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POSTER: As Strong As Its Weakest Link: How to Break Blockchain DApps at RPC Service #6

Open anthonyche opened 2 years ago

anthonyche commented 2 years ago

POSTER: As Strong As Its Weakest Link: How to Break Blockchain DApps at RPC Service

conduct a systematic measurement study on nine real-world RPC services which control most DApp clients’ connection to the Ethereum main net.


propose a novel measurement technique


based on orphan transactions

基于 orphan transaction // 区块链术语

to discover the previously unknown behaviors inside the BlackBox RPC services


all the nine services tested (as of Apr. 2020) are vulnerable to DoERS attacks


result in the service latency increased by 2.1X ∼ 50X


Some of these attacks require only a single request.


propose mitigation techniques against DoERS without dropping service usability,


DApp clients running inside web browsers send requests to a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service that translates the clients’ requests to cryptocurrency transactions or queries to a blockchain P2P network.
运行在web浏览器中的DApp客户端向远程过程调用(Remote Procedure Call, RPC)服务发送请求,该服务将客户端的请求转换为加密货币交易或查询到区块链P2P网络。

at least 63% of Ethereum based DApps use one RPC service [5].
It is important to note that DoS is known to pose a significant threat to the blockchain ecosystem
DoS攻击是对区块链生态的巨大威胁, RPC服务的去中心化程度没有区块链网络高,如果发生DoS攻击它可能成为一个单点故障,可能导致DApp系统崩溃

DoERS is different from other DoS attacks

First, it aims at disrupting the communication channel between a blockchain and its DApps by blocking third-party RPC services, not taking down the blockchain itself as the other attacks do. Second, our attack exploits a unique weakness – Gas-free contract execution on RPC-enabled Ethereum nodes, while existing DoS attacks seek under- priced instructions for attacking replicated smart-contract ex- ecution [24], [15], [9] or misusing mining mechanisms [23]

New Attack, New Understanding, Metigation
