// Open loads and decodes an image from a file and returns it.
// Usage example:
// // Encode an image to a writer in PNG format,
// // returns an error if something went wrong
// img, err := Open("exampleName")
func Open(filename string) (image.Image, error) {
that comment describes Save, not Open..
// Resize returns a new image with its size adjusted to the new width and height. The filter
// param corresponds to the Resampling Filter to be used when interpolating between the sample points.
// Usage example:
// result := bild.Resize(img, 800, 600, bild.Linear)
func Resize(img image.Image, width, height int, filter ResampleFilter) *image.RGBA {
usage should be s/bild/transform/g
// Rotate returns a rotated image by the provided angle using the pivot as an anchor.
// Parameters angle is in degrees and it's applied clockwise.
// Default parameters are used if a nil *RotationOptions is passed.
// Usage example:
// // Rotate 90.0 degrees clockwise, preserving the image size and the pivot point at the top left corner
// result := bild.Rotate(img, 90.0, &bild.RotationOptions{PreserveSize: true, Pivot: &image.Point{0, 0}})
func Rotate(img image.Image, angle float64, options *RotationOptions) *image.RGBA {
same as above, and options now is ResizeBounds not PreserveSize
Here's a few I noticed.
that comment describes Save, not Open..
usage should be
same as above, and options now is ResizeBounds not PreserveSize