Closed Hernan22 closed 11 months ago
I've restored the original functionality of the ability to use email templates. You can send such an email as follows:
Before script:
@var = new_record?
After script:
if @var && id
sbj = "[#{} - #{} ##{id}]"
sbj += " (#{})" if Setting.show_status_changes_in_mail_subject?
sbj += " #{subject}"
subject: sbj,
template_name: 'mailer/issue_add',
template_params: {
issue: self,
issue_url: Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.url_for(controller: 'issues', action: 'show', id: id, host: 'localhost:3000')
Could you test the functionality in the devel branch?
It works, thank you!
Hello, thank you all for the work done on the plugin.
I am trying to implement a ticket system in redmine, whereby the customer can create a ticket via email. I want the customer to receive a notification email when the issue is created. Redmine allows this if the option "I don't want to be notified of changes that I make myself" is unchecked, but this generates the inconvenience that all client actions, like notes, will be notified. With the plugin I can send an email notification only when the ticket is created, which is perfect, but I have problems customizing the email. I would like it to be the same as the notification that Redmine sends if the option is unchecked, is it possible to do this? I tried to use templates but was unsuccessful.
This is my code:
if new_record? @var = 1 end
if @var > 0 CustomWorkflowMailer.deliver_custom_email(, "[Ticket creado en #{@issue.project} ##{}]", "#{@issue.description}") end