anthonypollos / 2023-Game-Design-Masters

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Bug: <Player tendril visual tracking issue> #56

Closed amacke1255 closed 3 months ago

amacke1255 commented 3 months ago

Bug Description

When throwing the tendril/before it grabs onto anything, the player will face towards the mouse position which looks visually weird. Need player to visually face towards the tendril target object.

Reproduction Steps

Load in any scene, throw tendril

Bug Frequency

Common and Consistent

Bug Importance

Unimportant, graphical or non-major



Desktop or Laptop?


If Laptop, was your laptop plugged in?

Plugged in

Editor or Build?


If Build, What Build?

No response

If Editor, What Branch?


If Editor, Most Recent Push

more work on new practice range, anthony 5/20

If Editor, Menu or Direct Load?


Every Time or First Load?

Every Time

Was the computer under heavy load?

Computer was NOT under heavy load

Anything else?

No response