anthony1x6000 / ROBLOX2016stylus

Stylish/stylus theme
MIT License
19 stars 6 forks source link

card and sidebar fixes #10

Closed aubymori closed 2 years ago

aubymori commented 2 years ago

cool fixes very funny sorry for large diff

anthony1x6000 commented 2 years ago

I'll look at this over the weekend, studying for a test rn.

anthony1x6000 commented 2 years ago

Edit: nvm I figured out how to quickly see changes (beautified my code and got rid of indents) For the [card and sidebar fixes commit ]( what lines should I be looking at? The difference between the two files makes it hard for me to go through. Another little request is if you could leave the code [unbeautified ]( (just so I can look through it easier). It's fine for this pull request thing but yea

anthony1x6000 commented 2 years ago

I added ur code idk if u gotta accept the merge on the fork or something but there'll be some notes @ line 13 explaining what I changed to the code