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How to Pull #4

Open anthonyche opened 2 years ago

anthonyche commented 2 years ago

This is a Tutorial made by Haolai Che on 11/02/2021

This is about What is git Pull and How to use Git Pull

1. What is git pull?

Gitpull is used to fetch and merge changes from remote repo to local repo
Gitpull is combined with two commands: Git fetch followed by Git merge

2.How to use gitpull, make changes and push it back

pwd # Know where I am 
mkdir abc # making a directory
cd abc 
mkdir changes
cd changes
# Now we are in this local directory and we want to make "changes" our local repo

git init

<img width="560" alt="截屏2021-11-02 21 56 27" src="">

git pull #This is just an example , in reality you can use any ssh-keys

3.Now we have pulled the project from remote repo to Local repo, we can make some changes and push it back

#First we make some changes

git status

git add . 

git commit -m "changes made"    # I think -m is for message

git remote add origin

git remote -v

git push -u origin master
# master is the branch, the default is main

Now The push is done, we have pulled, and committed changes, and then pushed it back. Hooray !! 😄