Open p-i- opened 1 week ago
Tool Use: str_replace_editor Input: {'command': 'str_replace', 'path': '/host/', 'old_str': '', 'new_str': '...blablabla...'}
Parameter old_str is required for command: str_replace
I encounter this error frequently. The problem is if the AI gets the error, it doesn't subsequently use the tool correctly, it tries a different approach.
Tool Use: bash Input: {'command': "cat > /host/ << 'EOL'...blablabla...EOL"}
And this times out, which is a SECOND problem.
So it has to try a THIRD approach.
Are you failing to make a distinction between '' and None ?
I encounter this error frequently. The problem is if the AI gets the error, it doesn't subsequently use the tool correctly, it tries a different approach.
And this times out, which is a SECOND problem.
So it has to try a THIRD approach.
Are you failing to make a distinction between