running after_save custom workflow "1"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:14.200193 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] == Running after_save custom workflow "2"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:14.204435 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] = Finished running after_save custom workflows for Issue (#12008) "(207-1)ashraf"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:14.209123 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] = Running after_save custom workflows for Issue (#18232) " #18232: eeeeeeeee"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:14.210744 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] == Running after_save custom workflow "1"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:14.211039 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] == Running after_save custom workflow "2"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:14.214797 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] = Finished running after_save custom workflows for Issue (#18232) "دفعeee"
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:14.235322 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] Redirected to
I, [2023-02-27T23:10:14.238282 #14796] INFO -- : [08c5dd97-d93e-4da4-804d-015cef3c2963] Completed 302 Found in 8073ms (ActiveRecord: 398.7ms | Allocations: 3508291)
how i can know which one from custom workflow take long time??
why when execute the custom workflow given time for each one
its difficult to know which one need update to good performance
hi how i can know which one from custom workflow take long time?? why when execute the custom workflow given time for each one its difficult to know which one need update to good performance