antiboredom / p5.vscode

A VS Code extension to generate new p5.js project files.
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Enable intellisense for subdirectories and allow ajustments to jsconfig.json #43

Open rvanswieten opened 2 years ago

rvanswieten commented 2 years ago

For a larger project, I want to include js files in subdirectories in jsconfig.json for intellisense purposes. However, jsconfig.json is reset to it's initial values after closing and opening the directory or restarting vscode. This does not happen if I disable the p5.vscode extension.

I have 2 suggestions:

  1. Do not write over jsconfig.json everytime vscode restarts or the directory is opened. Perhaps make this a setting.
  2. Include all subdirectories in jsconfig.json **/*.js. This way libraries/*.js doesn't have to be included separately.

Either solution would work for me. However, being able to make custom adjustments to jsconfig.json would be nice.

antiboredom commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thanks for flagging this. I’ll try to make an update in the next few days. The reason I’ve implemented the current behavior is to keep autocomplete working when the extension gets updated, but I think I have a way to do this without creating an issue with your use case…