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Search for code on bitbucket is down, can't search code. #6

Open duaneking opened 6 years ago

duaneking commented 6 years ago

Really wish you used github so people can search the code without needing to clone it locally, as the bitbucket search is down again and so all attempts to look in the code (since the docs for them are so bad) and try to find out how things work for the scripting interfaces fail.

Google seems to think most of what I want to know is apparently on nodes in the wiki that have since been deleted, but the missing pages are linked to from everywhere... so that's what google gives me. My only option at this point is to look at the raw C++ code to figure out how to do what I want.. it's an absolutely terrible new FreeSWITCH developer experience.

TomasHubelbauer commented 6 years ago

Aside from search being frequently down, the whole site comes down every now and then (see #3). It's a miracle people are able to fetch the codebase most of the time.