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StrictHostKeyChecking prevents reverse ssh #80

Closed vallettea closed 8 years ago

vallettea commented 8 years ago

We lost the availability to tunnel through our sensors since last update. The problem is quite tricky:

1) We changed the pheromon master ip address to point to the linode instead of antM1 but we did not changed the .ssh/config so the updater doesn't work. 2) The tunnel should work with ssh -N -R 2200:localhost:22 sensorSSH@ip-addess but inside the machine the command hangs asking for a confirmation:

root@ant-b827eb250da8:~# ssh -N -R 2200:localhost:22 sensorSSH@ip-addess
The authenticity of host 'ip-addess(' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is ad:5a:b0:47:8:45:47:2f:85:be:90:2f:3a:97:33:8f.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

and the sensors exits with ssh timeout.