anthonywebb / homebridge-cbus

CBus plugin for homebridge
MIT License
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Scenes #65

Closed peteroz12 closed 6 years ago

peteroz12 commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to have cbus scenes show up? maybe as a switch?

PhilPearson commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure what use this would be.

  1. Homekit itself supports the ability to create custom scenes.
  2. CBus scenes can be actuated through the use of 'scene triggers'.
DarylMc commented 6 years ago

@PhilPearson @anthonywebb Have you tried to use Homebridge to turn on a CBus scene trigger?

This is what CGate log shows when Homebridge sends command 761 cmd3 - Command: [160] on //OFFICE/254/202/1 766 cmd3 - Response: [145] 402 Operation not supported by: //OFFICE/254/202/1 (Parameter level not found)

This is CGate log from activating scene trigger at a key input. **#s# # trigger min //OFFICE/254/202/1 #sourceunit=4 OID=8f6fda30-a043-1035-a041-a4e6aef93f8d

s# # trigger max //OFFICE/254/202/1 #sourceunit=4 OID=8f6fda30-a043-1035-a041-a4e6aef93f8d**

PhilPearson commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I get the same thing. Seems cgate doesnt like you sending RAMP commands to the trigger application. Needs to be in the format of TRIGGER EVENT //OFFICE/254/202/1 n Where n = action selector

RickHOZ commented 6 years ago

Hi All, I am also trying to run some scenes that are currently set up on my Cbus Colour C-touch.

The reason is I have quite a cool effect (At least I think so) running in our display case in the lounge room.

See short video:

It does look better when it is darker Haha.

So it is really a very simple animation you can see, one set of lights ramps from 5% to 95% while the other set is ramping down from 95% to 5% and it's on a loop.

Would love some suggestions of how to activate from either Homkit through Cbus or Homekit through my ELKm1.

Thanks, everybody.

p.s. Phil, I'm seeing exactly the same thing when I tried it.

PhilPearson commented 6 years ago

@RickHOZ, unless you can trigger your scenes using the lighting application, you'll need to wait until someone has created a new 'scenes' accessory which, looking through the code, will require modification to at least the cgate client library.

RickHOZ commented 6 years ago

Hi Phil, Thanks. When you say through the lighting application are you meaning using the ELKM1 ?

Sorry, not sure what you mean. I know I am pushing it a bit, I can currently turn it on using the Ctouch panel, Just be nice to be able to use Home. Thanks


PhilPearson commented 6 years ago

In PICED (what you use to program the CTouch), you can change the 'Scene Trigger' Application to 'Lighting'. You'll get warnings about how this is not a good idea but if your careful and understand what they are warning about its all good. Not sure if this is something you can do without PICED though.

RickHOZ commented 6 years ago

Ok, I'll go into PICED and see what I can do worth giving it a try.

Thanks for the suggestion Phil.

PhilPearson commented 6 years ago

Well that wasn't as hard as I was expecting it to be. I've got scene triggers working here. Just need to tidy up the code and I'll submit an update.

RickHOZ commented 6 years ago

Hi Phil, wow, fantastic. I have been trying all sorts of things including the logic engine on the Colour Ctouch but it was certainly not a very nice work around. Look forward to getting my hands on the update. Have a great night.