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Saw your To-Do list. #6

Closed DankBudd closed 7 years ago

DankBudd commented 8 years ago

Just give her aoe swap that deals damage. maybe something like 300/600/900 and short cd with scepter

Or if there's problems with swapping multiple units then buff up the current ultimate. Maybe make it add base damage to heroes in an aoe around her, or even globally. base damage because it would be amped by her vengence aura

I am actually making an autocasted version of melting strike already, i could make this.

Diellan commented 8 years ago

My plan for VS's ult was to leave it as the current single swap, but make it do AOE damage around both sides of the swap (kind of like Meepo's poof). I just haven't got around to doing it yet.

As for Forge Spirit, the problem is that I have to remake the summon (you can't override units, you have to replace them), which means digging into his entire ability set (so that Invoke will work right) via the Spell Library. It's a lot of work and room for bugs, though it will let me make some changes I want (like making Sun Strike no longer split damage, or Cold Snap into an aoe).

DankBudd commented 8 years ago

that idea for vengeful could work, but it kind of defeats the purpose of swapping. if it works like poof, you'd just run up to them before you swap to get the most damage.

and im kind of interested in the idea of 'remaking' an entire hero. im gunna look into invoker and see if it isnt too complicated for me. im gunna try to remake invoker, dont really care if you use the code, i just wanna learn.

DankBudd commented 8 years ago

invoker actually isnt that complicated, and from what i can see, you CAN replace the ability on his summon. forged_spirit:RemoveAbility("forged_spirit_melting_strike") forged_spirit:AddAbility("forged_spirit_melting_strike_datadriven") forged_spirit:FindAbilityByName("forged_spirit_melting_strike_datadriven"):SetLevel(1)

Diellan commented 8 years ago

The question is "where do you fire those functions from"?

DankBudd commented 8 years ago

sorry, i got tunnel vision when i saw those in the spell library and assumed there was a way to do something like local quas_level = caster:FindAbilityByName("quas_datadriven"):GetLevel() - 1 but with something like FindAbilityBySlot guess you do need to remake the summon

DankBudd commented 8 years ago

i pretty much forgot about this, but i remade invoker for horde like a week ago. tell me if you wanna use the code also tell me if there's other changes you want made

Sunstrike: now deals full damage to all targets in aoe

Cold Snap: applies in an aoe for some weird reason the stun isnt proc'd by custom modifiers dealing damage if WTF mode is on but i dont think that is a problem

Emp: now steals mana properly from creeps

Forge Spirit's Melting Strike: now targets all units i can change this to just heroes/creeps if you want

thats all the changes i made, other than fixing a few bugs in the spell librarys outdated version.

atm theres two problems in the code.

but i should have those fixed soon enough

EDIT: turns out, theres nothing in lua that you can use to change the base mana of a unit. only things i can think of to fix the mana issue is to