anthonyalfimov / Stable-Delay

AU, VST3. A WIP delay/chorus/flanger plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Pick between "Spread" and "Stereo Spread" parameter name #42

Closed anthonyalfimov closed 3 years ago

anthonyalfimov commented 3 years ago

Currently, the "Width" parameter has the range of [0, 100%]. This parameter controls the difference in modulation between left and right channels for Chorus, Flanger, and Delay modes, and the depth of modulation for Delay mode.

However, in plugins it is common for the "Stereo Width" parameter to collapse the output to mono at 0, keep it unchanged at 100%, and widen the output at values above 100%. Our current name and range do not follow this convention.

Possible solutions:

A. Keep the "Width" names but change the range to [100%, 200%].

B. Keep the range, but rename the parameter to "Spread".

Calling the parameter "Spread" feels more fitting for what it does, but it could be less clear?

SWONIC commented 3 years ago

Hm, maybe go with B but call it "Stereo Spread" ? I like how it works now...

anthonyalfimov commented 3 years ago

Adding "Stereo" will definitely make it clearer, but I also like having all labels be the same width.. "Stereo Spread" will need that one label to be wider. Since this is a UX / aesthetics question, I think I'll experiment with this after the final slider graphics are in place #44, and for now just change it to "Spread" and keep label width uniform.

There's also an option of adding tooltips for clarification. But the controls are so simple and straightforward I'm not sure it's worth it just for the "Stereo Spread".

anthonyalfimov commented 3 years ago

On hold until #44

anthonyalfimov commented 3 years ago

Most likely the two parameters on the "shelf" will be "Spread" and "Ducking" (#56), both as sliders. They should look symmetric, so in this case we'll have to go with just "Spread".

anthonyalfimov commented 3 years ago

The two "shelf" parameters will be "High Cut" #33 and "Spread", so we will not have enough space for "Stereo Spread".