anthonyshew / maestros
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Clarity for Prettier doc. #90

Open anthonyshew opened 9 months ago

anthonyshew commented 9 months ago

In my Prettier doc, I make it sound like you should put all the configuration at the root. Really, it should be put into a config workspace just like everything else and then brought up and out.

ketanMehtaa commented 3 months ago

first you told to add this config for root package.json, ---

                  [Add Prettier to your repo](
                  In your root package.json, you'll need to do two things:

                  Install prettier (and prettier-plugin-packagejson if you'd like to format those).
                  Add your formatting scripts.
                    "name": "my-project",
                    "version": "0.1.0",
                    "scripts": {
                      "format": "prettier . \"!apps/** !packages/** !tooling/**\" --check --cache --cache-location='node_modules/.cache/.prettiercache'",
                      "format:fix": "prettier . \"!apps/** !packages/** !tooling/**\" --write --cache --cache-location='node_modules/.cache/.prettiercache' --log-level=warn"
                    "devDependencies": {
                      "prettier": "^3.0.3",
                      "prettier-plugin-packagejson": "^2.4.3",
                      "turbo": "^1.10.13"

then in documentation last you told

                  [Run your format tasks.] (
                  With all of that ready to go, we're now ready to start our tasks!

                  In the root of our monorepo, we will create these scripts:

                    "scripts": {
                      "format": "turbo format --continue",
                      "format:fix": "turbo format:fix --continue"

what to write in root package.json is my confusion