anthonywong / rtl8723bs

Realtek 8723bs Linux WIFI driver (obsolete)
22 stars 13 forks source link

Project Status #9

Closed kousu closed 6 years ago

kousu commented 6 years ago

What's the relationship between this project and @hadess's copy has apparently been merged into kernel 4.12 and emptied as a result, but we're only up to kernel 4.11 so far so the driver is only in staging so far. Until 4.12, I want to know what codebase I should be using; currently I'm using @muhviehstah's copy (with minor build patches documented, perhaps uselessly I see now, at #7 and #8) and it is working (on ArchLinux), but I would like to know if someday soon I'll need to uninstall it or if I should go build @hadess's latest copy or maybe go get the (same?) code manually out of the linux tree

Also, do you know what is the relationship of these repostitories to rltwifi? rtlwifi supports a bunch of models including rtl8723ae and rtl8723be, but not, apparently, rtl8723bs; is that correct? Do you know if rtlwifi is getting merged into the kernel or is it going to remain an external codebase forever?

@anthonywong and @muhviehstah, would you update your README to include a warning if you're not anymore the latest source code? Especially @muhviehstah, since your fork is linked from the AUR.

Thank you for all your hard work everyone, getting this obscure chipset working.

muhviehstah commented 6 years ago

you should use hadess version, its good that it is merged into the kernel tree.

in the past i had some issues with the version of hadess, so i forked anthony's version and tried to fix issues with newer kernel versions

I have created 2 aur packages. r8723bs-git (hadess) & 8723bs-git (anthony). r8723bs-git will be obsolte now.

i have updated the pkgdesc of 8723bs-git with a warning and i will fix the build with newer kernels as soon i have some time. (pull requests are welcome)

kousu commented 6 years ago

I just pacman -Syu'd and got kernel 4.12, which at first gave me no wifi at all until I pacman -R 8723-git-dkms, and which now gives me

# dmesg
r8723bs: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned.
RTL8723BS: rtl8723bs v4.3.5.5_12290.20140916_BTCOEX20140507-4E40
RTL8723BS: rtl8723bs BT-Coex version = BTCOEX20140507-4E40

So good work getting this ready for upstream! I guess hadess's fork might still be useful for, say, Debian-stable people, but I am happy.

Thank you for the update on the details 👍

muhviehstah commented 6 years ago

ok maybe i should add kernel 4.12+ to "conflicts" in the PKGBUILD

thanks for the info