antiboredom / videogrep

automatic video supercuts with python
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Keyerror: 'video_fps' #115

Closed makerGirl123 closed 1 year ago

makerGirl123 commented 1 year ago



Everytime I try and run this command it gives me either a keyerror: 'video_fps' error or Value error max(). I stopped getting the value error by adding the max clips option and increased the number of Creating Clips by including the negative padding, but I'm not sure how to just get it to work. I tried a different file and I tried converting the file to mp4 and it still wouldn't work. I am also using the transcribed json file from using vosk. Any ideas?

antiboredom commented 1 year ago

Hi! Videogrep won’t work on m4a files. It should work on the mp4… if you can send me that file I can try to debug.

makerGirl123 commented 1 year ago

It says the video is too large to upload directly, but I am getting the file from here since I got permission to use these for a project. Then I just use a conversion method to switch it to mp4. Specifically I have tried ep 24 and 28. Are they just too large of files maybe? Thanks for looking into it!

antiboredom commented 1 year ago

hi again - how did you convert to video? can you try something like this:

ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=c=black:s=100x100:r=5 -i INPUT.m4a -c:v libx264 -c:a copy -tune stillimage -shortest OUTPUT.mp4

(replace "INPUT.m4a" with whatever the audio file is named, and "OUTPUT" with whatever you want the video to be named)

makerGirl123 commented 1 year ago

I tried converting it your way and its working now! Thanks! I must've had a poor conversion.

antiboredom commented 1 year ago

glad to hear!