anthem-audio / anthem

A modern, multi-workflow digital audio workstation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Setup on Windows #26

Closed SecondFlight closed 1 year ago

SecondFlight commented 2 years ago

Here are steps I used to build Anthem on a fresh Windows VM. Most of the issues I had should be solved, but I've left the steps I used to solve them in case they're helpful.

  1. Get the Windows 11 evaluation VM from
  2. Update Visual Studio Community 2022 via the Visual Studio installer
  3. Add "Desktop Development with C++" via the Visual Studio installer
  4. Install Git
  5. Install VS Code with the Flutter and rust-analyzer extensions
  6. Install Rust toolchain via rustup-init.exe
  7. Install the Flutter SDK
  8. Install LLVM via winget install llvm
  9. Clone (the changes here have since been merged into /anthem-audio/anthem)
  10. Run flutter pub get (This step was added later after an issue occurred - see below)
  11. Run steps in scripts/setup.ps1
    1. cargo install cbindgen
    2. dart pub global activate ffigen
    3. cargo install flutter_rust_bridge_codegen
  12. Run scripts/build_engine.ps1
  13. Run scripts/bindgen.ps1
    1. This failed due to an error:
      1. Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml" in "C:\Users\User\Documents\Code\\hosted\pub.dartlang.org_fe_analyzer_shared-39.0.0".
    2. Try running flutter pub get, then retry the script
    3. This worked.
  14. Run scripts/watch.ps1
  15. Run flutter run
    1. This failed. There are two issues, both of which can be verified in VS Code:
      1. The watch command isn't outputting files
        1. This can be fixed:
          1. Kill the watch script
          2. flutter pub run build-runner clean, then
          3. flutter pub run build-runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
          4. Then, there may still be files that are missing codegen imports. My current hack to fix this is to run ./scripts/watch.ps1 again, then open each file that has this issue, press space, save, then backspace, then save.
      2. The bindgen script output a file that wasn't correct
        1. This was a package version issue. I've fixed it and pushed to my branch
    2. After fixing the error above, the command still failed.
      1. There's a git error, which has a suggestion for how to fix it: git config --global --add C:/Users/User/Documents/Code/anthem/build/windows/_deps/corrosion-src
    3. The build failed again, this time due to errors from bitsdojo.
      1. Tried running flutter pub upgrade for good measure.
      2. This fixed the issue.
SecondFlight commented 2 years ago

I forgot to put it in the list, but I had to set the Powershell execution policy to Unrestricted - see

SecondFlight commented 1 year ago

This process is now a lot simpler after removing Rust from the project. Readme update incoming soon with instructions.