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Update Accessibility Conformance Documentation #2026

Open adsbot[bot] opened 4 years ago

adsbot[bot] commented 4 years ago

!SQL Azure Data Studio;!A11y_AzureDataStudio;!A11yMAS;!A11yTCS;!A11YAAT

Recommendation: "Fix and close other bugs before starting accessibility conformance documentation. Any bug that will not be fixed and closed within SLA must be declared in the AAT. The SLA for this bug is also 60 days."

Link to the current AAT entry!/workflow/4c43cd0f-fac1-45ae-b3b7-ff36006d06e6

Update and Republish conformance documentation

adstestbot[bot] commented 4 years ago

Thanks for submitting this issue. Please also check if it is already covered by an existing one, like: