antfarmar / Unity-3D-Asteroids

A simple Asteroids clone. In 3D.
The Unlicense
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What is a collaborators role in your project? #23

Closed ghost closed 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

As a collaborator, I am happy to join development of this exciting project.

As a collaborator, what is expected of me? How can I chip in without being an annoyance?

For me specifically, I would be interested in any of the 4 following activities:

What do you feel? If you feel any of the points above is redundant, let's drop them. The secondary bullet points are examples of things to consider - not hard rules. The point is to get something going which we both feel provide some value for the time spent. Also, no hard feelings if you want to try something out, later find out it's a nightmare to collab and want to cancel it. I want you to always feel you are in control, so please speak your frank mind.

Do you have other suggestions? What would you feel would be fun to do together?

antfarmar commented 8 years ago

How can I chip in without being an annoyance?

Don't worry about this. Feel free to speak your mind when and where you want. I'm easy.

You clearly have more experience with Unity\design\C# than I do, so I appreciate your feedback. This project just started out as a little experiment with no real expectations or firm end goal, so I'm figuring it out as I go along too. I'm just trying to document it all as it progresses.

But as I've said before, my original intention was to get a base playable game (with no real design), then constantly refactor it into different branches, each strictly focused on a specific design pattern (e.g. UnityEvents messaging). So ultimately there would be the exact same game on different branches, but each would be implemented differently, as it uses a different pattern implementation.

We'll see.