antiboredom / videogrep

automatic video supercuts with python
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Subtitles from freeview transport streams #12

Closed stuaxo closed 2 years ago

stuaxo commented 10 years ago

It would be good if it could extract these somehow, as it would make it super easy to capture stuff off the TV.

[Freeview is the UK digital tv standard (DVB-T), I think it's similar in other places tooo]

Some quick googling + I found this

Which seems like it might be able to extract subs from pretty much anything and convert to srt

antiboredom commented 10 years ago

Thanks! I'll take a look.

stuaxo commented 2 years ago

I guess the correct phrasing was subtitles from DVB transport streams

At some point I mean to connect my collection of raspberry pis and TV tuners and dump out all channels, not quite sure on the supercut possibilities !

antiboredom commented 2 years ago

I'm still interested in this but don't have time to take a look right now, or the ability to test - but if you figure something out please reopen the issue!