antfarmar / Unity-3D-Asteroids

A simple Asteroids clone. In 3D.
The Unlicense
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TODO: Improve screen wrap quick implementation. #1

Closed antfarmar closed 8 years ago

antfarmar commented 8 years ago

ScreenWrapper.cs is the script component that screen wraps any GameObject it is attached to.

It is currently implemented as a slick hack using the OnBecameInvisible() Renderer message to determine when the object leaves the viewport, but it has issues:


Given these issues though, if you're not using shadows and have your scene view off or zoomed in slightly more than the game view when playtesting, you're pretty much good to go.

Also, see the wiki: Screenwrapping.

antfarmar commented 8 years ago

Algorithm has been slightly improved. Still using simple code.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Another subtle glitch occur when firing bullets at asteroids escaping screen wrap. Sometimes the renderers bounds are still within camera view but the colliders are not. This means an asteroid can escape into the corner of the screen and even if you shoot toward it, you won't hit. The bullets will wrap as they cross the screen edge, miss the asteroid, and overshoot it since it spawns on the other side of the screen. It is not a robust screen wrap solution. A slightly more improved solution would superimpose a second (or third, or fourth) asteroid on the other side of the screen so they never disappear into a "hidden zone".

In other words, when an asteroid starts to disappear out of screen, it should start to appear on the other side of the screen - you'd need two or more asteroids to achieve the effect - at least graphics and colliders for it since it has to exist on both ends at the same time.

antfarmar commented 8 years ago

Yeah it definitely needs improvement since it's buggy and inconsistent, clearly not production ready. (It's a nice little algorithm for quick prototyping though.)

Strangely, there's also not that many resources regarding this on the internet. Usually you can find some good pre-made solution, but most are similar to the one I used.

I think the only robust solution I found used 5 cameras, which provided wrapping continuity.

It's not a priority for me yet. I'm still focused on learning Unity, design patterns, and C#.

antfarmar commented 8 years ago

Might take another stab at this issue today.

How the @&%$ is there not already a ready made Component script for this common problem? Or even code in any language? There must be. Maybe it's time to brush up on my Google-fu too.


Pretty much the current implementation (the simple implementation):

The code:

Another possible approach: renderer.bounds

Use a collider spanning the screen to detect Trigger enter/exits:

If I were wanting to detect the edge of the screen to make a character wrap around or a bullet get destroyed when leaving the playfield, I would create an empty GameObject with a Collider attached and then use ViewportToWorld to scale the Collider to the correct size so that it exactly fills the screen. Then use OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerExit to detect enemies, bullets and other objects entering and exiting the screen.

Problem: Will need to rewrite/redesign Trigger/Collision events to handle this new collider.

antfarmar commented 8 years ago

Screenwrapping algorithm has been redesigned in commit 48b988d . It is so far stable, robust, and bug free. The code needs serious refactoring though.